Releases: WoosterTech/Quest-Tools
Attempting Release Ready
Major changes to how things are installed, using INI file for a few things.
Hoping to release this out of beta soon, please report any issues!
Only changes status in Teams, not 3CX (since that's being ignored for the time being)
New installer (NSIS vs. Advanced Installer)
Should allow much more flexibility going forward using a free/open source installation tool.
handles themes better (End Call button is different color)
Should be more reliable with light and dark themes, but also, color is adjustable from INI file.
Only Quick Status Change is changed
INI file to allow for some customization
If you are having issues with things not updating correctly, try adjusting the values in %APPDATA%\Quest Integration\QI Tools.ini. # is the comment symbol. The worst offender seems to be Teams, so adjust the teamsSleep value to a larger number to see if that resolves the issue. You'll have to restart the script to make that work.
Supports 3CX status changes!!!
no change to Window Switching
All scripts in one spot - DOESN'T HANG UP ON CALLERS
No longer splitting up scripts into different locations. All scripts in one repo with one installer.
Removed reference to HipChat in naming, though it still supports HipChat.
3CX status change would hang up on callers, doesn't do that anymore.
Works even if text is selected in HipChat
Uses a very hacky method to clear selected text, but it seems to work fairly reliably.
Add support for 3CX in Window Switching scripts
Does not change status in 3CX (yet).
No changes to HipChat Scripts.
Use "brb" instead of "away"
For "/away back ~" and "/away PM Me" type HipChat calls, use "/brb" in Teams.
Better code; faster app switching
This release changes the functions of the switching. No longer errors if the application isn't open.
Now it will only switch back to previous app after updating status in both apps