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HOWTO find multi-word anagrams

In this project we want to find possible anagrams of words and phrases, including phrases of more than one word. For example, if we search for anagrams of "computer science", we should find that "eccentric mop use" and "secret income cup" are among the possible anagrams.

In a prior project we used a trick to find single word anagrams: A word and each of its anagrams are identical when normalized by listing its letters in alphabetical order. This made it possible to compare a normalized version of a jumbled word with the normalized version of each word in a word list.

This normalization trick is not sufficient for finding anagrams that are made of multiple words. In this project we will build a multi-word anagram finder using a recursive algorithm and a Python class for a bag (also called a multiset) of letters.

Learning objectives

The primary learning objectives of this project are advancing your grasp of

  • Python classes and objects. You will construct a moderately complex class (LetterBag) that records the letters that are available and must be used to complete an anagram.
  • Recursive search. Each time we find a word that could be included in an anagram, we will consider two possibilities: We could include that word, or we could omit it and use the letters in a different way. One of these possibilities will be explored with a recursive call.

The basic idea

Consider the phrase "computer science". If we ignore the space, we can count 3 occurrences of the letter c, 2 e, and 1 occurrence each of o, m, p, u, t, r, s, i, e, and n. If we check the word "eccentric", we will see that it can use all 3 cs and both es, as well as an n, t, r, and i. If we use "eccentric" in an anagram for "computer science", it will leave the letters o, m, p, u, s, and e. We may later find that the word "mop" can be built from these remaining letters, leaving u, s, and e. Then we may find that the word "use" can be built from these remaining letters. At this point the collection of letters is empty, indicating that we have successfully found the anagram "eccentric mop use".

We might alternatively choose not to use "eccentric". We might instead find that the words "income", "secret", and "cup" are another way to create an anagram of "computer science".

The Plan

The key components of our anagram finder will be

  • A class representing a bag of letters. In math, a bag is also called a multiset. Whereas a set either contains an element or does not contain it, a bag may contain zero or more of a given element. For example, a bag will allow us to record that "computer science" contains 3 c but only one p. We will construct a class LetterBag in Python module to represent bags of letters. Since this module does not depend on other modules in our project, we will construct and test it first.

  • A recursive algorithm for finding all the ways that words from a word list (each represented by a LetterBag) can be combined to exactly use the letters in a phrase (also represented by a LetterBag). We will express this algorithm as a Python function search in the main module of our program, called Since this algorithm depends heavily on the LetterBag class, we will construct after constructing and testing

In addition to these two modules that you will construct, you will use several supporting modules that I have provided.

  • will contain configuration choices like the location of the word list file. I have provided a starter version of this file for you, along with several possible word lists in the data directory.
  • provides a function that arranges a list of strings in columns. This can be helpful because the number of anagrams discovered by our program is often large.
  • provides a "scoring" function that we can use to sort the word list, so that longer words and words containing less common letters (e.g., q and z) are tried before short words containing only the most common letter. This can make the search a little faster, and make interesting anagrams more likely to appear near the beginning of a long list of anagrams.
  • provides a set of functions for reducing the size of a list of discovered anagrams, after we have found all possible anagrams.

Step 1: The LetterBag class.

A bag (multiset) of letters can be represented by a Python dict with strings (individual letters) as keys and integers as values. Encapsulating this dict in a class will allow us to give it some useful operations and properties, viz,

  • We will define a method x.contains(y) that determines whether x has the letters needed to form y, that is, whether the value associated with each letter in x is at least as much as the value associated with the same letter in y. For example, suppose the dict in object x is {'a': 3, 'b': 2} and the dict in object y is {'a': 2, 'b': 2}, then x.contains(y) should be True but y.contains(x) should be False.
  • We will define a method x.take(y) that removes letters of y from x. x.take(y) is allowed only if x.contains(y).
    Suppose the dict in object x is {'a': 3, 'b': 2} and the dict in object y is {'a': 2, 'b': 2}, then x.take(y) should return a LetterBag object containing {'a': 1, 'b': 0} (or equivalently, just {'a': 1}). y.take(x) should raise an exception because 3 a is more than 2 a.

