These instructions presume that you have a local copy of the source code tree that you obtained by using "git clone" or by unzipping a tarball or zip file. Additionally, they presume that Python 3.10 or later be installed and available under the name "python."
Make a virtualenv, most likely in the source root directory with the following command.
python -m venv venv
Activate venv (linux/mac): bash source venv/bin/activate
which python #Python should now point to venv/bin/python
after running the command.
venv may be activated using Windows PowerShell by typing: powershell venv may be activated using Windows PowerShell by typing:
Activate.ps1 #'where.exe python' should point to the venv's python binary
The package can now be installed using "pip" as explained below under "Install as developer" or "Install as standard package"
Turn off venv when finished
Install as developer: Run the following commands to install as a developer while the virtual environment is active as previously mentioned
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the development server:
python runserver
Development server starts at