{isConnected ? : }
diff --git a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/locales/en.po b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/locales/en.po
index 64453d25c..1d583f877 100644
--- a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/locales/en.po
+++ b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/locales/en.po
@@ -13,102 +13,110 @@ msgstr ""
"Language-Team: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:193
-msgid "Aave WSTETH Held Value Header"
-msgstr "aWSTETH Balance"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:196
-msgid "Aave WSTETH Held Value Tooltip"
-msgstr "Aave v3 WSTETH account balance."
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:147
+msgid "100,000 USDS in <0>Weekly Rewards0> for users going from Ethereum to Solana!"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:207
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:225
msgid "Accrued Rewards Header"
-msgstr "Accruing OP Rewards"
+msgstr "Accruing USDS Rewards"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:210
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:228
msgid "Accrued Rewards Tooltip"
-msgstr "The estimated amount of OP you have earned that has not been paid out."
+msgstr "The estimated amount of USDS you have earned that has not been paid out."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:290
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:314
msgid "Bottom Banner Header"
msgstr "How rewards work?"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:300
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:324
msgid "Bottom Banner Link"
msgstr "Learn more"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:179
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:203
msgid "Bridged Header"
-msgstr "Total WSTETH bridged"
+msgstr "Total USDS bridged"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:182
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:206
msgid "Bridged Window Tooltip"
-msgstr "The total amount of WSTETH you bridged in via Wormhole."
+msgstr "The total amount of USDS you bridged in via Wormhole."
-#: src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx:15
+#: src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx:12
msgstr "Connect Wallet"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:147
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:171
msgid "Connected Dashboard Header"
-msgstr "My OP Rewards"
+msgstr "My USDS Rewards"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:133
-msgid "Connected Dashboard Subtitle"
-msgstr "Get up to 5% rewards by bridging your WSTETH to Optimism"
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:149
+#~ msgid "Connected Dashboard Subtitle"
+#~ msgstr "Get up to 5% rewards by bridging your USDS to Solana"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:122
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:136
msgid "Connected Dashboard Title"
-msgstr "OP Rewards Dashboard"
+msgstr "USDS Rewards Dashboard"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:262
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:286
msgid "Disconnect Wallet Dashboard Subtitle One"
-msgstr "Claim OP rewards by bridging your WSTETH to Optimism."
+msgstr "Bridge Sky's new USDS to Solana to earn rewards."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:265
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:289
msgid "Disconnect Wallet Dashboard Subtitle Two"
-msgstr "Supporting Aave and Exactly WSTETH deposits."
+msgstr "Hold USDS or deposit into Kamino to qualify."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:258
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:282
msgid "Disconnect Wallet Dashboard Title"
-msgstr "Optimism WSTETH Rewards Dashboard"
+msgstr "Solana USDS Rewards Dashboard"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:224
-msgid "Estimated Rewards Header"
-msgstr "Total Projected Rewards"
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:255
+msgid "Est Hourly Rewards per USDS"
+msgstr "Est Hourly Rewards per USDS"
#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:199
-msgid "Exactly WSTETH Held Value"
-msgstr "eWSTETH Balance"
+#~ msgid "Exactly USDS Held Value"
+#~ msgstr "Kamino USDS Balance"
#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:202
-msgid "Exactly WSTETH Held Value Tooltip"
-msgstr "Exactly WSTETH account balance."
+#~ msgid "Exactly USDS Held Value Tooltip"
+#~ msgstr "Exactly USDS account balance."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:168
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:192
msgid "Hide Number Text"
msgstr "Show Numbers"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:230
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:248
msgid "History of Rewards Earned Header"
-msgstr "Total OP Earned"
+msgstr "Total USDS Earned"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:234
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:252
msgid "History of Rewards Earned Tooltip"
-msgstr "A minimum of 1 OP will be paid out. Outstanding rewards below 1 OP will roll over to the next week."
+msgstr "A minimum of 1 USDS will be paid out. Outstanding rewards below 1 USDS will roll over to the next week."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:168
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:217
+msgid "Kamino USDS Held Value Header"
+msgstr "Kamino USDS Balance"
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:220
+msgid "Kamino USDS Held Value Tooltip"
+msgstr "Kamino USDS account balance."
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:192
msgid "Show Number Text"
msgstr "Hide Numbers"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:218
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:236
msgid "Staking Power Header"
-msgstr "Total WSTETH Bridged"
+msgstr "Total USDS Bridged"
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:209
+msgid "USDS Held Header"
+msgstr "USDS Balance"
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:185
-msgid "WSTETH Held Header"
-msgstr "WSTETH Balance"
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:212
+msgid "USDS Held Window Tooltip"
+msgstr "The amount of USDS held in your account."
-#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:188
-msgid "WSTETH Held Window Tooltip"
-msgstr "The amount of WSTETH held in your account."
