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271 lines (246 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

271 lines (246 loc) · 13.7 KB


0.4.1 (2016-03-08)

  • Fixed: Remove usage of deprecated Twig function form_enctype & replace with usage of form_start/form_end,
  • Fixed: Mark as not fully compatible with Symfony ~3.0,
  • Fixed: Multiple firewalls can now have different resource owners,
  • Fixed: Wrong URL generated for Safesforce resource owner,
  • Added: include_email option into Twitter resource owner,
  • Added: Hungarian translation,
  • Added: Documentation about FOSUser integration

0.4.0 (2015-12-04)

  • [BC break] Added UserResponseInterface#getFirstName() method, also a new default path firstname was added, this path holds the first name of user,
  • [BC break] Added UserResponseInterface#getLastName() method, also a new default path lastname was added, this path holds the last name of user,
  • [BC break] Added UserResponseInterface::getOAuthToken() & basic implementation in AbstractUserResponse,
  • [BC break] GenericOAuth1ResourceOwner::getRequestToken() is now public method (was protected),
  • Added: configuration parameter firewall_name (will be removed in next major version) renamed to firewall_names to support multiple firewalls,
  • Added: configuration parameter: failed_auth_path which contains route name, on which user will be redirected after failure when connecting accounts (i.e. user denies connection),
  • Added: appsecret_proof functionality support to the Facebook resource owner,
  • Added: sandbox functionality support to the Salesforce resource owner,
  • Added Auth0 resource owner,
  • Added Azure resource owner,
  • Added BufferApp resource owner,
  • Added Deezer resource owner,
  • Added Discogs resource owner,
  • Added EveOnline resource owner,
  • Added Fiware resource owner,
  • Added Hubic resource owner,
  • Added Paypal resource owner,
  • Added Reddit resource owner,
  • Added Runkeeper resource owner,
  • Added Slack resource owner,
  • Added Spotify resource owner,
  • Added Soundcloud resource owner,
  • Added Strava resource owner,
  • Added Toshl resource owner,
  • Added Trakt resource owner,
  • Added Wechat resource owner,
  • Added Wordpress resource owner,
  • Added Xing resource owner,
  • Added Youtube resource owner,
  • Fixed: Revoking tokens for Facebook & Google resource owners,
  • Fixed: Instagram allows only GET calls to fetch user details,
  • Fixed: ResourceOwnerMap no longer depends on deprecated ContainerAware class,
  • Fixed: Wrong usage of json_decode in resource owner,
  • Fixed: Transform storage exceptions in OAuth1 resource owners into AuthenticationException
  • Fixed: Default scopes & fields for VKontakte resource owner

0.3.9 (2015-08-28)

  • Fix: Remove deprecated Twig features
  • Fix: Undefined variable in FOSUBUserProvider::refreshUser
  • Fix: Restore property accessor for Symfony 2.3

0.3.8 (2015-05-04)

  • Fix: Remove BC break for Symfony < 2.5,
  • Fix: Compatibility issues with Symfony 2.6+,
  • Fix: Deprecated graph URLs for FacebookResourceOwner

0.3.7 (2014-11-15)

  • Fix: SessionStorage::save() could throw php error,
  • Fix: OAuthToken::isExpired() always returned false,
  • Fix: FoursquareResourceOwner, TwitchResourceOwner, SensioConnectResourceOwner not working with bearer header,
  • Fix: Don't use deprecated fields in FacebookResourceOwner,
  • Fix: FOSUBUserProvider::refreshUser() always returning old user,

0.3.6 (2014-06-02)

  • Fix: InstagramResourceOwner regression while getting user details,
  • Fix: Add smooth migration for session (de)serialization

0.3.5 (2014-05-30)

  • Fix: LinkedinResourceOwner regression while getting user details,
  • Fix: OAuth revoke functionality to be available wider,
  • Fix: Removed undocumented functionality from SinaWeiboResourceOwner,
  • Fix: Always remove default ports from URLs to match OAuth 1.0a, Spec: 9.1.2

0.3.4 (2014-05-12)

  • Fix: Instagram OAuth redirect to one url,
  • Fix: FOSUBUserProvider should also implement UserProviderInterface,
  • Fix: YahooResourceOwner infos_url to use new format,
  • Fix: Send authorization via headers instead of URL parameter,
  • Fix: GithubResourceOwner revoke method,
  • Fix: Add login routing documentation note

0.3.3 (2014-02-17)