Note that take returns a value (a LetterBag object). It is essential that it must not have an effect, i.e., x.take(y) must not change either x or y.

We will construct LetterBag objects from words or phrases. We will represent upper case letters by lower case, and will ignore any character that is not a letter. Thus, LetterBag("Space Ship") will be identical to LetterBag("spaceship"). (In other words, we will normalize words and phrases as we construct their LetterBag representations.)


To simplify the LetterBag class itself, we'll begin the module with a separate function for normalization.

"""A bag of letters for finding anagrams.
Associates a cardinality (count) with each character
in the bag.

def normalize(phrase: str) -> list[str]:
    """Normalize word or phrase to the
    sequence of letters we will try to match, discarding
    anything else, such as blanks and apostrophes.
    Return as a list of individual letters.

You can write the normalize function as a loop (about 4-5 lines of code). If you prefer, it is possible express it as a list comprehension in a single line of code. Whichever way you choose to write it, you will likely want to use the isalpha method of the str class to determine whether a character in phrase is a letter, and the lower method of the str class to ensure that any upper case letters are represented by their lower case equivalents.

As soon as you have started the module by writing the normalize function, you should also start another module with the following code:

"""Test cases for module"""
import unittest
from letter_bag import normalize

class Test_Normalize(unittest.TestCase):
    """Normalization selects only letters and lowercases them.
    It returns a list of characters, rather than a string."""

    def test_01_normalize_plain_word(self):
        """Simplest case, input is already in normal form"""
        self.assertEqual(normalize("normal"), list("normal"))

    def test_02_skip_punc(self):
        """Omit non-letters"""
        self.assertEqual(normalize("no way! can't be"), list("nowaycantbe"))

    def test_03_lettercase(self):
        """Normalization also lower-cases everything"""
        self.assertEqual(normalize("Make It So"), list("makeitso"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

These test classes use inheritance, an object-oriented feature we haven't introduced yet, so I will provide all the test code in this project. However, you should be able to make sense of the test cases. For example, the purpose of test_02_skip_punc should be fairly obvious (it makes sure the normalized version of a string includes only letters) even if self.assertEqual is still a little mysterious.

Begin the LetterBag class

For the sake of testing, we will begin the LetterBag class (in with a constructor along with the magic methods __len__ (for the len function), __str__ (for the str function, how we want a LetterBag represented to a user), and __repr__ (for the repr function, how we want a LetterBag represented when debugging). I will provide the class declaration and the beginning of its constructor:

class LetterBag:
    """A bag (also known as a multiset) is
    a map from keys to non-negative integers.
    A LetterBag is a bag of single character
    def __init__(self, word=""):
        """Create a LetterBag"""
        self.word = word.strip()
        normal = normalize(self.word)
        self.length = len(normal)  # Counts letters only!

You must add the part of the constructor that creates self.letters, a dict that contains a count of each letter in normal.

Here are __len__, __str__, and __repr__ methods consistent with the part of the constructor I have provided and with the test cases we'll add in a moment.

    def __len__(self):
        return self.length

    def __str__(self):
        return self.word

    def __repr__(self):
        counts = [f"{ch}:{n}" for ch, n in self.letters.items() if n > 0]
        return f'LetterBag({self.word}/[{", ".join(counts)}])'

Note that the length (len) of a LetterBag will be the total number of letters in the bag. For example, the length of a LetterBag containing the {'a': 3, 'b': 2} will be 5. This may differ from length of the word or phrase from which the LetterBag was constructed, due to the normalization mentioned above). Also len(x.take(y)) should be len(x) - len(y). This is important because we will use the remaining length of a LetterBag becoming zero to determine when we have used all the letters in a word or phrase to complete an anagram.

