diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-ENGLISH.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-ENGLISH.XML
index da5fda2..749b884 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-ENGLISH.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-ENGLISH.XML
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
Autoconfiguration Path configuration
Change your profil
Change your Mix Images profil
+ Download Mix Images profil
Change your language
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@
Scrape Mode
0 - New XML File|1 - Update XML (Add New Rom)|2 - Create Picture only
Research Mode
- 0 - CRC+FileName|1 - CRC
+ 0 - CRC+FileName|1 - CRC|2 - FileName
Picture Mode
0 - Language Pic|1 - Rom Pic|2 - Language Pic Strict|3 - Rom Pic Strict
Log level
@@ -154,6 +155,13 @@
+ Download Mix Template
+ Empty Exemple
+ Exemple
+ Download
+ Exit
Autor : Screech
diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-FRENCH.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-FRENCH.XML
index 924894e..1474ef7 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-FRENCH.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-FRENCH.XML
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
Configuration des chemins de la configuration automatique
Charger un profil
Changer le profil Mix Images
+ Telecharger des profil Mix Images
Changer de langue
Sélection du système (Conf Auto)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
Mode de Scrape
0 - Nouveau Fichier XML|1 - Mise à jour (Ajout de nouvelle Rom)|2 - Uniquement les images
Mode recherche
- 0 - CRC+Nomfichier|1 - CRC
+ 0 - CRC+FileName|1 - CRC|2 - FileName
Mode de gestion des images
0 - Par langue|1 - Par region|2 - Par langue strict|3 - Par région strict
Niveau de Log
@@ -154,6 +154,13 @@
+ Télécharger des Templage Mix
+ Exemple vide
+ Exemple
+ Télécharger
+ Quitter
A propos
Auteur : Screech
diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-GERMAN.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-GERMAN.XML
index 56b998b..18233d9 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-GERMAN.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-GERMAN.XML
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
Profil wechseln
Mix-Image Profil wechseln
+ Mix-Image Herunterladen
Sprache wechseln
@@ -156,6 +157,13 @@
+ Mix-Image Herunterladen
+ Leeres Beispiel
+ Beispiel
+ Herunterladen
+ Ausschalten
Autor : Screech
diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-ITALIAN.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-ITALIAN.XML
index 16519dc..b28a74f 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-ITALIAN.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-ITALIAN.XML
@@ -1,190 +1,198 @@
- it|us
- %COUNTRY%|it|eu|us|jp|xx|origine|fr
+ it|us
+ %COUNTRY%|it|eu|us|jp|xx|origine|fr
- Errore
- Il percorso delle Rom non è raggiungibile
- Nessun file trovato
- Il percorso delle Rom per l'autoconfigurazione non è raggiungibile
- Errore Fatale Universal XML Scraper !
- (Problema nel collegamento al database)
- (Tempo scaduto)
- (err_SystemList)
- Il comando SSH ha avuto un problema
- (La connessione non può essere stabilita)
- Mi spiace, non riesco a trovare il tuo account (Ricontrolla login e password)
+ Errore
+ Il percorso delle Rom non è raggiungibile
+ Nessun file trovato
+ Il percorso delle Rom per l'autoconfigurazione non è raggiungibile
+ Errore Fatale Universal XML Scraper !
+ (Problema nel collegamento al database)
+ (Tempo scaduto)
+ (err_SystemList)
+ Il comando SSH ha avuto un problema
+ (La connessione non può essere stabilita)
+ Mi spiace, non riesco a trovare il tuo account (Ricontrolla login e password)
- Preparazione dell'autoconfigurazione in corso
- Autoconfigurazione
- Vuoi usare l'autoconfigurazione ?
- Sei sicuro di voler arrestare EmulationStation ?
- Sei sicuro di voler avviare EmulationStation ?
- Sei sicuro di voler riavviare la periferica remota ?
- Sei sicuro di voler spegnere la periferica remota ?
- Aggiornamento necessario
- Aggiornamento
- Account collegato
- Il tuo account ti dà il massimo
- Ora sei: una divinità , una semidivinità (o almeno per 2/3) o Chuck Norris. Attento a cosa combini !!!
+ Preparazione dell'autoconfigurazione in corso
+ Autoconfigurazione
+ Vuoi usare l'autoconfigurazione ?
+ Sei sicuro di voler arrestare EmulationStation ?
+ Sei sicuro di voler avviare EmulationStation ?
+ Sei sicuro di voler riavviare la periferica remota ?
+ Sei sicuro di voler spegnere la periferica remota ?
+ Aggiornamento necessario
+ Aggiornamento
+ Account collegato
+ Il tuo account ti dà il massimo
+ Ora sei: una divinità , una semidivinità (o almeno per 2/3) o Chuck Norris. Attento a cosa combini !!!
