Repository for backend of Udyam 22 website
For starting the project first time :
- Clone the repo in which you have to work in your system.
- Create or do your work in other branch with relevant name
- After completing your work, commit your changes and push them
- Create a pull request (PR)
Setting up the project(Backend) :
Initial setup: install virtual environment
python -m venv venv
activate virtual environment linux:source venv/bin/activate
install dependencies
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
apply migrations:
python migrate
Collect static files :
python collectstatic
Start the development server using
python runserver
For Uptading work after some PRs are merged :
- Commit your changes (if any)
- Pull from the main branch (always)
General Rules :
- For APIs, test it with all possible test case, so it will not cause any future problems.
- Always inform Yash bhaiya after adding a pull request and get it reviewed by him.