diff --git a/modules/integration/src/test/scala/scala/cli/integration/RunTestDefinitions.scala b/modules/integration/src/test/scala/scala/cli/integration/RunTestDefinitions.scala
index 616b199813..69cb98adf0 100644
--- a/modules/integration/src/test/scala/scala/cli/integration/RunTestDefinitions.scala
+++ b/modules/integration/src/test/scala/scala/cli/integration/RunTestDefinitions.scala
@@ -1628,4 +1628,161 @@ abstract class RunTestDefinitions(val scalaVersionOpt: Option[String])
       expect(output == "")
+  // Credentials tests
+  test("Repository credentials passed to coursier") {
+    val testOrg     = "test-org"
+    val testName    = "the-messages"
+    val testVersion = "0.1.2"
+    val user        = "username"
+    val password    = "1234"
+    val realm       = "Realm"
+    val inputs = TestInputs(
+      os.rel / "messages" / "Messages.scala" ->
+        """package messages
+          |
+          |object Messages {
+          |  def hello(name: String): String =
+          |    s"Hello $name"
+          |}
+          |""".stripMargin,
+      os.rel / "hello" / "Hello.scala" ->
+        s"""//> using dep "$testOrg::$testName:$testVersion"
+           |import messages.Messages
+           |object Hello {
+           |  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
+           |    println(Messages.hello(args.headOption.getOrElse("Unknown")))
+           |}
+           |""".stripMargin
+    )
+    inputs.fromRoot { root =>
+      val configFile = {
+        val dir = root / "conf"
+        os.makeDir.all(dir, if (Properties.isWin) null else "rwx------")
+        dir / "config.json"
+      }
+      val extraEnv = Map(
+        "SCALA_CLI_CONFIG" -> configFile.toString
+      )
+      val repoPath = root / "the-repo"
+      os.proc(
+        TestUtil.cli,
+        "--power",
+        "publish",
+        "--publish-repo",
+        repoPath.toNIO.toUri.toASCIIString,
+        "messages",
+        "--organization",
+        testOrg,
+        "--name",
+        testName,
+        "--project-version",
+        testVersion
+      )
+        .call(cwd = root, stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, env = extraEnv)
+      TestUtil.serveFilesInHttpServer(repoPath, user, password, realm) { (host, port) =>
+        // This codeblock represents test("No repository credentials passed to coursier")
+        {
+          val resWithNoCreds = os.proc(
+            TestUtil.cli,
+            "run",
+            "--repository",
+            s"http://$host:$port",
+            "hello",
+            "--",
+            "TestUser"
+          ).call(
+            cwd = root,
+            env = Map(
+              "USER"     -> user,
+              "PASSWORD" -> password
+            ),
+            check = false,
+            mergeErrIntoOut = true
+          )
+          expect(resWithNoCreds.exitCode == 1)
+        }
+        // This codeblock represents test("Repository credentials passed to coursier - environment variables")
+        {
+          val resWithEnvVar = os.proc(
+            TestUtil.cli,
+            "run",
+            "--repository",
+            s"http://$host:$port",
+            "hello",
+            "--",
+            "TestUser"
+          ).call(
+            cwd = root,
+            env = Map(
+              "USER"                 -> user,
+              "PASSWORD"             -> password,
+              "COURSIER_CREDENTIALS" -> s"$host $user:$password"
+            ),
+            mergeErrIntoOut = true
+          )
+          expect(resWithEnvVar.exitCode == 0)
+        }
+        // This codeblock represents test("Repository credentials passed to coursier - config entry")
+        {
+          os.write(
+            configFile,
+            s"""{
+               |"repositories.credentials": [
+               |{"host":"$host","user":"value:$user","password":"value:$password","matchHost":true}
+               |]
+               |}""".stripMargin
+          )
+          val resWithConfig = os.proc(
+            TestUtil.cli,
+            "run",
+            "--repository",
+            s"http://$host:$port",
+            "hello",
+            "--",
+            "TestUser"
+          ).call(
+            cwd = root,
+            env = Map(
+              "USER"     -> user,
+              "PASSWORD" -> password
+            ) ++ extraEnv,
+            mergeErrIntoOut = true
+          )
+          expect(resWithConfig.exitCode == 0)
+        }
+        // This codeblock represents test("Repository credentials passed to coursier - java properties")
+        {
+          os.write(root / ".scala-jvmopts", s"-Dcoursier.credentials=$host $user:$password\n")
+          val resWithProps = os.proc(
+            TestUtil.cli,
+            "run",
+            "--repository",
+            s"http://$host:$port",
+            "hello",
+            "--",
+            "TestUser"
+          ).call(
+            cwd = root,
+            env = Map(
+              "USER"     -> user,
+              "PASSWORD" -> password
+            ),
+            mergeErrIntoOut = true
+          )
+          expect(resWithProps.exitCode == 0)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/website/docs/guides/intro.md b/website/docs/guides/intro.md
index a9b6485218..c645f2734b 100644
--- a/website/docs/guides/intro.md
+++ b/website/docs/guides/intro.md
@@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ Less introductory guides on specific topics.