- Universal XML Scraper V2
- Scansiona
- Annulla
- Seleziona la tua lingua
- Seleziona la tua lingua
- Seleziona
- Seleziona il tuo profilo
- Seleziona il tuo profilo
- Seleziona
- Seleziona il tuo sistema
- Seleziona il tuo sistema
- Seleziona
- Configurazione Percorso
- Scanner
- Cartella delle Rom da scansionare
- Cartella delle Rom da scansionare
- Percorso del file XML
- Percorso delle roms nel tuo file XML
- Immagini
- Cartella in cui saranno scaricate le immagini
- Percorso delle immagini nel tuo file XML
- Configurazione immagini
- Parametri immagine
- Dimensione immagine
- Estensione immagine
- Configurazione Opzioni
- Oggetto da modificare
- Scelta oggetto
- Parametro da modificare
- Configurazione Generale
- Varie
- Preferenze regionali
- Preferenze linguaggio
- Modalità di scansione
- 0 - Nuovo File|1 - Aggiorna XML (Aggiungi Nuova Rom)|2 - solo creare questa immagine
- Tipo di ricerca
- 0 - CRC+FileName|1 - CRC
- Modo Immagine
- 0 - Img Lingua|1 - Img Rom|2 - Img Lingua Strict|3 - Img Rom Strict
- Livello di Log
- 0 - Standard|1 - Avanzato|2 - Completo
- Aggiungi rom mancanti nell'XML
- Auto seleziona il tuo sistema
- Usa DigiMirror
- Screenscraper
- Login di Screenscraper
- Password di Screenscraper
- Numero Thread
- Verifica
- Registrati su Screenscraper
- Files scansionati
- Files inclusi
- Files esclusi
- Cartelle escluse
- Configurazione percorso di Autoconfigurazione
- Utilizza autoconfigurazione
- Scanner
- Cartella Root di sistema
- Nome del file XML
- Percorso alle rom nel tuo file XML
- Immagine
- Nome della cartella dove le immagini verranno scaricate
- Percorso all'immagine nel tuo file XML
- Salva
- Annulla
- Avanzato
- Configurazione Mix Immagini
- Esempio vuoto
- Esempio
- Salva
- Annulla
- About
- Autore : Screech
- Grazie a :
- Risultati scansione
- Scansione conclusa
- Files trovati :
- Rom trovate :
- Percentuale Rom trovate :
- Tempo medio per Rom :
- Tempo totale :
- Thread(s) usati :
- Avanti
- Indietro
- OK
- Annulla
- Selezione profilo
- Qui puoi selezionare il profilo che corrisponde al tuo sistema operativo.|!||!|La MIX Version combina un'immagine con diverse altre come screenshot, scatola 3D e Logo del gioco.|!||!|Puoi modificare il profilo MIX nel menu : |!|"Modifica il tuo proilo Mix Immagine"|!|o proseguendo nella configurazione guidata.
- Percorso Autoconfigurazione
- L'autoconfigurazione ti permette di scansionare i tuoi sistemi senza perdere tempo nella configurazione dei percorsi.|!||!|Il percorso predefinito (previsto dal profilo che hai selezionato) è proprio sotto questo testo.|!|Puoi modificarlo con la cartella Root del tuo sistema.|!||!|Per esempio :|!|Le tue rom SNES sono in|!|E:\Emulation\Rom\SNES,|!|il tuo percorso di Root sarà |!|E:\Emulation\Rom
- Selezione profilo MIX Immagine
- Scelta profilo con MIX Immagine|!||!|Puoi scegliere l'immagine generata dal template di UXS nella schermata successiva.|!||!|ATTENZIONE, alcuni profili Mix Immagine richiedono un tema specifico nel FrontEnd.|!|(Per esempio, il profilo "Full Back" richiede un tema specifico)|!|Grazie e se necessario visita la pagina Wiki.
- Fine configurazione guidata
- La configurazione base di UXS è conclusa.|!||!|Puoi ora selezionare il tuo sistema in|!|"Scansiona"|!|->"Seleziona il tuo sistema (Autoconf)"|!|e lancia la tua prima Scansione.|!||!|Grazie per utilizzare Universal XML Scraper.