This is enough to add a few simple test cases to Start by importing the class, so that we can write LetterBag rather than letter_bag.LetterBag each time we use it:

from letter_bag import LetterBag

Then begin the Test_LetterBag class this way:

class Test_LetterBag(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test cases for the LetterBag class itself"""

    def test_01_construct_observe(self):
        """Basic smoke test of constructor"""
        bag = LetterBag("kooky!")
        # Magic observer methods
        self.assertEqual(len(bag), 5)
        self.assertEqual(str(bag), "kooky!")
                         f"LetterBag(kooky!/[k:2, o:2, y:1])")

Note this test case doesn't even test the value of the instance variable letters, the dict structure that is most fundamental to the LetterBag class. We'll test that shortly through the behaviors of the contains and take methods!

The contains method

contains (determining whether the letters in one LetterBag include at least all the letters in another) and take (removing letters in one LetterBag from another) are the heart of the LetterBag class, and closely related: x.take(y) is possible only if x.contains(y) is true. Our anagram search will use the contains method to determine if a word from the word list can be included in an anagram, and if it can, it will use the take method to try completing an anagram.

The header of the contains method in the LetterBag class should be

    def contains(self, other: "LetterBag") -> bool:
        """Determine whether enough of each letter in
        other LetterBag are contained in this LetterBag.

Be sure it always returns a bool, rather than None. It should pass these test cases, which you should add to class Test_LetterBag in

    def test_02_containment(self):
        """Basic containment without modification"""
        bag = LetterBag("total")

Watch out for aliases!

It seems like the take method should be almost like the contains method, except that instead of comparing the value of self.letters for each element of other.letters, it should subtract the value of each element in other.letters from the corresponding element in self.letters.

But there's a catch! The take method should return a value (a LetterBag) and should not have an effect. In particular, it should not modify the dict self.letters. This is crucial since we want to use it in a recursive search that tries forming an anagram with and without a word. If the take method had a side effect of modifying the self object (or any of its components, such as self.letters), it would create tricky bugs in our search algorithm.

How can we return a modified LetterBag without actually changing the self object? We can do so by modifying a copy of the self object instead, and returning that modified copy.

Before we write the take method, we will write a copy method that the take method can use to clone itself. Our copy method will in turn use the copy method of class dict to clone self.letters. I will provide that for you:

   def copy(self) -> "LetterBag":
        """Make a copy before mutating."""
        copy_ = LetterBag()
        copy_.word = self.word
        copy_.letters = self.letters.copy()  # Copied to avoid aliasing
        copy_.length = self.length
        return copy_

We didn't have to call copy on self.word (a str) or on self.length (an int), because str and int are immutable: A value of type int or str can never change. But a dict is mutable. If we have two or more references to a single dict object, they are aliases. Changing that one object through either reference will affect the value seen through both. You can see this with the Python console:

>>> d1 = { 'a': 13, 'b': 15 }
>>> d2 = d1
>>> d2['b'] = 0
>>> d2
{'a': 13, 'b': 0}
>>> d1
{'a': 13, 'b': 0}

We avoid aliasing by copying:

>>> d1 = { 'a': 13, 'b': 15 }
>>> d2 = d1.copy()
>>> d2['b'] = 0
>>> d2
{'a': 13, 'b': 0}
>>> d1
{'a': 13, 'b': 15}

We will write the take method next, and test take and copy together.

Build the take method

The take method of the LetterBag class should have the following header:

    def take(self, other: "LetterBag") -> "LetterBag":
        """Return a LetterBag after removing
        the letters in other.  Raises exception
        if any letters are not present.

The first thing it should do is make a copy of itself, like this:

        bag = self.copy()

It should then modify bag, subtracting the values of other.letters from self.letters (i.e., loop through other.letters.items()). At each adjustment, you should also write an assert statement to be sure the value in bag.letters is sufficient. You should also adjust bag.length to indicate how many letters are left after removing those from other.letters.

