si -c8 -t60 --reservation=school-interactive
si -c32 -t120 --reservation=school-interactive
Remark: AION compute nodes have 2G per core (128 cores, 256G of RAM)
Q1: can you book the same amount of cores on an IRIS CPU node than the answer of exercice 2? Solution: no, IRIS CPU nodes only have 28 cores
Q2: How much cores would you have to request on a IRIS CPU node to have 64G of RAM? Solution: 14 cores, each cores receives 4G on an IRIS CPU node (28 cores, 128G of RAM)
sbatch batch-job/
sbatch -J job1 -o job1.out -e job1.err batch-job/
sbatch -J job2 -o job2.out -e job2.err batch-job/
for i in {1..5};
sbatch -J job${i} -o job${i}.out -e job${i}.err batch-job/
sbatch --mail-user your_email_address --mail-type FAIL,END batch-job/