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Nerdsheet CSS

Nerdsheet allows you to simply set expressive styling to elements with just a few shorthand classes

Code Example

<div class="ta-c fw-600 d-ib m-l-25 f-l"></div>

Will apply following CSS to the concrete div element:

text-align  : center;
font-weight : 600;
display     : inline-block;
margin-left : 25px;
float       : left

Simulating tables and centering elements horizontally and vertically too.

<div class="d-t">
  <div class="d-tr">
    <div class="d-tc va-m ta-c">
      <span>Vertically and Horizontally centered text!</span>

The most inner div element will be applied:

display        : table-cell;
vertical-align : middle;
text-align     : center;


As a hardcore Twitter Bootstrap user you can often run into situation that bootstrap didn't keep in mind, like text-aligning, vertical-aligning, paddings and margins or displays and you really really want to style that element with just a single shorthand class.


bower install nerdsheet --save
git clone git://


<element class="classname-type-value-media-state" />


Type Necessity Description Example
classname Obligatory Shortcut name of the class used. .m stands for margin
type Optional in some cases Type of the property. .m-b stands for margin-bottom
value Obligatory for some classes Value to be applied .m-b-20 stands for margin-bottom: 20px;
media Optional Media to be used. .m-b-20-min-md will be emitted inside "@media screen and (min-width: 992px)" by default
state Optional State to be styling applied to only. fw-bold-hover will emit .fw-bold-hover:hover {font-weight: bold;}

API Reference

Default classes & Variables:


Type | Size --- | --- | --- | --- min screen size | 480px min screen size | 768px min screen size | 992px min screen size | 1200px


Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- {padding, margin, border-radius} | {p, m, bo}-direction-t | top {padding, margin, border-radius} | {p, m, bo}-direction-r | right {padding, margin, border-radius} | {p, m, bo}-direction-b | bottom {padding, margin, border-radius} | {p, m, bo}-direction-l | left


Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- {color, background-color, border-color} | {c, b, bo}-white | #FFF {color, background-color, border-color} | {c, b, bo}-black | #000

Positioning & Blocks


Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- display | d-b | block display | d-i | inline display | d-ib | inline-block display | d-t | table display | d-tr | table-row display | d-tc | table-cell


Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- float | f-l | left float | f-r | right float | f-n | none

Padding, Margin:

Type | Class | Size --- | --- | --- | --- {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-auto | auto {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-0 | 0 {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-5 | 5px {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-8 | 8px {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-10 | 10px {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-15 | 15px {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-25 | 25px {padding, margin} | {p, m}-{direction}-50 | 50px

Horizontal & Vertical

{p, m}-v-size => {p, m}-t-size + {p, m}-b-size

{p, m}-h-size => {p, m}-r-size + {p, m}-l-size


Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- overflow | o-h | hidden overflow | o-v | visible overflow | o-a | auto overflow | o-s | scroll

Vertical align

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- vertical-align | va-t | top vertical-align | va-b | bottom vertical-align | va-m | middle vertical-align | va-ba | baseline


Font size:

Type | Class | Size --- | --- | --- | --- font-size | fs-1 | 30px font-size | fs-2 | 24px font-size | fs-3 | 18px font-size | fs-4 | 16px font-size | fs-5 | 14px font-size | fs-6 | 12px

Font weight:

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- font-weight | fw-200 | 200 font-weight | fw-300 | 300 font-weight | fw-400 | 400 font-weight | fw-500 | 500 font-weight | fw-600 | 600

Font style:

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- font-style | fs-n | normal font-style | fs-i | italic

Text align:

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- text-align | ta-l | left text-align | ta-r | right text-align | ta-c | center text-align | ta-j | justify

Text decoration:

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- text-decoration | td-n | none text-decoration | td-u | underline text-decoration | td-lt | line-through


Border width

Type | Class | Size --- | --- | --- | --- border-width | bo-0 | 0 border-width | bo-1 | 1px border-width | bo-2 | 2px

Border radius:

Type | Class | Value --- | --- | --- | --- border-radius | circle | 50% border-radius | square | 0 border-radius | rounded | 4px border-radius | rounded-t | 4px 4px 0 0 border-radius | rounded-r | 0 4px 4px 0 border-radius | rounded-b | 0 0 4px 4px border-radius | rounded-l | 4px 0 0 4px border-top-left-radius | rounded-tl | 4px border-top-right-radius | rounded-tr | 4px border-bottom-left-radius | rounded-bl | 4px border-bottom-right-radius | rounded-br | 4px


These classes support hover state:

  • font-size -> fs-options-hover
  • font-weight -> fw-options-hover
  • font-style -> fs-options-hover
  • text-decoration -> td-options-hover
  • color -> c-options-hover
  • background-color -> b-options-hover
  • border-color -> bo-options-hover
  • border-width -> bo-options-hover
