Gene Contains the Link set stuff for browse - this makes the gene id needlessly complex
AREMbeddedArtworkVC POTENTIALLY CREAKY HACK - Headers. Fix by adding an ORStackView to the top of the embedded VC!
ArtsyAPI the whole Browse section is pretty hacky the ARRouter needs docs! Naming of things around the concept of favouriting
Show Feed Progress dots aren't the right size Height for the hero units is based on two values when it should be one
Artwork Deleting all subviews before layout Tap gesture on artist name
Artist YOLO'd all over the switch. It's not re-usable at all anywhere else. Manual positioning for many many views.
Flow Layout Only bothered with the 2 columns
Misc ARShadowView should die
Martsy Forces http, not https
ARTextView Paragraph / line spacing is a hack
ARUserManager DRY
-- Robb feedback
Parallax: Have VC that is the root of the app, that contains a header view, and that controls buttons and nav buttons. This negates the need for a scrollcheif. Can add an ar_rootNavController etc. Only way to get smooth and catch all edge cases. E.g. the show feed headers could be a
ORStackView: leaks FLKAutoLayout be more view controller friendly ORStackViewController (deferring view will appear etc could work) addvc with title
Avoid if (! foo)
bang space
Interactive transitions: don't translate to something with a header overall from the parallax, but centralizing will mean that they all can work again. perhaps artwork zoom back interactive rotation of artwork VIR could be a nice zoom via the transitions for rotation
Model layer: constants being used once. no point in the router indirection base model that can bootstrap by an ID, can have consistent API like update. Could be possible to drop promises then.
Network: cleanup the network API, like making the feeds async, it's done outside of the network model looks at libraries, look at octokit. robb advises prefixes in model classes some APIS take ID strings, other takes model objects. Could be unified if there's a base model. caching? local cache, get cache first then re-run with network layer.
ARSwitchBoard should return controllers, not doing the pushing itself, this also is easier re: parallax nav async view controllers are a problem - could be a quantum view controller pattern for doing this.
Overall things hidden in things martsy: get an API that accepts a URL, it should respond with the model object or nil if noth