Comment settings for the item. This function depends on d3forum module.
It has to be installed d3forum module and create forum before setting these options.
"Directory setting"
Set the directory name of d3forum used by comment function.
"Forum ID setting"
Set the forum ID made with d3forum.
Figure 4.9. "Item Comment"
Other settings:
Modify the last line of "xoonips_detail.html" by using the template editing function of altsys module.
Delete <{3 letters and the last 3 letters}> at the beginning.
Figure 4.10. Item Comment (Setting 2)
Figure 4.11. Item Comment (Setting - 3)
Enter the line below at the "Format for comment-integration" field (Item comment>>Forum Manager).
Figure 4.12. Item Comment (Setting - 4)
Now, comments can be added to an item on its "Detail" screen.