+#: src/layouts/DashboardLayout.tsx:242
+msgid "Weekly Rewards Header"
+msgstr "Weekly Rewards Pool"
diff --git a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/main.tsx b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/main.tsx
index 966f17a4b..96f93cab1 100644
--- a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/main.tsx
+++ b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/main.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
-import App from "./App.tsx";
import "./index.css";
+import AppWithReownInjected from "./providers/Web3Provider";
diff --git a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/Web3Provider.tsx b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/Web3Provider.tsx
index 23305d8cb..cc7688e4c 100644
--- a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/Web3Provider.tsx
+++ b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/Web3Provider.tsx
@@ -1,76 +1,38 @@
-import { walletConnectProvider } from "@web3modal/wagmi";
-import { createWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";
-import { jsonRpcProvider } from "wagmi/providers/jsonRpc";
-import { WagmiConfig, configureChains, createConfig } from "wagmi";
-import { publicProvider } from "wagmi/providers/public";
-import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from "wagmi/connectors/coinbaseWallet";
-import { InjectedConnector } from "wagmi/connectors/injected";
-import { WalletConnectConnector } from "wagmi/connectors/walletConnect";
-import {mainnet, optimism} from "@gfxlabs/oku-chains";
-import { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
-const CHAINS_LIST = [optimism, mainnet];
+import { createAppKit } from "@reown/appkit/react";
+import { SolanaAdapter } from "@reown/appkit-adapter-solana/react";
+import { solana, solanaTestnet, solanaDevnet } from "@reown/appkit/networks";
+import {
+ PhantomWalletAdapter,
+ SolflareWalletAdapter,
+} from "@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets";
+import App from "../App";
+// const CHAINS_LIST = [optimism, mainnet];
+const solanaWeb3JsAdapter = new SolanaAdapter({
+ wallets: [new PhantomWalletAdapter(), new SolflareWalletAdapter()],
const envProjectId = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID;
const projectId = envProjectId ? envProjectId : "dummy-wc-key";
const metadata = {
- name: "Wormhole WSTETH rewards ",
- description: "Wormhole WSTETH Rewards",
+ name: "Wormhole USDS rewards",
+ description: "Wormhole USDS Rewards",
url: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_DOMAIN || "portalbridge.com",
icons: [`https://portalbridge.com/favicon.ico`],
-const theseChains = [...CHAINS_LIST];
-const { chains, publicClient, webSocketPublicClient } = configureChains(
- theseChains,
- [
- jsonRpcProvider({
- rpc: (chain) => {
- const a = {
- [optimism.id]: {
- http: "https://rpc.ankr.com/optimism",
- },
- }[chain.id];
- return a ? a : null;
- },
- }),
- walletConnectProvider({
- projectId,
- }),
- publicProvider(),
- ],
- { pollingInterval: 10_000 }
-const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
- autoConnect: true,
- connectors: [
- new WalletConnectConnector({
- chains,
- options: { projectId, showQrModal: false, metadata },
- }),
- new InjectedConnector({ chains, options: { shimDisconnect: true } }),
- new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
- chains,
- options: { appName: metadata.name },
- }),
- ],
- publicClient,
- webSocketPublicClient,
- wagmiConfig,
+ adapters: [solanaWeb3JsAdapter],
+ networks: [solana, solanaTestnet, solanaDevnet],
+ metadata: metadata,
- chains,
- themeVariables: {
- "--w3m-accent": "#fff",
- "--w3m-color-mix": "rgb(0,0,0,0.8)",
- "--w3m-color-mix-strength": 25,
- "--w3m-border-radius-master": "1px",
+ features: {
+ analytics: true, // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration
-export const Web3Provider = (props: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => {
- return
+export default function AppWithReownInjected() {
+ return
diff --git a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/index.tsx b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/index.tsx
index a2ce5d141..985050a55 100644
--- a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/index.tsx
+++ b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/providers/index.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { LocaleProvider } from "./LocaleProvider";
-import { Web3Provider } from "./Web3Provider";
import { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ export const AppProvider = (props: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => {
- {children}
+ {children}
diff --git a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx
index 6c24bd9c1..d024ccfa9 100644
--- a/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx
+++ b/apps/rewards-dashboard/src/quarks/WalletManager.tsx
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-import { useWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";
+import { useAppKit, useAppKitAccount } from "@reown/appkit/react";
import { t } from "@lingui/macro";
-import { useWalletInfo } from "../hooks/useWalletInfo";
export const WalletManager = () => {
- const { isConnected, ensName, address, blockie } = useWalletInfo();
- const { open } = useWeb3Modal();
+ const { isConnected, address } = useAppKitAccount();
+ const { open } = useAppKit();
const text = isConnected
- ? ensName
- ? truncateEns(ensName)
- : address
- ? truncateAddr(address)
- : ""
+ ? address
+ ? truncateAddr(address)
+ : ""
return (
- {blockie ? (
- ) : (
- )}
@@ -53,15 +47,7 @@ const LightningIcon = () => {
-const truncateEns = (x?: string) => {
- if (x) {
- if (x.length > 8) {
- return x.slice(0, 8) + "...";
- }
- return x;
- }
- return "";
const truncateAddr = (x?: string) => {
if (x) {
if (x.length > 10) {