+ Universal XML Scraper V2
+ Scansiona
+ Annulla
+ Seleziona la tua lingua
+ Seleziona la tua lingua
+ Seleziona
+ Seleziona il tuo profilo
+ Seleziona il tuo profilo
+ Seleziona
+ Seleziona il tuo sistema
+ Seleziona il tuo sistema
+ Seleziona
+ Configurazione Percorso
+ Scanner
+ Cartella delle Rom da scansionare
+ Cartella delle Rom da scansionare
+ Percorso del file XML
+ Percorso delle roms nel tuo file XML
+ Immagini
+ Cartella in cui saranno scaricate le immagini
+ Percorso delle immagini nel tuo file XML
+ Configurazione immagini
+ Parametri immagine
+ Dimensione immagine
+ Estensione immagine
+ Configurazione Opzioni
+ Oggetto da modificare
+ Scelta oggetto
+ Parametro da modificare
+ Configurazione Generale
+ Varie
+ Preferenze regionali
+ Preferenze linguaggio
+ Modalità di scansione
+ 0 - Nuovo File|1 - Aggiorna XML (Aggiungi Nuova Rom)|2 - solo creare questa immagine
+ Tipo di ricerca
+ 0 - CRC+FileName|1 - CRC
+ Modo Immagine
+ 0 - Img Lingua|1 - Img Rom|2 - Img Lingua Strict|3 - Img Rom Strict
+ Livello di Log
+ 0 - Standard|1 - Avanzato|2 - Completo
+ Aggiungi rom mancanti nell'XML
+ Auto seleziona il tuo sistema
+ Usa DigiMirror
+ Screenscraper
+ Login di Screenscraper
+ Password di Screenscraper
+ Numero Thread
+ Verifica
+ Registrati su Screenscraper
+ Files scansionati
+ Files inclusi
+ Files esclusi
+ Cartelle escluse
+ Configurazione percorso di Autoconfigurazione
+ Utilizza autoconfigurazione
+ Scanner
+ Cartella Root di sistema
+ Nome del file XML
+ Percorso alle rom nel tuo file XML
+ Immagine
+ Nome della cartella dove le immagini verranno scaricate
+ Percorso all'immagine nel tuo file XML
+ Salva
+ Annulla
+ Avanzato
+ Configurazione Mix Immagini
+ Esempio vuoto
+ Esempio
+ Salva
+ Annulla
+ Scaricare Mix Immagini
+ Empty Exemple
+ Exemple
+ Scaricare
+ Uscita
+ About
+ Autore : Screech
+ Grazie a :
+ Risultati scansione
+ Scansione conclusa
+ Files trovati :
+ Rom trovate :
+ Percentuale Rom trovate :
+ Tempo medio per Rom :
+ Tempo totale :
+ Thread(s) usati :
+ Avanti
+ Indietro
+ OK
+ Annulla
+ Selezione profilo
+ Qui puoi selezionare il profilo che corrisponde al tuo sistema operativo.|!||!|La MIX Version combina un'immagine con diverse altre come screenshot, scatola 3D e Logo del gioco.|!||!|Puoi modificare il profilo MIX nel menu : |!|"Modifica il tuo proilo Mix Immagine"|!|o proseguendo nella configurazione guidata.
+ Percorso Autoconfigurazione
+ L'autoconfigurazione ti permette di scansionare i tuoi sistemi senza perdere tempo nella configurazione dei percorsi.|!||!|Il percorso predefinito (previsto dal profilo che hai selezionato) è proprio sotto questo testo.|!|Puoi modificarlo con la cartella Root del tuo sistema.|!||!|Per esempio :|!|Le tue rom SNES sono in|!|E:\Emulation\Rom\SNES,|!|il tuo percorso di Root sarà |!|E:\Emulation\Rom
+ Selezione profilo MIX Immagine
+ Scelta profilo con MIX Immagine|!||!|Puoi scegliere l'immagine generata dal template di UXS nella schermata successiva.|!||!|ATTENZIONE, alcuni profili Mix Immagine richiedono un tema specifico nel FrontEnd.|!|(Per esempio, il profilo "Full Back" richiede un tema specifico)|!|Grazie e se necessario visita la pagina Wiki.
+ Fine configurazione guidata
+ La configurazione base di UXS è conclusa.|!||!|Puoi ora selezionare il tuo sistema in|!|"Scansiona"|!|->"Seleziona il tuo sistema (Autoconf)"|!|e lancia la tua prima Scansione.|!||!|Grazie per utilizzare Universal XML Scraper.
diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML
index cbe5017..921e038 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@
+ Download Mix Template
+ Empty Exemple
+ Exemple
+ Download
+ Exit
Autor : Screech
diff --git a/LanguageFiles/UXS-SPANISH.XML b/LanguageFiles/UXS-SPANISH.XML
index c81b727..f5e0c3f 100644
--- a/LanguageFiles/UXS-SPANISH.XML
+++ b/LanguageFiles/UXS-SPANISH.XML
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
Configuración de ruta de la configuración automática
Cambiar perfil
Cambiar perfil de imágenes mixtas
+ Descargar de imagenes mixtas
Cambiar idioma
@@ -156,6 +157,13 @@
+ Descargar de imagenes mixtas
+ Ejemplo VacÃo
+ Ejemplo
+ Descargar
+ salida
Acerca de
Autor : Screech
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox.zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox.zip
index 5713315..93ec3a9 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox.zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox.zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie.zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie.zip
index cb721ff..95764bb 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie.zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie.zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon).zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon).zip
index 6673f60..dcd4100 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon).zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade (moon).zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox.zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox.zip
index d0b24bc..38f7fae 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox.zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox.zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie.zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie.zip
index 6047330..1f412ff 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie.zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie.zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip
index bc41beb..acfbb02 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip and b/MIX Repository/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Full Back.zip b/MIX Repository/Full Back.zip
index c5ab61b..2889706 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Full Back.zip and b/MIX Repository/Full Back.zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8dc62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Screech
+Description :
+Like Arcade (moon) but when no marquee it add a Recalbox Background under the wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072ca23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)-RetroPie/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Screech & Shakz76
+Description :
+Like Arcade (moon) but when no marquee it add a Retropie Background under the wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d267f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade (moon)/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Screech
+Description :
+A nice cabinet (moon, credit : omegaman) with Marquee (or wheel in the Marquee) and screenshot
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861ffc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-RecalBox/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Supernature2K
+Description :
+Like the Zoomed version of Arcade (moon) but when no marquee it add a Recalbox Background under the wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3986aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)-Retropie/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Supernature2K & Shakz76
+Description :
+Like the Zoomed version of Arcade (moon) but when no marquee it add a Retropie Background under the wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d869b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Arcade Zoomed (moon)/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Supernature2K
+Description :
+A zoomed version of Arcade (moon) with the Wheel Added on the bottom right
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Full Back/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Full Back/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b926a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Full Back/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Author : Screech
+Description :
+A full template with fanart as BackGround. /!\ Need to be used with dedicated Theme.
+Tuto : https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/wiki/%5BTUTO%5D-Using-the-%22Background-(Modified-DarKade-Theme-by-Nachtgarm)%22-Mix-Template-and-the-corresponding-Theme
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (3img)/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (3img)/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d1bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (3img)/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Screech
+Description :
+3 images assembled : 3D Box, Screenshot and Wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (4img)/Description.txt b/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (4img)/Description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe452d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MIX Repository/Preview/Standard (4img)/Description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Author : Supernature2K
+Description :
+4 images assembled : 3D Box, Media, Screenshot and Wheel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Standard (3img).zip b/MIX Repository/Standard (3img).zip
index f0a8d28..5364427 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Standard (3img).zip and b/MIX Repository/Standard (3img).zip differ
diff --git a/MIX Repository/Standard (4img).zip b/MIX Repository/Standard (4img).zip
index 6f49575..2f07a50 100644
Binary files a/MIX Repository/Standard (4img).zip and b/MIX Repository/Standard (4img).zip differ
diff --git a/Mix/Arcade (moon).zip b/Mix/Arcade (moon).zip
index 6673f60..dcd4100 100644
Binary files a/Mix/Arcade (moon).zip and b/Mix/Arcade (moon).zip differ
diff --git a/Mix/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip b/Mix/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip
deleted file mode 100644
index bc41beb..0000000
Binary files a/Mix/Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Mix/Full Back.zip b/Mix/Full Back.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index c5ab61b..0000000
Binary files a/Mix/Full Back.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Mix/Standard (3img).zip b/Mix/Standard (3img).zip
index f0a8d28..5364427 100644
Binary files a/Mix/Standard (3img).zip and b/Mix/Standard (3img).zip differ
diff --git a/Mix/Standard (4img).zip b/Mix/Standard (4img).zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f49575..0000000
Binary files a/Mix/Standard (4img).zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProfilsFiles/RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml b/ProfilsFiles/RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml
index e06fad9..34100a2 100644
--- a/ProfilsFiles/RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml
+++ b/ProfilsFiles/RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- \\RECALBOX\share\roms
+ C:\Developpement\Romset\RomSetLight
diff --git a/Scraper.au3 b/Scraper.au3
index e90f57e..5675b8e 100644
--- a/Scraper.au3
+++ b/Scraper.au3
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=LEGRAS David
diff --git a/Scraper.exe b/Scraper.exe
index 2f3ceca..dffe5c9 100644
Binary files a/Scraper.exe and b/Scraper.exe differ
diff --git a/Scraper64.exe b/Scraper64.exe
index 448ffaf..b7064cc 100644
Binary files a/Scraper64.exe and b/Scraper64.exe differ
diff --git a/UXS-config.ini b/UXS-config.ini
index 3897922..aa79b6f 100644
--- a/UXS-config.ini
+++ b/UXS-config.ini
@@ -2,3 +2,25 @@
+$vProfilsPath=C:\Developpement\Github\Universal-XML-Scraper\ProfilsFiles\RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml
+$vMixImage=Arcade Zoomed (moon)
diff --git a/Universal XML Scraper.au3 b/Universal XML Scraper.au3
index 04400c8..dcceab4 100644
--- a/Universal XML Scraper.au3
+++ b/Universal XML Scraper.au3
@@ -70,10 +70,6 @@ Global $MS_AutoConfigItem
#include "./Include/_GraphGDIPlus.au3"
#include "./Include/_MyFunction.au3"
#include "./Include/_ITaskBarList.au3"
-;~ #include "./Include/_AutoItErrorTrap.au3"
-;~ _AutoItErrorTrap("Main Module", "Hi!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "An error was detected in the program, you can try again," & _
-;~ " cancel to exit or continue to see more details of the error." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Sorry for the inconvenience!")