 - [SBT and Mill export](./sbt-mill.md) - learn how to convert your Scala CLI project into an SBT or Mill project (when
   you need a more powerful build tool).
-- [proxies](./proxies.md) - learn how to configure Scala CLI to work with proxies.
+- [proxies](./repositories.md) - learn how to configure Scala CLI to work with proxies.
 - [Markdown](./markdown.md) - learn how to work with `.md` sources.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/docs/guides/java-properties.md b/website/docs/guides/java-properties.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2bdf01c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/guides/java-properties.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: Java properties
+sidebar_position: 8
+Although the Scala CLI runner can be used as a native image and thus will not always be run on the JVM it still supports java properties.
+There are a couple ways to specify them:
+- as command line arguments, before the sub-command name and sources, when invoking `scala-cli`, e.g.
+```bash ignore
+    scala-cli '-Dcoursier.credentials=maven.pkg.github.com Private_Token:gh_token1234' run .
+- save them in `.scala-jvmopts` file in the project's root, e.g.
+-Dcoursier.credentials=maven.pkg.github.com Private_Token:gh_token1234
+- set them globally using `scala-cli config`, e.g. 
+```bash ignore
+    scala-cli config -i java.properties "http.proxy=" "http.user=User2" "coursier.credentials=..."
+- set them globally in `JAVA_OPTS` or `JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS` environment variable, e.g. 
+```bash ignore
+    export JAVA_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxy= -Dhttp.user=User2"
+The `-D` prefix can only be dropped when writing the values to config.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/docs/guides/proxies.md b/website/docs/guides/proxies.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f091a3872e..0000000000
--- a/website/docs/guides/proxies.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-title: Proxies ⚡️
-sidebar_position: 51
-## HTTP proxies
-Even though the `config` command is not restricted, some available configuration keys may be, and thus may
-require setting the `--power` option to be used.
-That includes configuration keys tied to setting up proxies, like `httpProxy.address` and others.
-You can pass the `--power` option explicitly or set it globally by running:
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli config power true
-### Configuration
-If you can only download artifacts through a proxy, you need to configure it beforehand, like
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli --power config httpProxy.address http://proxy.company.com
-Replace `proxy.company.com` by the address of your proxy.
-Change `http://` to `https://` if your proxy is accessible via HTTPS.
-### Authentication
-If your proxy requires authentication, set your user and password with
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli --power config httpProxy.user value:_encoded_user_
-scala-cli --power config httpProxy.password value:_encoded_password_
-Replace `_encoded_user_` and `_encoded_password_` by your actual user and password, following
-the [password option format](/docs/reference/password-options.md). They should typically look like
-`env:ENV_VAR_NAME`, `file:/path/to/file`, or `command:command to run`.
