In some cases it can be interesting to get notified, if for a specific item a new comment was published on your website. The following example shows how to get this working.
In this example you can see the implementation in module wgGallery
you have to check whether there is a callback function defined or not
// Comment callback functions
$modversion['comments']['callbackFile'] = 'include/comment_functions.php';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['approve'] = 'wggalleryCommentsApprove';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['update'] = 'wggalleryCommentsUpdate';
if not please as the definition to xoops_version.php
You have to add the notification options, which you want to have. In wgGallery we have the option to get a notification of a comment
// Global Events Image commented
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'img_comment_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_comment_notify',
This event will be added by XOOPS itself. Therefore no action is required.
add the defines to your language file modinfo.php
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY', 'Notify me about new comments for images');
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about comments for images');
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about comments for an image');
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY', 'Notify me about new comments for images in this album');
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about comments for images in this album');
define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about new comment for an image');
In any case a comment is sent and approved xoops with call the callback function wggalleryCommentsApprove($comment) As a parameter you get the comment object with all necessary information Therefore we need only to add the call of notification handler
$helper = \XoopsModules\Wggallery\Helper::getInstance();
// send notifications
$imgId = $comment->getVar('com_itemid');
$imageObj = $helper->getHandler('Images')->get($imgId);
$albId = $imageObj->getVar('img_albid');
$tags = [];
$tags['IMAGE_NAME'] = $imageObj->getVar('img_name');
$tags['IMAGE_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') . '/images.php?op=show&img_id=' . $imgId . '&alb_id=' . $albId;
$tags['ALBUM_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') . '/albums.php?op=show&alb_id=' . $albId;
$notificationHandler = xoops_getHandler('notification');
$notificationHandler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'img_comment_all', $tags, [], $comment->getVar('com_modid'));
$notificationHandler->triggerEvent('albums', $albId, 'img_comment', $tags);
Add a notification template to language/english/mail_template (or in your language file directory). Use the name you defined in xoops_version.php (in our example: 'mail_template' => 'global_img_comment_notify',)
Thats all :)