When you have written LetterBag.take, you should add these test methods to class Test_LetterBag in module

    def test_03_take_result(self):
        """Containment before and after taking letters from bag.
        Note value semantics:  'take' has a result, not an effect.
        bag = LetterBag("fluffy")
        fly = LetterBag("fly")
        depleted = bag.take(fly)
        self.assertEqual(len(bag), 6)
        self.assertEqual(len(depleted), 3)

    def test_04_copy(self):
        """Copying a LetterBag allows us to explore with and
        without taking letters that make a candidate word.
        This is a modified version of test_03_take_effect.
        bag = LetterBag("fluffy")
        fly = LetterBag("fly")
        dup = bag.copy()
        bag = bag.take(fly)
        dup2 = bag.copy()  # Copy AFTER removing fly
        self.assertEqual(len(dup2), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(bag), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(dup), 6)


At this point you should have:

  • A source file with a function normalize and a class LetterBag.

  • Within class LetterBag, methods __init__ (the construtor), __len__, __str__, __repr__, contains, copy, and take.

  • A second source file,, with class Test_Normalize (3 methods) and class Test_LetterBag (4 methods).

Searching for anagrams

With the LetterBag class in hand, we are ready to create our main application module in

Obtaining the list

The anagrams we can find depend on the word list we use. There is no perfect word list that gives us all and only fun or interesting anagrams. The more comprehensive word lists (like the dict.txt file we used for single word anagrams) may drown us a long list of anagrams made of obscure words, while a more selective list may not contain a word that would use just the right set of letters to build some more interesting anagrams. So, instead of one word list, we have several to choose from in the data directory. The choice is governed by a provided configration file,

""Configuration options for multi-word anagram finder"""

# Which word list to use.  You may want longer or shorter word lists depending
# on whether you are getting a flood or anagrams or a trickle.
# DICT =   "data/ngsl.csv"           # Pretty good for more common words
# DICT = "data/wordlist.10000.txt"   # Lousy --- lots of abbreviations
# DICT = "data/1-1000.txt"           # Limited
# DICT = "data/dict.txt"               # The 40,000 word list we used for single word anagrams in CS 210
# DICT = "data/nifty-3.txt"            # From Stuart Reges' entry in Nifty Projects database
DICT = "data/cs_sample.txt"            # Tiny list for test cases

We can start our module with a function that simply constructs a list of words from the selected word list.

"""Find anagrams (potentially multi-word) for a word or phrase."""

import config
import io

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def read_word_list(f: io.TextIOBase) -> list[str]:
    """Reads list of words, exactly as-is except
    for stripping off leading and trailing whitespace
    including newlines.
    # You fill this in

Note that the argument to read_word_list is an open file, not the name of a file or a file path. The usual way of calling read_word_list would be

with open(path, "r") as f: 
     words = read_word_list(f)

We choose to do it this way because our command line interface, which we will introduce shortly, will open the file for us or provide an error message.

We will not bother to normalize words in the word list, leaving that to our LetterBag module, but we will use the strip() method to remove leading and trailing white space including the newline at the end of each line of text.

Although the read_word_list function is simple, it is a good idea to get started with our test_anagram module in

"""Test cases for"""

import unittest
import anagram
from letter_bag import LetterBag

class Test_Read(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test reading and sorting the word list"""

    def test_read(self):
        """Just reading the word list"""
        with open("data/cs_sample.txt") as f:
            words = anagram.read_word_list(f)
        expect = ["transform", "mop", "income", "secret",
                  "cup", "use", "eccentric"]
        self.assertListEqual(words, expect)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Anagram search algorithm

Take a deep breath, because it's time to write the search function at the very heart of the anagram finder. The header of this function will be

def search(letters: LetterBag,
           candidates: list[LetterBag],
           limit: int=500,
           seed: str="") -> list[str]:
    """Returns a list of anagrams for letters, where
     each anagram is constructed from entries in the
     candidates list.

The limit and seed arguments of search are keyword arguments with default values, so we can omit them when we call the search function if the defaults are acceptable.

Note that the candidates argument for search is a list of LetterBag objects, rather than a list of strings. Also we made the take method in class LetterBag operate on a pair of LetterBags (self and other) rather than a LetterBag and a str.
Because this recursive search may consider the same word many times, in different combinations with others, it is worthwhile to convert the whole word list to LetterBag objects just once before searching.

