This Coversheets plugin allows to use LaTeX ( to create a coversheet. It is a modification of the existing Coversheets plugin (
The following modifications were made:
- Enhanced management of selection criteria for a cover
- Preview of the coversheet in the admin interface
- Generation of a coversheet was removed from the indexer process. This avoids major drawbacks: Firstly the user experience is inconsistent – the first person to download the item will not see the coversheet as the coversheet will not be applied until the indexer task has run which could be much later. Secondly, for a large repositories a change to a coversheet can result in huge numbers of tasks being placed on the indexer queue which will impact the performance of the site in general but more importantly will seriously disrupt the indexing of items for the search function. The trigger for covering a PDF will be moved to the point at which an item moves from the inbox to the review buffer (or to the Live Archive).
- The template is a LaTeX template with embedded tags. This allows mathematical typesetting and dynamical embedding of images, e.g. Creative Commons license batches
- A script allows for bulk covering of items
- An editor/administrator is provided with an utility to regenerate the cover for a single item.
- A live item will be re-covered if a non-volatile field is changed. For other cases (e.g. change of the template or change of volatile fields), the bulk covering tool or the utility to regenerate the cover for a single item can be used.
- The original document remains untouched. A new covered, volatile document will be created. provides a LaTeX template used in the Zurich Open Repository and Archive (ZORA) of University Zurich, a preview of a record with clickable links. provides an example that includes mathematical typesetting in the title and the abstract as well as a clickable Creative Commons license batch.
Developed by Peter West on behalf of University of Zurich, Switzerland who have contributed this development to the E-Prints Community.
TeX Live 2015 or newer.
The setup procedure consists of the following steps
- Installation
- Configuration
- Update the database
- Editing the LaTeX template
Copy the content of the bin and cfg directories to the respective {eprints_root}/archives/{yourarchive}/bin and {eprints_root}/archives/{yourarchive}/cfg directories.
Edit the cfg.d/ file. Adjust the paths in
$c->{executables}->{pdflatex} = "/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux/xelatex";
$c->{executables}->{pdftk} = "/usr/bin/pdftk";
The cfg.d/ file serves as an example for tags that can be used in a LaTeX template. Tags are available for title, type, abstract, url, date, citation, creators, DOI url, ZORA url (URL pointing to the eprint in the ZORA repository, either a DOI or a URL), content, and license batch (see CC-licenses). Adapt it to your needs.
Restart the web server after having made changes to the configuration.
To add the coversheet dataset fields, update the database with epadmin update
latex_template/uzh_coversheet.ltx contains a commented LaTeX template for a coversheet that is used by University of Zurich. A tag is enclosed by ## markers: Eg. ##date## .
Adapt this template to your needs.
Visit the Admin webpage of your repository and choose tab System Tools, button Manage Coversheets.
Create a New Coversheet and upload your LaTeX template. Select the criteria, for which an eprint must match so that a coversheet will be applied. Save using Update button.
To view the PDF preview, use the view button (with the magnifying glass) in the list of coversheet. Then choose the preview link.
Using the Admin webpage, tab System Tools, button Apply Coversheet, it is possible to reapply a coversheet to a single eprint or several eprints.
bin/apply_coversheets can be used to apply coversheets to all or selected items of a
repository. Use perldoc apply_coversheets
to print a short description of the script
and its options.
bin/remove coversheets tries to remove a coversheet.
Coversheet application is logged to {eprints_root}/var/coversheet.log .
Some of the functionailty is also available from some older plugins that have worked well for a number of more venerable EPrints repositories
Plan is to review these combine the best bits and make them available here in an epm-friendly structure.