Compiled in 2017
- Access
- We strive to make materials usable and discoverable for diverse communities of users.
- We respond to requests for access to fulfill researchers' needs.
- We catalog and process to support teaching and exhibitions.
- We support researcher-driven digitization.
- We strive to make some information available for all holdings. We iterate our description in response to researchers’ needs.
- We seek to eliminate existing backlogs.
- We leverage our expertise with collections where appropriate to forge robust connections to exceptional material.
- We use standardized and integrated systems that support holistic searching and discovery. We seek to eradicate silos.
- We embrace access as an evolving and complex concept.
- Diversity and Inclusivity
- We strive to create ethical description for the diverse voices, perspectives, and lived experiences reflected in collection materials.
- We acknowledge and seek to mitigate our personal, institutional, and professional biases.
- We seek to make discoverable stories of historically underrepresented communities.
- We seek to be allies in the humane study of the collections to deepen a community’s understanding of both its past and present.
- Collaboration
- We believe a shared goal is at the heart of a productive and effective collaboration. With our colleagues in Wilson and elsewhere in the University Libraries, we work collaboratively towards the shared goal of connecting our collections to researchers.
- We share and swap specialized strengths, skills, and best practices within the broader professional community to more effectively support researchers.
- We provide opportunities for practical, hands-on, and nuanced engagement to the next generation of archivists and catalogers.
- Transparency
- We aspire to make our mission, capacity, priorities, and work processes transparent to ourselves and to our colleagues.