$oTaskbar = _ITaskBar_CreateTaskBarObj()
@@ -140,10 +136,7 @@ FileInstall(".\Ressources\UXS.jpg", $iScriptPath & "\Ressources\UXS.jpg")
FileInstall(".\Ressources\UXS Wizard.jpg", $iScriptPath & "\Ressources\UXS Wizard.jpg")
FileInstall(".\Ressources\jingle_uxs.MP3", $iScriptPath & "\Ressources\jingle_uxs.MP3")
FileInstall(".\Mix\Arcade (moon).zip", $iScriptPath & "\Mix\")
-FileInstall(".\Mix\Arcade Zoomed (moon).zip", $iScriptPath & "\Mix\")
-FileInstall(".\Mix\Full Back.zip", $iScriptPath & "\Mix\")
FileInstall(".\Mix\Standard (3img).zip", $iScriptPath & "\Mix\")
-FileInstall(".\Mix\Standard (4img).zip", $iScriptPath & "\Mix\")
FileInstall(".\ProfilsFiles\RecalboxV3 (MIX).xml", $iScriptPath & "\ProfilsFiles\", 0)
FileInstall(".\ProfilsFiles\RecalboxV3.xml", $iScriptPath & "\ProfilsFiles\", 0)
FileInstall(".\ProfilsFiles\RecalboxV4 (MIX).xml", $iScriptPath & "\ProfilsFiles\", 0)
@@ -260,12 +253,15 @@ Local $MC_Wizard = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_Wizard"), $
Local $MC_Separation = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $MC)
Local $MC_Config_LU = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_LU"), $MC)
Local $MC_config_autoconf = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_autoconf"), $MC)
+Local $MC_Separation = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $MC)
Local $MC_config_Option = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_Option"), $MC)
-Local $MC_config_PIC = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_PIC"), $MC)
Local $MC_config_MISC = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_MISC"), $MC)
Local $MC_Separation = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $MC)
-Local $MC_Profil = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_profil"), $MC)
+Local $MC_config_PIC = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_config_PIC"), $MC)
Local $MC_Miximage = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_miximage"), $MC)
+Local $MC_MixDownload = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_download_miximage"), $MC)
+Local $MC_Separation = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $MC)
+Local $MC_Profil = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_profil"), $MC)
Local $MC_Langue = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_cfg_langue"), $MC)
;~ Local $MC_TEST = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("TEST", $MC) ; Debug
@@ -284,7 +280,7 @@ Local $MH = GUICtrlCreateMenu(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_help"))
Local $MH_Help = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_help_wiki"), $MH)
Local $MH_Support = GUICtrlCreateMenu(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_help_support"), $MH)
Local $MH_Support_Screenscraper = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Screenscraper", $MH_Support, 1)
-Local $MH_Support_Tipee = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Tipee (€)", $MH_Support, 2)
+Local $MH_Support_Tipee = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Tipee (€)", $MH_Support, 2)
Local $MH_Support_Patreon = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Patreon ($)", $MH_Support, 3)
Local $MH_Link = GUICtrlCreateMenu(_MultiLang_GetText("mnu_help_link"), $MH)
Local $MH_Link_Screenzone = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("http://www.screenzone.fr/", $MH_Link, 1)
@@ -457,6 +453,8 @@ While 1
Case $MC_Miximage ;Mix Image Selection
_GUI_Config_MIX($iMIXPath, $iPathMixTmp)
+ Case $MC_MixDownload
+ _GUI_Config_MIX_Download()
Case $MC_config_autoconf ;Autoconf Configuration
$GUI_Config_autoconf = _GUI_Config_autoconf($oXMLProfil)
If $GUI_Config_autoconf = 1 Then
@@ -843,15 +841,16 @@ Func _GUI_Config_MIX($iMIXPath, $iPathMixTmp)
$vMIXLast = _XML_Read("/Profil/Name", 1, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml")
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
- $F_MIXIMAGE = GUICreate(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Title"), 825, 272, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE))
- $C_MIXIMAGE = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 8, 242, 401, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
