This should only be needed if there are files being transferred via an external ftp site. Files hosted at the Lattice S3 storage will not need to be downloaded between S3 and GCP, so can be done on your local machine.
Create a new spot instance from the checkfiles template
aws ec2 run-instances --launch-template LaunchTemplateName=checkfiles
Identify the Public DNS for the instance and ssh to instance
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=image-id,Values=ami-0e4035ae3f70c400f --query Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PublicDnsName] --output text
ssh -i lattice_ec2.pem ec2-user@<Public DNS>
Mount the storage device to the instance
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme1n1 ; sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /mnt ; sudo chown ec2-user /mnt ; cd /mnt
Install python and necessary modules
sudo yum install python3
sudo pip3 install requests Pint google-api-python-client google-cloud-storage crcmod boto3 pandas jsonschema
Define 3 variables for Lattice db permissions
export PROD_KEY=<> ; export PROD_SECRET=<> ; export PROD_SERVER=
Copy 4 files from your local lattice-tools clone to the instance
scp -i lattice_ec2.pem ec2-user@<Public DNS>:/mnt
Copy DCP_mods directory your local lattice-tools clone to the instance
scp -i lattice_ec2.pem -r DCP_mods/ ec2-user@<Public DNS>:/mnt
Copy the GCP credentials json file from your local computer to the instance
scp -i lattice_ec2.pem gcp_creds.json ec2-user@<Public DNS>:/mnt
If you will be checking files hosted in the Lattice S3 storage, create directory to hold AWS credentials & set your variables to the location of the AWS & GCP credentials
mkdir .aws
export ; export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/mnt/gcp_creds.json
... and copy credentials from your local machine to the instance
scp -i lattice_ec2.pem ~/.aws/credentials ec2-user@<Public DNS>:/mnt/.aws
Run the script on a given Dataset
python3 -m prod -d <dataset_identifier>
Once that is complete and all file transfers are completed, run validation on the staging area (in a python 3.8 environment)
python -s gs://broad-dsp-monster-hca-prod-lattice/staging/<project_id>