Ruby on Rails version
Ruby version
Node version
NPM version
Yarn version
Install RMagick
$ brew install imagemagick
Install Redis
$ brew install redis
Install Yarn
$ brew install yarn
Chack version
$ yarn --version
Install RMagick
$ sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
Install Redis
How To Install and Secure Redis on Ubuntu 18.04
$ sudo apt install redis-server
Install Yarn
$ curl -sS | sudo apt-key add - $ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn $ yarn --version
Install Node
n – Interactively Manage Your Node.js Versions
How can I update my nodeJS to the latest version?
$ sudo npm cache clean -f $ sudo npm install -g n $ sudo n stable
$ git clone project_url_on_git
$ cd project_folder
$ gem install bundler && bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
that start rails local server
$ rails s
$ raisl s -b your_ip
If you add key in application.yml.
$ bundle exec cap production setup
$ cap production deploy
If you add key in application.yml.
$ bundle exec cap staging setup
$ cap staging deploy