-## Default repositories
-If you don't rely on proxies, but rather download artifacts through different Maven repositories,
-set those repositories like:
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli --power config repositories.default https://first-repo.company.com https://second-repo.company.com
-## Mirrors
-If you're fine directly downloading artifacts from the internet, but would rather have some
-repositories requests go through a repository of yours, configure mirror repositories, like
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors https://repo1.maven.org/maven2=https://repository.company.com/maven
-To have all requests to a Maven repository go through a repository of yours, do
-```bash ignore
-scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors maven:*=https://repository.company.com/maven
diff --git a/website/docs/guides/repositories.md b/website/docs/guides/repositories.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeb6214662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/guides/repositories.md
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+title: Repositories and HTTP Proxies ⚡️
+sidebar_position: 51
+Scala CLI downloads the dependencies declared in your projects using [Coursier](https://get-coursier.io/).
+The default repositories being searched are the Maven Central and local Ivy repository on your machine.
+If additional repositories are required it is possible to declare them:
+- on the command line with `--repository` or `--repo` or just `-r`
+- with the `//> using repositories` directive
+The values can be names of predefined repositories accepted by Coursier, some of which are:
+- `sonatype:_value_` and `sonatype-s01:_value_` for Sonatype servers e.g. `sonatype:snapshots`
+    snapshots from both servers are searched when using `snapshots`
+- `jitpack`
+- `m2Local`
+## Custom repositories
+Supplying the address of custom repositories is also accepted when using `--repository` or `//> using repositories`.
+To do so, provide the URL to the repository's root, e.g. `https://maven.pkg.github.com/USER/REPO` for GitHub Package Registry.
+By default, custom repositories are treated as Maven repositories, to specify an Ivy repository, prefix the address with `ivy:` and supply the ivy pattern at the end e.g. `ivy:http://localhost:8081/repository/ivy-releases/[defaultPattern]`.
+`[defaultPattern]` gets expanded by Coursier to: 
+    [organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
+## Repository Authentication
+Even though the `config` command is not restricted, some available configuration keys may be, and thus may
+require setting the `--power` option to be used.
+That includes the configuration key tied to repositories settings, like `repositories.credentials` and others.
+You can pass the `--power` option explicitly or set it globally by running:
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli config power true
+Repository authentication is also supported and there are a couple ways of using it:
+- specifying credentials for each host in `COURSIER_CREDENTIALS` environment variable or in the `coursier.credentials` java property ([read more here](/docs/guides/java-properties.md)),
+    the supported format in this case is `host-address username:password`, e.g. `my_domain.com MyUserName:myPasswOrd`
+- adding config entries for each host, this can be done using `scala-cli --power config repositories.credentials host _username_ _password_`,
+    username and password values should follow the [password option format](/docs/reference/password-options.md), e.g. 
+```bash ignore
+  scala-cli --power config repositories.credentials maven.pkg.github.com value:PrivateToken env:GH_TOKEN
+## Default repositories
+You can override the default Coursier repositories globally by invoking:
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli --power config repositories.default https://first-repo.company.com https://second-repo.company.com
+## HTTP proxies
+Even though the `config` command is not restricted, some available configuration keys may be, and thus may
+require setting the `--power` option to be used.
+That includes configuration keys tied to setting up proxies, like `httpProxy.address` and others.
+You can pass the `--power` option explicitly or set it globally by running:
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli config power true
+### Configuration
+If you can only download artifacts through a proxy, you need to configure it beforehand, like
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli --power config httpProxy.address http://proxy.company.com
+Replace `proxy.company.com` by the address of your proxy.
+Change `http://` to `https://` if your proxy is accessible via HTTPS.
+### Authentication
+If your proxy requires authentication, set your user and password with
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli --power config httpProxy.user value:_encoded_user_
+scala-cli --power config httpProxy.password value:_encoded_password_
+Replace `_encoded_user_` and `_encoded_password_` by your actual user and password, following
+the [password option format](/docs/reference/password-options.md). They should typically look like
+`env:ENV_VAR_NAME`, `file:/path/to/file`, or `command:command to run`.
+## Mirrors
+If you're fine directly downloading artifacts from the internet, but would rather have some
+repositories requests go through a repository of yours, configure mirror repositories, like
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors https://repo1.maven.org/maven2=https://repository.company.com/maven
+To have all requests to a Maven repository go through a repository of yours, do
+```bash ignore
+scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors maven:*=https://repository.company.com/maven
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