+ $F_MIXIMAGE = GUICreate(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Title"), 825, 343, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE))
+ $C_MIXIMAGE = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 8, 314, 401, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData($C_MIXIMAGE, $vMIXListC, $vMIXLast)
- $B_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Enreg"), 416, 240, 200, 25)
- $B_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Cancel"), 616, 240, 200, 25)
+ $B_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Enreg"), 416, 312, 200, 25)
+ $B_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Cancel"), 616, 312, 200, 25)
$P_Empty = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 8, 8, 400, 200)
$P_Full = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 417, 8, 400, 200)
$L_Empy = GUICtrlCreateLabel(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_empty"), 144, 216, 116, 17, $SS_CENTER)
$L_Exemple = GUICtrlCreateLabel(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_exemple"), 592, 216, 44, 17)
+ $E_Description = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 240, 809, 65, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_READONLY)
GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $F_UniversalScraper)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
@@ -860,6 +859,9 @@ Func _GUI_Config_MIX($iMIXPath, $iPathMixTmp)
$vMIXExempleFullPath = $iPathMixTmp & "\" & _XML_Read("/Profil/General/Full_Exemple", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml")
GUICtrlSetImage($P_Empty, $vMIXExempleEmptyPath)
GUICtrlSetImage($P_Full, $vMIXExempleFullPath)
+ $vDescription = "Author : " & _XML_Read("/Profil/Infos/Author", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml")
+ $vDescription = $vDescription & @CRLF & "Description :" & @CRLF & StringReplace(_XML_Read("/Profil/Infos/Description", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml"), "@CRLF", @CRLF)
+ GUICtrlSetData($E_Description, $vDescription)
While 1
Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
@@ -892,12 +894,86 @@ Func _GUI_Config_MIX($iMIXPath, $iPathMixTmp)
$vMIXExempleFullPath = $iPathMixTmp & "\" & _XML_Read("/Profil/General/Full_Exemple", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml")
GUICtrlSetImage($P_Empty, $vMIXExempleEmptyPath)
GUICtrlSetImage($P_Full, $vMIXExempleFullPath)
+ $vDescription = "Author : " & _XML_Read("/Profil/Infos/Author", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml")
+ $vDescription = $vDescription & @CRLF & "Description :" & @CRLF & StringReplace(_XML_Read("/Profil/Infos/Description", 0, $iPathMixTmp & "\config.xml"), "@CRLF", @CRLF)
+ GUICtrlSetData($E_Description, $vDescription)
EndFunc ;==>_GUI_Config_MIX
+Func _GUI_Config_MIX_Download()
+ Local $vMIXListC = "", $vLastMIX = "", $aMIXList
+ Local $vMIXExempleEmptyPath = $iRessourcesPath & "\Empty_exemple.jpg"
+ Local $vMIXExempleFullPath = $iRessourcesPath & "\Full_exemple.jpg"
+ Local $vMIXDescriptionPath = $iRessourcesPath & "\Description.txt"
+ Local $Result = _DownloadWRetry("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/master/MIX%20Repository/_MIXList.txt", $iRessourcesPath & "\_MIXList.txt")
+ Switch $Result
+ Case -1
+ _LOG("Error downloading _MIXList", 2, $iLOGPath)
+ Return 0
+ Case -2
+ _LOG("Time Out downloading _MIXList", 2, $iLOGPath)
+ Return 0
+ EndSwitch
+ _FileReadToArray($Result, $aMIXList)
+ For $vBoucle = 1 To UBound($aMIXList) - 1
+ $vMIXListC = $vMIXListC & "|" & $aMIXList[$vBoucle]
+ Next
+ #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
+ $F_MIXIMAGE = GUICreate(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Download_Title"), 825, 343, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE))
+ $C_MIXIMAGE = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 8, 314, 401, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
+ GUICtrlSetData($C_MIXIMAGE, $vMIXListC)
+ $B_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Download_Download"), 416, 312, 200, 25)
+ $B_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_Download_Exit"), 616, 312, 200, 25)
+ $P_Empty = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 8, 8, 400, 200)
