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C++ Structural Metaprogramming

Have you ever wished you could:

  • Iterate over the member variables of a class or structure?
  • Apply a transform to the type of each member, to produce a new list of members?
  • Define a family of classes, each with a different set of members, but behaving in a common way?

If so, you probably ran into the fact that compile-time metaprogramming over member variables has historically been a weak point of C++. I thought so too. But recently I've discovered a few techniques for dealing with these kind of situations that work pretty well in practice, and I wanted to share them.

Super std::tuple

The basis for this technique is std::tuple, and the essential idea is that instead of using a struct or class type with regular members, we use a type that derives from std::tuple, where what would normally be member variables are instead std::tuple template parameters.

To make this concrete, let's take an example from Mapbox GL. Suppose we have a circle layer type with properties such as circle-color, circle-opacity, and circle-radius. The value of each property is a function returning a type appropriate to that property, evaluated at a particular zoom level. We'd also like to define a function that evaluates all the properties of a layer at a particular zoom level.

Traditionally, we would probably reach for a solution like the following:

struct EvaluatedCircleProperties {
	Color color;
	float opacity;
	float radius;

struct UnevaluatedCircleProperties {
    std::function<Color (float)> color;
    std::function<float (float)> opacity;
    std::function<float (float)> radius;
    EvaluatedCircleProperties evaluate(float zoom) const {
        return {

This works well enough for a simple three-property example, but it has a few disadvantages:

  • We repeat the property types in three places. If we were to add a property, we'd have to update them all.
  • When you have multiple layer types, you also have to repeat the "superstructure" -- the knowledge that each layer has Evaluated and Unevaluated structs with corresponding members, and that in each case evaluate is defined by evaluating member-wise and aggregate-constructing the result.
  • These costs increase as the number of properties and layer types grow.

Here's an alternative:

template <class... Ps>
struct Properties {
    struct Evaluated : std::tuple<Ps...> {};
    struct Unevaluated : std::tuple<std::function<Ps (float)>...> {
        Evaluated evaluate(float zoom) const;

struct ColorProperties : Properties<
	float> {};

Instead of using a member variable for each property, we use a template parameter. Now adding a new property requires a code change in only one place. We've also defined the structure and relationship between Evaluated and Unevaluated sets of properties in a single place; no need to repeat this for other layer types.

But I've left out some details. First, how do we access an individual value in the Evaluated and Unevaluated structs -- radius, say? With member variables, we can use member variable syntax: properties.radius. But tuple members are unnamed; the only way to access them is with std::get. And because multiple properties may have the same type, we can't even use the type-based std::get; std::get<float>(properties) could mean either opacity or radius. We're stuck with std::get<2>(properties), which has terrible readability and would break if we reordered the properties or inserted a new one before radius.

We can solve this problem if we ensure that each template parameter has a unique type:

template <class T>
struct Property {
    using EvaluatedType = T;
    using UnevaluatedType = std::function<T (float)>;

template <class... Ps>
struct Properties {
    struct Evaluated : std::tuple<typename Ps::EvaluatedType...> {
        template <class P> auto get();
    struct Unevaluated : std::tuple<typename Ps::UnevaluatedType...> {
        template <class P> auto get();
        Evaluated evaluate(float zoom);

struct CircleColor : Property<Color> {};
struct CircleOpacity : Property<float> {};
struct CircleRadius : Property<float> {};

struct ColorProperties : Properties<
    CircleRadius> {};

We've added a get member function to Evaluated and Unevaluated, which provides a much nicer syntax: properties.get<CircleRadius>(). The cost is that we now need to define a new type for each property, touching two places rather than one. But I think it's worth it -- and in fact this case having a distinct type is convenient, as it provides a place to hang other per-property data such as the default value.

More tuple tricks

I haven't shown the implementation of get or evaluate yet. They involve a few more tricks. First, get:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct TypeIndex;

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct TypeIndex<T, T, Ts...> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0> {};

template <typename T, typename U, typename... Ts>
struct TypeIndex<T, U, Ts...> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 1 + TypeIndex<T, Ts...>::value> {};

template <class... Ps>
struct Properties {
    template <class P>
    static constexpr std::size_t Index = TypeIndex<P, Ps...>::value;

    struct Evaluated : std::tuple<typename Ps::EvaluatedType...> {
        template <class P> auto get() {
            return std::get<Index<P>>(*this);

Why this implementation? Well, we want to allow properties.get<CircleRadius>() where properties is either Evaluated or Unevaluated. However, CircleRadius is not itself one of the Evaluated or Unevaluated tuple template parameters. What get needs to do is obtain the index of CircleRadius in the Ps template parameter pack, and then use that index as the template parameter for std::get. That's what TypeIndex and Properties::Index accomplish. (Properties::Index uses a variable template, a C++14 feature, but you could replace its uses with TypeIndex<P, Ps...>::value for a pure C++11 solution.)

Now, what about evaluate? Here's its definition:

template <class... Ps>
struct Properties {

    struct Unevaluated : std::tuple<typename Ps::UnevaluatedType...> {
        template <class P> auto get() { ... }
        Evaluated evaluate(float zoom) {
            return { get<Ps>()(zoom)... };

🤗 Our definition of get turns out to be very useful, as we can now use template parameter pack expansion over Ps to automatically evaluate all the properties, no matter how many of them there are.

How to ignore all the things

One last trick. We were able to take advantage of parameter pack expansion in the above definition because we conveniently had a context -- aggregate construction -- in which expansion with ... is allowed. What if we wanted to define a member-wise operation where we wouldn't normally have such a context?

For example, suppose we need to check if any of the unevaluated std::functions are empty. We need to calculate bool(color) || bool(opacity) || bool(radius) || ..., but defined generically over the parameter pack Ps. In C++17 we'll be getting fold expressions for this sort of thing, but we can simulate them in C++ today:

template <class... Ts> void ignore(Ts&&...) {}

template <class... Ps>
bool any_empty(const Properties<Ps...>::Unevaluated& properties) {
    bool result = false;
    ignore((result |= bool(properties.get<Ps>()))...);
    return result;

In order to give ourselves a context in which the |= expression can be expanded, we define the ignore template function, which takes any number of arguments of any types and does nothing with them. We expand the parameter pack into arguments to ignore, relying on the expression's side effect to compute the desired result.

Using ignore, you can expand pretty much any expression. For expressions that would normally be typed void, which isn't allowed as a function parameter type, use a comma expression instead: e.g. ignore((fnWithVoidResultType(get<Ps>()), 0)...).

In summary: std::tuple and C++ template parameter packs are super powerful, and with this one weird trick (ok, several weird tricks), very useful for structural metaprogramming.