Once we've got the basic algorithm working, we will find that our biggest problem is often producing too many boring combinations of short words.
We'll use the seed argument in a refinement shortly, and use limit to prevent it from spewing thousands and thousands of anagrams. But first, we need to make the basic algorithm work.

To test our algorithm before we have put various spew-limiting measures in place, we will initially test with a tiny list of candidate words. In data/cs_sample.txt we find this tiny word list:


This list was chosen to produce exactly two anagrams for "Computer Science!": "eccentric mop use" (or "mop use eccentric") and "secret income cup" (or "income secret cup"). The word "transform" does not appear in either anagram. The capitalization and punctuation in "Computer Science!" should be ignored.

Here's a test case (in that we will want our search function to pass.

class Test_Anagram_Search(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for the anagram search per se"""
    def test_search_simple(self):
        """Search should automatically ignore non-letter characters"""
        with open("data/cs_sample.txt") as f:
            words = anagram.read_word_list(f)
        candidates = [letter_bag.LetterBag(word) for word in words]
        target = letter_bag.LetterBag("Computer science!")
        anagrams =, candidates)
        self.assertListEqual(anagrams, ["mop use eccentric", "income secret cup"])

Note that we have omitted the limit and seed arguments and accepted their default values.

As we often find with recursive algorithms, the header of the search function isn't quite suitable for recursive calls. We'll place the real recursive function inside it:

def search(letters: LetterBag,
           candidates: list[LetterBag],
           limit: int=500,
           seed: str="") -> list[str]:
    """Returns a list of anagrams for letters, where
     each anagram is constructed from entries in the
     candidates list.

    result = []

    # List of candidates, limit, and result list are visible to the
    # nexted function, and need not be passed to it.

    def _search(letters: LetterBag,  # The letters we can draw from
                pos: int,            # Position in list of word list letterbags
                phrase: list[str]    # The phrase we are building
        """Recursive function has the effect of adding phrases to result"""
        ### Your code for body of _search goes here
    # Initiate a single search at position 0 with an empty phrase,
    # after seeding if appropriate
    phrase = []
    _search(letters,  0, phrase)
    return result

Note that search has a result, but _search has an effect.

Recall that our list candidates will contain the LetterBag representations of "transform", "mop", "income", "secret", "cup", "use", and "eccentric". Let's trace through the logic of searching for all anagrams of "Computer Science!" that can be constructed from this list. The LetterBag representation of "Computer Science!" is passed as letters. In the first call to _search, pos is 0 and phrase is an empty list.

We'll begin by considering _search as a recursive function. What are the basis cases and recursives cases we need to consider?

  • We might be at the end of the candidates list, without a complete anagram. This is a basis case: We should return without adding anything to result.
  • Otherwise we are not at the end of the candidates list. Then there are two possibilities.
    • One possibility is that we cannot build the current candidate using the letters in variable letters. In other words, letters.contains(c) may return False. Then the only possibility is that we can complete an anagram with words in the rest of the list. (This is a recursive case, but as I'll explain below, we will check the "don't use this word" cases with a loop instead of a recursive call.)
    • The other possibility is that the candidate we are looking at (the one at positon pos) can be constructed from the letters in letters. Call that candidate c. Then one case we must consider is that we do not use c even though we could. (Again, this is a recursive case, but we're going to use a loop instead.) We also need to consider the case that we do use the candidate word. For this case we add the string representation of the candidate to phrase. If this candidate would use all the remaining letters in variable letters, then we can add phrase to result and return. Otherwise we must try to complete the anagram with the remainder of the candidate list. And this time we really do need to make a recursive call, because we cannot handle both possibilities (using the candidate and not using the candidate) in a loop.

