- 11,867 records in our database.
- 35% increase in the number of journals compared to previous data
- FY 1985 - FY 2013 (29 years, 312,311 rows, 10,769/year)
- http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/download.jsp
- FY 2000 - FY 2013 (14 years, 777,657 rows, 55,456/year)
- http://exporter.nih.gov/ExPORTER_Catalog.aspx
- FY 2007 - FY 2015 (9 years, 16,670 rows, 1,852/year)
- https://www.research.gov/research-portal/appmanager/base/desktop?_nfpb=true&_eventName=viewQuickSearchFormEvent_so_rsr
** DHS ** DOD ** DARPA ** Department of Engergy ** Department of Education (ED) ** Department of Transforation ** http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/learn-grants/grant-making-agencies.html
- =LEFT(F2,FIND("[",SUBSTITUTE(F2," ","[",LEN(F2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F2," ",""))))-1)
- =RIGHT(F2,LEN(F2)-FIND("",SUBSTITUTE(F2," ","",LEN(F2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F2," ","")))))