+ $P_Full = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 417, 8, 400, 200)
+ $L_Empy = GUICtrlCreateLabel(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_empty"), 144, 216, 116, 17, $SS_CENTER)
+ $L_Exemple = GUICtrlCreateLabel(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_mix_exemple"), 592, 216, 44, 17)
+ $E_Description = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 240, 809, 65, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_READONLY)
+ GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
+ GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $F_UniversalScraper)
+ #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
+ While 1
+ Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
+ Switch $nMsg
+ GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $F_UniversalScraper)
+ WinActivate($F_UniversalScraper)
+ _LOG("MIX Download Exit", 0, $iLOGPath)
+ Return
+ Case $B_OK
+ $vMIXURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/master/MIX Repository/' & GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE) & '.zip'
+ _DownloadWRetry($vMIXURL, $iMIXPath & "\" & GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE) & '.zip')
+ _LOG("MIX Download : " & GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE), 0, $iLOGPath)
+ GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $F_UniversalScraper)
+ WinActivate($F_UniversalScraper)
+ Return
+ If GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE) <> $vLastMIX Then
+ $vMIXExempleURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/master/MIX Repository/Preview/' & GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE) & '/'
+ $vMIXExempleEmptyPath = _DownloadWRetry($vMIXExempleURL & "Empty_exemple.jpg", $vMIXExempleEmptyPath)
+ $vMIXExempleFullPath = _DownloadWRetry($vMIXExempleURL & "Full_exemple.jpg", $vMIXExempleFullPath)
+ GUICtrlSetImage($P_Empty, $vMIXExempleEmptyPath)
+ GUICtrlSetImage($P_Full, $vMIXExempleFullPath)
+ $vMIXDescriptionURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/master/MIX Repository/Preview/' & GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE) & '/'
+ ConsoleWrite($vMIXDescriptionURL & "Description.txt" & @CRLF)
+ $vMIXDescriptionPath = _DownloadWRetry($vMIXDescriptionURL & "Description.txt", $vMIXDescriptionPath)
+ $vDescription = StringReplace(FileRead($vMIXDescriptionPath), @LF, @CRLF)
+ GUICtrlSetData($E_Description, $vDescription)
+ $vLastMIX = GUICtrlRead($C_MIXIMAGE)
+ EndIf
+ EndSwitch
+ WEnd
+EndFunc ;==>_GUI_Config_MIX_Download
Func _GUI_Config_MISC()
Local $aRechFiles = StringSplit(IniRead($iINIPath, "LAST_USE", "$vRechFiles", "*.*|*.xml;*.txt;*.dv;*.fs;*.xor;*.drv;*.dat;*.cfg;*.nv;*.sav*|"), '|', $STR_ENTIRESPLIT + $STR_NOCOUNT)
Local $aScrapeMode = StringSplit(_MultiLang_GetText("win_config_MISC_GroupMISC_ScrapeModeChoice"), '|', $STR_ENTIRESPLIT + $STR_NOCOUNT)
@@ -1673,12 +1749,12 @@ Func _CalcHash($aRomList, $vNoRom)
If Not _Check_Cancel() Then Return $aRomList
$TimerHash = TimerInit()
$aRomList[$vNoRom][4] = FileGetSize($aRomList[$vNoRom][1])
- $aRomList[$vNoRom][5] = StringRight(_CRC32ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1]), 8)
- $aRomList[$vNoRom][6] = _MD5ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1])
- If Int(($aRomList[$vNoRom][4] / 1048576)) > 50 Or IniRead($iINIPath, "GENERAL", "$vQuick", 0) = 1 And _Check_Cancel() Then
+ If IniRead($iINIPath, "LAST_USE", "$vScrapeSearchMode", 0) = 2 Then
_LOG("QUICK Mode ", 1, $iLOGPath)
- $aRomList[$vNoRom][7] = _SHA1ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1])
+ $aRomList[$vNoRom][5] = StringRight(_CRC32ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1]), 8)
+ If Int(($aRomList[$vNoRom][4] / 1048576)) < 750 Then $aRomList[$vNoRom][6] = _MD5ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1])
+ If Int(($aRomList[$vNoRom][4] / 1048576)) < 50 Then $aRomList[$vNoRom][7] = _SHA1ForFile($aRomList[$vNoRom][1])
_LOG("Rom Info (" & $aRomList[$vNoRom][0] & ") Hash in " & Round((TimerDiff($TimerHash) / 1000), 2) & "s", 0, $iLOGPath)
_LOG("Size : " & $aRomList[$vNoRom][4], 1, $iLOGPath)
@@ -1716,13 +1792,13 @@ Func _XMLSystem_Create($vSSLogin = "", $vSSPassword = "")
EndFunc ;==>_XMLSystem_Create