We could code this whole algorithm using only recursion, and not explicit loops. It might even be clearer if we did. However, there's a problem: Each recursive call uses some space on the call stack, and the size of the call stack is limited. (Python implements this with an explicit limit on how many recursive calls can be in progress at once.) If we implemented the "don't use this word" cases as recursive calls, the depth of recursion would sometimes be as great as the length of the word list we used. For long word lists, Python would raise a "recursion limit exceeded" exception.

While a recursive call for each word we don't use could exceed Python limits, we are unlikely to construct anagrams of more than five or ten words, so a recursive call each time we consider including a candidate does not present problems. This is why we choose to loop over the candidate list (this covers the "don't use this word" recursive cases) and make recursive calls for "do use this word".

Thus in outline your _search function should follow pseudocode like this:

for candidates in position `pos` .. length of candidates list: 
    if this candidate can be constructed from `letters`:
        extended phrase = phrase with word added
        if using it would leave `letters` empty (length 0): 
            add the extended phrase to `result`
            make a recursive call to try using this word,  
              with the extended phrase, the remaining letters,
              and searching from `pos + 1`   

Note that we create an extended phrase, rather than appending the word to the phrase that was passed as an argument. This again is to avoid side effects through aliasing: We don't want to change the phrase that was passed as an argument! We can use the same tactic we used in the take method of LetterBag, making a copy of phrase and appending to the copy.

In my sample solution, this pseudocode expands to about 12 lines of Python code (excluding logging statements I added for debugging). I convert the list of str values into a single str using the join method. Before the loop, I include a couple lines to implement the limit on number of anagrams we will produce:

        if len(result) >= limit:

Remember that LetterBag.contains and LetterBag.take are methods that return results. We went to some trouble to avoid side effects in LetterBag.take, which returns a new LetterBag object. You will need this to make the recursive call work without messing up the next iteration of the loop!

Use the test case above test_search_simple to check your work on _search. It is very important that this test case uses the tiny example word list cs_sample.txt, with predictable results. It would be nearly impossible to debug problems with a large word list, especially if we didn't know precisely what list of anagrams we should expect (but even if we did).

The behavior we expect when searching for anagrams of Computer Science! with that tiny word list is:

  • The representation of the LetterBag for Computer Science! should contain the following counts of letters: [c:3, o:1, m:1, p:1, u:1, t:1, e:3, r:1, s:1, i:1, n:1].
  • The first candidate word, transform, cannot be constructed from this bag of letters. Our first iteration through the _search loop should check it, then go on without doing anything else.
  • The second candidate word, mop, can be built from this letter bag. Here we must make a recursive call to consider anagrams that include the word mop. The recursive call will start with a letter bag that still contains [c:3, u:1, t:1, e:3, r:1, s:1, i:1, n:1] The recursive call should start at position 2 (the position of "income"), because we don't want to consider the same word twice. In the recursive call:
    • The word "income" cannot be built from the remaining letters, because the "o" and "m" have been used up. We continue past this word.
    • The word "secret" can be made form the remaining letters. We will start another recursive call with the remaining letters, starting from candidate word "cup". After taking the letters from "mop" and "secret", none of the remaining words can be built, so recursive call will return after looping through the remaining candidates without adding any new words to the phrase.
    • After returning from the unsuccessful attempt to build an anagram containing both "mop" and "secret", we are back to trying to build other anagrams with just "mop", beginning with "cup".
    • The word "cup" cannot be made, because we've used the only letter "p".
    • The word "use" can be made. This triggers another recursive call, this time starting with candidate word "eccentric" and the remaining letters [c:3, t:1, e:2, r:1, i:1, n:1].
    • The word "eccentric" can be made from [c:3, t:1, e:2, r:1, i:1, n:1], and it uses up all of those letters, so we successfully add anagram "mop use eccentric" in result, and return to look for more.

You can see why we wanted to use a small example for testing! In debugging my own sample solution, I had to trace through several loop iterations with and without recursive calls to find the "this can't happen!" moment. It would have been impossible to find that bug with a large example. (It was a bug in calculating the length of a LetterBag; I was mistakenly counting punctuation that was present before normalization.)

