- Add Google Action session entities directive
- Add support for APLT
- Add dynamic entities directive
- Add Browse Carousel directive usage to docs
- Updates i18next imports
- Add Browse Carousel directive usage to docs
- Updates i18next imports
- Adds S3Persistence plugin
- Set not required play audio params in the interface
- Prioritize controllers with an intents array for the same state
- Set unused params as optionals in directives method
- Updates alexa-directives docs
- Adds Digital Goods directive
- Updates VOXA docs
- Updates VOXA's dependencies
- Updates PlayAudio directive
- Adds support for more features of Facebook Messenger
- Fixes some issues when handling errors and localization
- Reduces voxa package size inside node_modules by removing docs and example files
- Version 3
- Updates description
- Added Handover Protocol Facebook helpers
- Adding support for the elicit dialog directive in alexa
- Updates Google Assistant to allow for multiple simple responses
- Removing shouldEndSession
- Reply arrays
- Added multi-bubbles support for Facebook
- Various fixes with error classes and handling
- Separated Dialogflow integrations
- Fixes another bug with actions on google userId
- Fixes a bug with the google actions user Id
- Added Facebook unlink directive
- Now uses Typescript
- Support for Google Actions, Alexa, Botframework, Facebook Messenger and Telegram
- Fixes a bug where facebook user id was not being populated
- Alexa Proactive APIs
- Initial Facebook initial support
- Initial Telegram support
- Updated ask-sdk-model version
- Alexa Reminders API support
- Alexa Skill Messaging API support
- Updates ask-sdk-model to version 1.10.1
- Fixes a bug that prevented google actions suggestions from working when using the reply transition key
- Adding LinkOutSuggestion support
- Adding displayText support for Google Actions
- Updated dependencies
- New Alexa APL support
- Fixes some bugs in the global intent handlers
- Now adding reply transition keys to the transition objects
- Updates internal ask-sdk-model dependency to the latest
- Fixes a bug where onUnhandledState was not being called on some situations
- Adds core methods to get user’s profile from LoginWithAmazon and Google Sign-In
- Fixes a bug in the SM that prevented global intents from working as expected
- New State Machine implementation
- Voxa native support for the following APIs: In-Skill Purchases, Lists, Device Address, Customer Contact, Device Settings
- Important fixes
- CanFulfillIntent support
- More directives
- Some little documentation
- Newest support for video directives and a more flexible rendering system
- Multiple directives support
- More documentation
- Random views
- Gitter instead of IRC
- Better error messages
- Fixes for the audio podcast sample by @mathmass
- More documentation
- Fixes for the serialize step
- Fixes for the I18N
- Fixes the issue where session.attributes.null causes a crash
- Fix for getting transition reply object when returning arrays as reply
- Support for node 6.10
- Autoload plugin
- Work on a reprompt plugin
- Now allowing multiple replies in the { reply: ... } key
- Now raising an error when trying to render a missing view
- Added user accessor to AlexaEvent
- Started using travis and coveralls
- Development server and new skill.lambda() handler
- Now session attributes are only taken from serialize
- .editorconfig file
- Fixes for the cloudwatch plugin
- Fixes for the state flow plugin
- First public relase