✅ The "extends": "plugin:userscripts/recommended" property in a configuration file enables this rule.
🔧 The
option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.
The align-attributes
rule verifies that the attributes are spaced out.
For readability when debugging and editing the userscript.
This rule has a number option which represents the spaces after the longest attribute name. Defaults to 2.
👍 Examples of correct code for this rule
/* eslint userscripts/align-attributes: "error" */
// ==UserScript==
// @updateURL example.com
// @downloadURL example.com
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint userscripts/align-attributes: ["error", 3] */
// ==UserScript==
// @updateURL example.com
// @downloadURL example.com
// ==/UserScript==
👎︎ Examples of incorrect code for this rule
/* eslint userscripts/align-attributes: "error" */
// ==UserScript==
// @updateURL example.com
// @downloadURL example.com
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint userscripts/align-attributes: ["error", 3] */
// ==UserScript==
// @updateURL example.com
// @downloadURL example.com
// ==/UserScript==
When you are not using userscripts or don't want to auto-align your attributes.