diff --git a/packages/components/src/range-control/stories/index.js b/packages/components/src/range-control/stories/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c78038fea608b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/components/src/range-control/stories/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import { number, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import RangeControl from '../';
+export default { title: 'RangeControl', component: RangeControl };
+const RangeControlWithState = ( { ...props } ) => {
+ const [ value, setValue ] = useState( 5 );
+ return (
+ );
+export const _default = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ return (
+ );
+export const withHelp = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ const help = text( 'Help Text', 'Please select the number of columns you would like this to contain.' );
+ return (
+ );
+export const withMinimumAndMaximumLimits = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ const min = number( 'Min Value', 2 );
+ const max = number( 'Max Value', 10 );
+ return (
+ );
+export const withIconBefore = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ const icon = text( 'Icon', 'wordpress' );
+ return (
+ );
+export const withIconAfter = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ const icon = text( 'Icon', 'wordpress' );
+ return (
+ );
+export const withReset = () => {
+ const label = text( 'Label', 'How many columns should this use?' );
+ return (
+ );