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Optional Chaining Proposal

Watch the talk Optional Chaining: From Specification to Implementation by Ross Kirsling (TC39 member) in JS Japan Conference. December 2022

See the TC39 Agendas repo. This repo has a folder per year and markdowns ... for each meeting.

See the meeting and see the slides by Gabriel Isenberg (Champion at the time) for the Null Propagation Operator at Google Slides

The repository for the Optional Chaining Proposal is at and we archived in 2022. It is worth to see the closed issues. For instance closed issues containing the words dot after

The idea was initially proposed as a TS issue but does not fit there so it is moved to JS

(5:33) Hard to say where everything began um this feature existed in C sharp beforehand for instance but what's really interesting to remember is that at the very beginning of typescript issue number 16 in July 2014 um someone requested this feature in typescript. Typescript as a rule doesn't want to put itself in direct syntactic conflict with the base JavaScript language so instead of going their own way and implementing this as part of typescript they worked with tc39 to realize this as part of JavaScript proper but this of course took a long time and you can see that because this wasn't fixed until issue number 33 to 94.

Parsing Conflict and Choice

(6:41) a long time um we had some real uh heated discussions on on GitHub about both syntax and semantics um as you're probably aware. When we do an optional bracket access we have to write question dot square brackets. There's still that dot in there.

If you were using C sharp you could just write question square brackets and people were were kind of like is there no better way do we need that dot?

He is referring to the question Why not to use a?[2] instead of the verbose a?.[2] that was the finally chosen syntax?

The reason that we need that is to distinguish it from a ternary, where we might have the ternary question mark followed by the square brackets of an array and that to to determine definitively that we we have an optional bracket access and not a ternary would require unbounded lookahead

He is referring to the ambiguity of the following expression:

a ? [2] : [3]

... that's not necessarily a problem for an ahead of time parser but it is a problem for JavaScript (parser) and so this this syntactic solution was kind of the least bad thing that we could do but as you can see from the 282 comments here it was a bit heated um also uh semantics wise in a language

Issue 34: Syntax: Use ?&

See issue 34 Syntax: Use ?& (or anything else that correct the inconsistency between a?.b and a?.[b])

(7:50) The 282 comments here it was a bit heated.

Issue 69: (null)?.b should evaluate to null, not undefined

See tc39/proposal-optional-chaining#69

Also semantics wise in a language which only has null which doesn't have undefined there's a different way of considering this operation which is that you're propagating null through the chain but that's not really how we want to consider this. What we want to consider is you're trying to reach the end of the chain, you're trying to determine the value of the last property in the chain and if you can't reach that point then you get undefined back you early out with the value undefined. The only way that you should get null is if you actually reach the end of the chain and you find a concrete null value. But people had different conceptions of the feature originally and this was also kind of a heated topic to resolve and and these were some painful discussions.

These conversations were very draining and and the fact of the matter is that sometimes you have a situation where nobody wants to have a particular conversation it's about an edge case it's about just a difficult topic that you wish you could ignore. But these topics we have to face them and we have to come to a consensus because we have to have a complete feature that has considered all of those edge cases so that we can deliver it to the world so that we can say this deserves to be part of JavaScript.

Lexical Analysis


readToken_question in the class Tokenizer

  readToken_question(): void {
    // '?'
    const next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1);
    const next2 = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2);
    if (next === charCodes.questionMark && !this.state.inType) {
      if (next2 === charCodes.equalsTo) {
        // '??='
        this.finishOp(tt.assign, 3);
      } else {
        // '??'
        this.finishOp(tt.nullishCoalescing, 2);
    } else if (
      next === &&
      !(next2 >= charCodes.digit0 && next2 <= charCodes.digit9)
    ) {
      // '.' not followed by a number
      this.state.pos += 2;
    } else {

updateContext in the class Tokenizer

  updateContext(prevType: TokenType): void {
    const type = this.state.type;
    let update;

    if (type.keyword && (prevType === || prevType === tt.questionDot)) {
      this.state.exprAllowed = false;
    } else if ((update = type.updateContext)) {, prevType);
    } else {
      this.state.exprAllowed = type.beforeExpr;



import { types as tt } from "./types";
tt._function.updateContext = tt._class.updateContext = function (prevType) {
  if (prevType === || prevType === tt.questionDot) {
    // when function/class follows dot/questionDot, it is part of
    // (optional)MemberExpression, then we don't need to push new token context
  } else if (
    prevType.beforeExpr &&
    prevType !== tt.semi &&
    prevType !== tt._else &&
      prevType === tt._return &&
      lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.start))
    ) &&
      (prevType === tt.colon || prevType === tt.braceL) &&
      this.curContext() === types.b_stat
  ) {
  } else {

  this.state.exprAllowed = false;


See /doc/parser/