- Updates:
- Supported rainbow and gradients colors
- Fixed an issue that caused Bungee can not join
- Added withdraw message feature
- Supported DiscordSRV
- Supported forward longer plugin messages
- Added a feature that automatically delete logs
- Upgrade cloud thesaurus feature
- Upgrade control panel feature
- Optimized permission nodes and file listener
- Updates:
- Since 2021.9.13
- Updates:
- Default colors supported HEX colors
- Configuration files supported gradient colors
- Supported vanilla social system
- Optimized message forwarding for Bungee and Velocity
- Fixed 1.17 delay exception issue
- This version maintained by ItsFlicker
- tips: Anti-TabComplete permission for 1.13+ is: trchat.bypass.tabcomplete
- Since 2021.9.11
- Updates:
- Remake channel feature (support custom channels)
- Remake chat internal events
- Fixed a serious bug of private chat
- Optimized code related to NMS and OBC
- Upgrade Script module
- Fixed some compatibility bugs
- Since 2021.8.27
- Updates:
- Update TabooLib to release 6.0.0
- Add mirror feature (/trchat mirror)
- Enhanced requirement feature
- Fixed a bunch of bugs
- Optimized performance
- Since 2021.8.22
- Updates:
- Supported Velocity
- Fixed ORIGIN-NAME not taking effect in the previous version
- Since 2021.8.19
- Updates:
- Fixed the color permission of forced chat that does not take effect
- Supported 'formats' and 'function' replacement priority
- Fix an error reported when showing air
- Added the option to show or not show the name of the item changed with the anvil when showing it (ORIGIN-NAME: false)
- Message suffix support when not in private chat (suffix)
- Edited BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING in the language file (Not available in lower versions)
- Optimize the motd on plugin startup (感谢 @Tontto )
- Fixed the invalid AT in the previous version
- Supported all JSON HEX colors
- Supported JSON copy to clipboard action (copy)
- Dynmap chat support
- Since 2021.8.15
- Updates:
- Update TabooLib to 6.0.0-pre45
- Main code rewritten in kotlin
- Flattened language files, optimized some nodes
- Supported 1.17
- Supported 1.16 HEX color codes (perm: trchat.color.*)
- ^
eg: &{#FFFFFF}
- Added ignore feature (/ignore)
- Fixed js execution for Java16
- Fixed the sensitive word filter
- Fixed the log system
- Optimized Configurations
- Fixed packet sending listener in 1.17
- Fixed the inability to show items with PublicBukkitValues tags
- Added GlobalShoutEvent
- Since: 2020.1.15
- Updates:
- Added en_US locale as default
- Update TabooLib to 5.14
- Fixed a error in v1.62
- R2
- Fixed item-display can not get the local item name
- Added Command Controller, white/black list for commands
- ^ Support regex, arguments ignore, bypass permission and TLocale response
- ^ (Please refer to the new version and manually update the settings)
- R3
- Command Controller will now check aliases of command
- Fixed a variable issue in function.yml
- R4
- Fixed small bugs
- Added anti-tab for 1.13+, bypass permission