  • Fix: Incorrect redirect URL when no parameters are set,
  • Fix: Add missing parameter prompt for GoogleResourceOwner,
  • Fix: WordpressResourceOwner user details API call,
  • Fix: PHP Notice when oauth_callback_confirmed was set too false,
  • Fix: PHP Fatal when session returns boolean instead of object,
  • Fix: Add missing query parameters for FacebookResourceOwner

0.3.2 (2014-02-07)

  • Fix: Prevent SessionUnavailableException when returns back from service,
  • Fix: EntityUserProvider should implement UserProviderInterface,
  • Fix: createdAt property was missing when serializing the OAuthToken,
  • Added Italian translations

0.3.1 (2014-01-17)

  • Fix: Change Twitter API call to use SSL URL,
  • Fix: Problems with options in VkontakteResourceOwner,
  • Fix: Problems with OAuth 1.0a token & YahooResourceOwner,
  • Fix: Throw exception in FOSUBUserProvider when username is missing
  • Added SalesForce resource owner

0.3.0 (2013-09-28)

  • [BC break] AccountConnectorInterface::connect() method now requires the first parameter to be instance of Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface
  • [BC break] ConnectController::authenticateUser() method now requires the first parameter to be instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
  • [BC break] Removed AbstractResourceOwner::addOptions() method
  • [BC break] OAuthUtils::getAuthorizationUrl() & OAuthUtils::getLoginUrl() methods now expect first parameter to be instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
  • [BC break] LinkedIn resource owner now uses OAuth2 approach, visit official web page for details how to migrate:
  • [BC break] Dropbox resource owner now uses OAuth2 approach
  • Added ability to merge response parts into single path
  • Added Bitly resource owner
  • Added Box resource owner
  • Added Dailymotion resource owner
  • Added DeviantArt resource owner
  • Added Eventbrite resource owner
  • Added resource owner
  • Added Sina Weibo resource owner
  • Added resource owner
  • Added Trello resource owner
  • Added Wordpress resource owner

0.3.0-alpha2 (2013-07-29)

  • [BC break] Added ResourceOwnerInterface::isCsrfTokenValid() method
  • [BC break] Removed OAuth1RequestTokenStorageInterface along with the implementations
  • [BC break] AbstractResourceOwner::__construct() now requires RequestDataStorageInterface instance as last argument
  • Fix: Yandex resource owner using invalid parameter when requesting user data
  • Fix: To prevent unusual content headers response from resource owners should be first threaten as json and only in case of failure threaten as query text
  • Fix: Instagram resource owner is not able to receive user data more than once
  • Added ability to disable confirmation page when connecting accounts
  • Added CSRF protection for OAuth2 providers (turned off by default)
  • Added RequestDataStorageInterface along with implementation
  • Added Stereomood resource owner

0.3.0-alpha1 (2013-07-03)

  • [BC break] GenericOAuth2ResourceOwner::getAccessToken() now returns an array instead of a string. This array contains the access token and its 'expires_in' value, along with any other parameters returned from the authentication provider
  • [BC break] Added OAuthAwareExceptionInterface#setToken(), OAuthAwareExceptionInterface#getRefreshToken(), OAuthAwareExceptionInterface#getRawToken(), OAuthAwareExceptionInterface#getExpiresIn() methods
  • [BC break] Renamed AbstractResourceOwner::doGetAccessTokenRequest to doGetTokenRequest
  • [BC break] Removed AdvancedPathUserResponse & AdvancedUserResponseInterface
  • [BC break] Added UserResponseInterface#getEmail(), UserResponseInterface#getProfilePicture(), UserResponseInterface#getRefreshToken(), UserResponseInterface#getExpiresIn(), UserResponseInterface#setOAuthToken() methods
  • [BC break] Removed UserResponseInterface::setAccessToken() method
  • [BC break] Removed AbstractUserResponse::getOAuthToken() method because it was ambiguous
  • [BC break] PathUserResponse#setPaths() method no longer overwrite default paths
  • [BC break] PathUserResponse#getPath() method no longer throws an exception if path not exists
  • [BC break] PathUserResponse#getValueForPath() removed second argument from this method, it will not throw exception anymore if response or value is missing, but now will return null instead
  • [BC break] Added ResourceOwnerInterface#getOption($name) method
  • [BC break] ResourceOwnerInterface#getUserInformation() now must receive array ($accessToken) as first parameter, also added second parameter ($extraParameters) to be consistent along all implementations
  • Added OAuthToken::getRefreshToken(), OAuthToken::setRefreshToken(), OAuthToken::getExpiresIn(), OAuthToken::setExpiresIn(), OAuthToken::getRawToken(), OAuthToken::setRawToken()
  • Added AbstractResourceOwner#addOptions() & ResourceOwnerInterface#setOption($name, $value) methods which allows easy overwriting resource specific options
  • Added support for options: access_type, request_visible_actions, approval_prompt & hd in Google resource owner
  • Added 37signals resource owner
  • Added Amazon resource owner
  • Added Bitbucket resource owner
  • Added Disqus resource owner
  • Added Dropbox resource owner
  • Added Flickr resource owner
  • Added Instagram resource owner
  • Added Odnoklassniki resource owner
  • Added Yandex resource owner