Func _DownloadROMXML($aRomList, $vBoucle, $vSystemID, $vSSLogin = "", $vSSPassword = "", $vScrapeSearchMode = 0)
+ FileDelete($aRomList[$vBoucle][8])
If Not _Check_Cancel() Then Return $aRomList
Local $vXMLRom = $iTEMPPath & "\" & StringRegExpReplace($aRomList[$vBoucle][2], '[\[\]/\|\:\?"\*\\<>]', "") & ".xml"
-;~ $vRomName = StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($aRomList[$vBoucle][2], "[äëïöüÿ'à éèùâêîôû]", ""), " ", "%20")
$vRomName = _URIEncode($aRomList[$vBoucle][2])
- $aRomList[$vBoucle][8] = _DownloadWRetry($iURLScraper & "api/jeuInfos.php?devid=" & $iDevId & "&devpassword=" & $iDevPassword & "&softname=" & $iSoftname & "&output=xml&ssid=" & $vSSLogin & "&sspassword=" & $vSSPassword & "&crc=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][5] & "&md5=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][6] & "&sha1=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][7] & "&systemeid=" & $vSystemID & "&romtype=rom&romnom=" & $vRomName & "&romtaille=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][4], $vXMLRom)
+ If $vScrapeSearchMode = 0 Or $vScrapeSearchMode = 1 Then $aRomList[$vBoucle][8] = _DownloadWRetry($iURLScraper & "api/jeuInfos.php?devid=" & $iDevId & "&devpassword=" & $iDevPassword & "&softname=" & $iSoftname & "&output=xml&ssid=" & $vSSLogin & "&sspassword=" & $vSSPassword & "&crc=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][5] & "&md5=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][6] & "&sha1=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][7] & "&systemeid=" & $vSystemID & "&romtype=rom&romnom=" & $vRomName & "&romtaille=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][4], $vXMLRom)
If (StringInStr(FileReadLine($aRomList[$vBoucle][8]), "Erreur") Or Not FileExists($aRomList[$vBoucle][8])) Then
- If $vScrapeSearchMode = 0 Then $aRomList[$vBoucle][8] = _DownloadWRetry($iURLScraper & "api/jeuInfos.php?devid=" & $iDevId & "&devpassword=" & $iDevPassword & "&softname=" & $iSoftname & "&output=xml&ssid=" & $vSSLogin & "&sspassword=" & $vSSPassword & "&crc=&md5=&sha1=&systemeid=" & $vSystemID & "&romtype=rom&romnom=" & $vRomName & "&romtaille=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][4], $vXMLRom)
+ If $vScrapeSearchMode = 0 Or $vScrapeSearchMode = 2 Then $aRomList[$vBoucle][8] = _DownloadWRetry($iURLScraper & "api/jeuInfos.php?devid=" & $iDevId & "&devpassword=" & $iDevPassword & "&softname=" & $iSoftname & "&output=xml&ssid=" & $vSSLogin & "&sspassword=" & $vSSPassword & "&crc=&md5=&sha1=&systemeid=" & $vSystemID & "&romtype=rom&romnom=" & $vRomName & "&romtaille=" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][4], $vXMLRom)
If (StringInStr(FileReadLine($aRomList[$vBoucle][8]), "Erreur") Or Not FileExists($aRomList[$vBoucle][8])) Then
$aRomList[$vBoucle][8] = ""
@@ -1888,7 +1964,7 @@ Func _ScrapeZipContent($aRomList, $vBoucle)
Local $vZipDir = @TempDir & "\" & "UXS_ZIP_Temp_" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][2]
Local $vZipDirEx = $vZipDir & "\" & "_extract"
Local $vSrcPath = $vZipDir & "\" & $aRomList[$vBoucle][0]
- DirRemove($vZipDir, 1)
+ DirRemove($vZipDir, 1)
FileCopy($aRomList[$vBoucle][1], $vSrcPath, $FC_CREATEPATH)
_LOG("Unzipping file '" & $vSrcPath & "' to temp directory: " & $vZipDirEx, 1, $iLOGPath)
Local $vResult = _Zip_UnzipAll($vSrcPath, $vZipDirEx, 1)
diff --git a/changelog_next.txt b/changelog_next.txt
index c405f98..1d6193c 100644
--- a/changelog_next.txt
+++ b/changelog_next.txt
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
- Better "Time Left" function
- Scraper Handle take too much CPU when waiting. (Thank you Verybadsoldier for the correction)
- Zipscrape function corrected. (Thank you Verybadsoldier for the correction)
+ - SSH paramater now are saved correctly
* Added :
+ - New Menu to download New MIX Template from the Github repository
- New Scrape Mode : "Create Picture Only" (Re create picture without changing XML File)
- New Option to scrape only by CRC
+ - New Option to scrape only by Filename (usefull for very big roms, but less accurate)
- Italian Translation. (Thank you Cricetomutante for the translation)
* Corrected :
- Message to kill ES don't append when in fullscrape