Breathe out

There is more code to write, but if you have gotten this far successfully, you are over the hard part. Everything else is refinement to make the application more usable. I'll provide quite a bit of it, but leave a bit to you.

Making it an application

So far we have a search function, but we don't really have a search program yet. We need at least to obtain a word or phrase from the user, search for anagrams, and print the results. We'll write this as a command line application that can be run with a command like this (depending on your operating system):

python3 'Computer Science!'

We can use a module called argparse to parse this command line and return its parts to our main program.

import argparse

To save a few steps, I'll provide a function that does the command line processing not only to read the phrase but to additionally parse some options that we haven't implemented yet. Don't worry about understanding every line of this code ... it's mostly boilerplate following recipes in the Python library documentation. Suffice it to say that each call to ArgumentParser.add_argument defines one thing you could specify on the command line, but only the phrase we will find anagrams for is required.

def cli() -> argparse.Namespace:
    """Command line interface"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Search for multi-word anagrams")
    parser.add_argument("phrase", type=str)
                        help="List of words that could appear in a multi-word anagram")
    parser.add_argument("--seed", type=str, default="",
                        help="Just anagrams that include this seed word or phrase",
                        help="Just anagrams with at least one distinct word")
                        help="Just anagrams that have no words in common")
    parser.add_argument("--limit", type=int, default=1000,
                        help="Stop after discovering this many anagrams (before filtering)",
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

The most straightforward version of your main program (ignoring the many optional arguments) would look like this:

def main():
    """Search for multi-word anagrams."""
    args = cli()  
    bag = LetterBag(args.phrase)
    words = read_word_list(open(config.DICT, "r"))
    candidates = [LetterBag(word) for word in words]
    anagrams = search(bag, candidates, limit=args.limit)

if __name__ == "__main__":

I suggest you try a few words and phrases, varying the word list selection in, to get a feel for how the algorithm performs. Do you find that any interesting or fun anagrams are buried in a vast pile of boring combinations, especially of short words, except when it cannot find many (sometimes any) anagrams? The remainder of this project is a set of small refinements that make it a little easier (still not easy) to pick the few good ones out of the pile.

Denser display

The long list of anagrams is a little easier to read if we place more than one anagram on each line of the output. I have provided a little module for doing that. You can import it into and improve the display a bit by replacing print(anagrams) with the following:

    columnized = columns.columns(anagrams, col_width=len(args.phrase)+5)

Stop list

Some of the word lists contain many very short words (or supposed words) that are very unlikely to be part of an interesting anagram.
This is especially a problem with the list data/wordlist.10000.txt. For example, some of the word lists include an entry for each letter of the alphabet. I am not interested in anagrams that use the letter "t" as a word. I am especially not interested in learning that "cat food" can be rearranged to form the anagram "f do o c at".

A common tactic in similar applications, and especially in applications that "scrape" data from available sources like web sites, is to employ a "stop list" of text that should be excluded. One such stop list is included in My sample solution uses it in the read_word_list function, adding a word to the list it returns only if it is not in the stop list. This is a simple addition:

        if word in config.STOP_LIST:

Better words first

If my list of anagrams will contain many short, boring words, I'd like longer and more interesting words to at least appear earlier in the list. Also, matching longer words and words with less common letters first might speed up the search, because they eliminate more of the words that can be matched later. For both of those reasons, I might prefer the word lists to be in an order that is not alphabetical. I do not have a good objective way of measuring "interestingness", but the scoring function from the game Scrabble is a pretty good combination of length and infrequency. We can use Scrabble scoring as a key for sorting the word list.