0.2.10 (2013-12-09)

  • Fix: use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface in EntityUserProvider::refreshUser
  • Fix: made SessionStorage compatible with Symfony 2.0

0.2.9 (2013-09-25)

  • Fix: Regression done in version 0.2.8 blocking usage without FOSUserBundle
  • Fix: OAuthUtils::getAuthorizationUrl() ignoring given redirect URL

0.2.8 (2013-09-19)

  • Fix: Added missing parts in user providers like: loadUserByUsername() or refreshUser() methods
  • Fix: Registering of user provider services
  • Fix: Make OAuthUtils::signRequest() compatible with OAuth1.0a specification

0.2.7 (2013-08-03)

  • Fix: Polish oauth error detection to cover cases from i.e. Facebook resource owner
  • Fix: Changed authorization url for Vkontakte resource owner

0.2.6 (2013-06-24)

  • Fix: Use same check for FOSUserBundle compatibility to prevent strange errors with calls of undefined services
  • Fix: User-land aliased (resource owner) services have the appropriate name

0.2.5 (2013-05-29)

  • Fix: Use user identifier represented as string for Twitter to prevent issues with losing accuracy for large numbers (i.e. Javascript) or type comparison (i.e. MongoDB)
  • Fix: Don't depend on arg_separator.output data for URL generation to prevent issues

0.2.4 (2013-05-15)

  • Fix: Throw Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException & Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException instead of \Exception to make cases more clear
  • Fix: Detect oauth_problem as authorization error and inform user instead logging error in background
  • Fix: Request extra parameters should have higher priority than default
  • Fix: How urls are build in resource owners
  • Fix: Missing parameter in YahooResourceOwner

0.2.3 (2013-05-06)

  • Added AbstractUserResponse::getOAuthToken() method to allow fetching only OAuth token details
  • Added french translation
  • Fix: FB incompatibility with 'error' field in response

0.2.2 (2013-04-15)

  • Fix: FOSUB registration form handler
  • Fix: Use API 1.1 for Twitter, not the deprecated 1.0

0.2.1 (2013-03-27)

  • Fixed issue with FOSUserBundle 2.x integration

0.2.0 (2013-03-26)

  • Added support for a target_path_parameter in order to control the redirect path after login
  • Added hwi_oauth_authorization_url() twig helper function
  • Added Jira resource owner
  • Added Yahoo resource owner
  • Added setting realm in configuration
  • Added support for FOSUserBundle 2.x integration
  • Added Stack Exchange resource owner
  • Fix: configuration parameter firewall_name is required
  • Fix: prevent throwing AlreadyBoundException when using FOSUserBundle 1.x integration
  • Fix: check for availability of profilePicture in views before calling it
  • Fix: InMemoryProvider now shows user nickname as name instead of unique identifier
  • Fix: don't set realm option if is empty in request headers
  • Fix: for infinity loop blockade and error token response handling

0.1-alpha (2012-08-27)

  • [BC break] Renamed path username to identifier to make it more clear that this path should hold the unique user identifier (previously username)
  • [BC break] Method UserResponseInterface#getUsername() now always returns a real unique user identifier, and uses path identifier
  • [BC break] OAuth1RequestTokenStorageInterface#save() second param $token must now be an array
  • [BC break] Configuration type 'generic' is renamed to 'oauth2'
  • [BC break] redirect.xml routing has to be imported. See the setup docs
  • Added UserResponseInterface#getRealName() method, also a new default path realname was added, this path holds the real name of user
  • Added UserResponseInterface#getNickName() method, also a new default path nickname was added, this path holds the nickname of user
  • Added UserResponseInterface#getAccessToken() and UserResponseInterface#setAccessToken
  • Added OAuthToken#getCredentials() returns an empty string to be consistent with the security component. The access token can still be retrieved from the getAccessToken() method
  • Added change that forces all authentication requests are now redirected to the login path
  • Added change that makes firewall_name option required setting
  • Added OAuth 1.0a support (linkedin/twitter/generic)