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Banuba AI Video Editor SDK


CameraConfig class allows to customize the Camera screen behavior and appearance.

To serve this purpose CameraConfig class has following properties:

Property Available values Description
minRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs Number > 0 for the minimum recording duration in milliseconds that is allowed to proceed with Editor screen (i.e. 3000 for 3 seconds)
maxRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs Number > 0 for the maximum video duration in milliseconds available to record on the camera (i.e. 60000 for 1 minute)
minRecordedChunkVideoDurationMs Number > 1000 for the minimum video duration in milliseconds that is allowed to record one video on the camera (i.e. 1000 for 1 second)
takePhotoOnTap true/false defines if it is available to capture photos on the camera (true means that by tap on the record button the photo will be created, and to make a video recording you should long press the record button, false means that by tap on the record button the video recording starts)
supportsMultiRecords true/false defines if it is possible to make a video recording by concatenating several recodings on the camera (false means that when the first video recording is stopped the editor screen will be opened)
supportsFlashlight true/false setups flashlight icon on the camera screen overlay and possibility to make photos with the flashlight
supportsSpeedRecording true/false setups the speed icon on the camera overlay and possibility to select recording speed
supportsExternalMusic true/false setups the music icon on the camera overlay and possibility to add music track playing over the video recording
supportsMuteMic true/false setups the mute icon on the camera overlay and possibility to make video recording without capturing sound
textOnMaskColorCountOnPage -1 or Number > 0 setups how much colors are available while adding text effect on AR mask (Note, not all AR masks allow to add text over them). -1 means that text effects on masks are turned off
switchFacingOnDoubleTap true/false true allows to switch between front and back camera by double tapping on the camera screen
isStartFrontFacingFirst true/false true means that on the first launch of the camera screen the front camera is turned on, false means that on the first launch of the camera screen the back camera is turned on
isSaveLastCameraFacing true/false defines if the camera facing (back or front) will be saved for the next camera screen opening
cameraFpsMode CameraFpsMode enum values CameraFpsMode.FIXED means that Video Editor SDK may degrade video recording quality to maintain 30 FPS while applying "heavy" AR effects (This behavior is recommended and allows to reach seamless flow across wide range of devices). CameraFpsMode.ADAPTIVE means that FPS may be reduced in order to maintain video quality (not recommended).
showCameraInfoAndPerformance true/false setups several text views and "camera info" button for the system information (such as current FPS, Iso etc.). It may be useful in debug mode but do not forget to setup false for production build
banubaColorEffectsAssetsPath String setups the name of the folder within assets/bnb-resources directory to store color filters (i.e. "filters")
banubaMasksAssetsPath String setups the name of the folder within assets/bnb-resources directory to store AR masks (i.e. "masks")
banubaMaskBeauty String setups the name of the folder within the AR masks directory for the mask that is used for Beautification effect (i.e. "Beauty")