I have provided with a Scrabble-based function score. You can use it in the main function of your anagram application by sorting the list of words just before you convert them to LetterBag objects. You'll need to import word_heuristic, then add


With the stop list and sorting, you should be able to pass this additional test case, which can be added to class Test_Anagram_Search in source file (Add the appropriate import statement there, too.)

        def test_search_sorted(self):
        """Without constraints on the search"""
        with open("data/cs_sample.txt") as f:
            words = anagram.read_word_list(f)
        words.sort(key=word_heuristic.score, reverse=True)
        candidates = [LetterBag(word) for word in words]
        target = LetterBag("computer science")
        anagrams =, candidates)
        self.assertListEqual(anagrams, ["eccentric mop use", "income secret cup"])

Filtering the input

We can make the program faster, although no less verbose, by eliminating words that cannot possibly be part of anagrams for an input phrase just once, rather than over and over as we search. This can be done in a single line after we have converted the (sorted) word list into a list of LetterBag objects:

candidates = [cand for cand in candidates if bag.contains(cand)]

Is the speed difference notable? It's more likely to be significant when you are using long word lists, like data/dict.txt.

Filtering the output

With these changes, it is still too hard to find a good anagram in the flood of bad anagrams. The provided module can help your search. The idea is that you can run the application once with the --words command-line option to find just interesting words that appear in at least one anagram, then run it again with the --seed argument to generate only anagrams that include a word you have identified as potentially interesting. Our main function will now make use of those command-line options we added to the cli function earlier.

The way we access those command-line arguments is idiosyncratic, because argparse is an old library module from before type annotations became commonplace. Since it is odd, I will just provide the revised code for main with the option processing and filtering in place:

def main():
    """Search for multi-word anagrams.
    args = cli()  # Command line interface
    bag = LetterBag(args.phrase)
    words = read_word_list(open(config.DICT, "r"))
    # Preferably explore long candidate words with infrequent letters.
    candidates = [LetterBag(word) for word in words]
    # Filter words that can't be built
    candidates = [cand for cand in candidates if bag.contains(cand)]
    seed = args.seed
    anagrams = search(bag, candidates, seed=seed, limit=args.limit)
    if args.words:
        ### Only distinct words found in the anagrams
        filtered = filters.filter_unique_words(anagrams)
    elif args.disjoint:
        ### Only phrases that don't repeat any words from seen phrases
        filtered = filters.filter_only_unique(anagrams)
    elif args.cover:
        ### Only phrases that introduce at least one new word
        filtered = filters.filter_some_unique(anagrams)
        filtered = anagrams
    columnized = columns.columns(filtered, col_width=len(args.phrase)+5)

What's missing?

We are almost there, but we have not yet implemented the seed argument to our search function. If we use the ngsl word list and run

 python3 --words 'Computer Science!'

we can find the following list of words that appear in at least one anagram:

computer              science               concept               crime
use                   concert               piece                 sum
cup                   seem                  i                     income
secret                scene                 to                    once
set                   music                 center                cope
recent                occur                 stem                  ice
pen                   come                  screen                it
in                    cent                  rise                  nice
rest                  since                 cut                   per
rice                  crop                  some                  core
cost                  mere

We might decide we'd like to see anagrams that include the word "crime", but so far our search function is not doing anything when we pass "crime" as the seed argument. It's time to fix that.

Recall that our main function calls search, which in turn calls the recursive function _search. One of the arguments to _search is letters, a LetterBag for the input word or phrase. Another argument, which so far we have always initialized with an empty list, is phrase, a list of the words that have been found and added to the potential anagram so far. It is fairly easy in function search to simulate having already found (and taken from letters) some text that is added to phrase before the real search begins. If a non-empty string is passed as the seed argument to search, it can:

  • Add (append) the seed argument to the initial phrase
  • Convert the seed argument to a LetterBag.
  • Take that LetterBag from letters before calling _search with letters and phrase.

After you have added code to do that, you should be able to generate only anagrams of "Computer Science" that contain the word "crime".

python3 --seed crime "Computer Science"

This should yield output (again, using the ngsl word list) like this:

crime concept use    crime cup scene to   crime cup once set

So, we see that "computer science" can be rearranged to form "use crime concept", which might be appropriate if you major in computer science and select the cybersecurity track.


That's it. We will primarily test and review your search function and your LetterBag class. We might look at other code you submit, but primarily we will be looking at those two units.