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Updating tibble join notes
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lucylgao committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent e255aaa commit 6dd6442
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Showing 19 changed files with 23 additions and 260 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions content/notes/notes-a11/images/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
A folder for images used in the tutorial.
Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/anti_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/bind_cols.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/bind_rows.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/df.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/full_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/inner_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/intersect.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/left_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/new_df.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/new_df2.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/right_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/semi_join.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/setdiff.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/three_tibbles.png
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Binary file added content/notes/notes-a11/images/union.png
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149 changes: 11 additions & 138 deletions content/notes/notes-a11.Rmd → content/notes/notes-a11/index.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Video lecture:

- [Tibble Joins with dplyr](

Demonstration .Rmd file:
<!-- Demonstration .Rmd file: -->

- [Tibble join demonstration with gapminder](
<!-- - [Tibble join demonstration with gapminder]( -->

Other resources, in addition to the notes below:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,15 +179,15 @@ full_join(df4, df5, by = c("FirstName" = "First_name", "LastName" = "Last_name")

What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same Last Name?
full_join(df4, df5, by = c("LastName" = "Last_name"))
<!-- What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same Last Name? -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- full_join(df4, df5, by = c("LastName" = "Last_name")) -->
<!-- ``` -->

What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same First Name?
full_join(df4, df5, by = c("FirstName" = "First_name"))
<!-- What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same First Name? -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- full_join(df4, df5, by = c("FirstName" = "First_name")) -->
<!-- ``` -->

## Set operations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,134 +255,7 @@ We think the best way to learn the basics of tibble joins from here is to work t

There will be some class time to go over solutions if you got stuck on any questions.

If we have time left, then we'll do a case study with the `gapminder` data.

<!-- ## Demonstration with `gapminder` -->

<!-- Get an overview of `gapminder` data -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- glimpse(gapminder) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- ### Part 1 -->

<!-- Obtain additional information on countries from other open data sources -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- country_data <- read.csv(file = "") -->

<!-- glimpse(country_data) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Narrow down information to income groups, OECD status, and religion -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- country_data <- country_data %>% -->
<!-- select(name, income_groups, g77_and_oecd_countries, main_religion_2008) -->

<!-- # Check data structure -->
<!-- glimpse(country_data) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Count how many unique country names are in `gapminder` and `country_data` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- nlevels(gapminder$country) -->
<!-- nlevels(as.factor(country_data$name)) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Merge `gapminder` and `country_data` using `left_join()` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended <- left_join(gapminder, country_data, by=c("country"="name")) -->

<!-- head(gapminder_extended) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- **Note:**: `left_join()` is probably the most useful and the most used join. It is often used when you want to expand your existing dataset with new variables from other sources. -->

<!-- Compare lifeExp for OECD, G77, and other countries -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=g77_and_oecd_countries,y=lifeExp))+ -->
<!-- geom_boxplot()+ -->
<!-- geom_jitter(aes(color=continent), alpha=0.3)+ -->
<!-- labs(x="Country group") -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Compare lifeExp for OECD, G77, and other countries by most common religion -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended %>% -->
<!-- filter(main_religion_2008 %in% c("christian","eastern_religions","muslim")) %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=g77_and_oecd_countries,y=lifeExp))+ -->
<!-- geom_boxplot()+ -->
<!-- geom_jitter(aes(color=continent), alpha=0.3)+ -->
<!-- labs(x="Country group")+ -->
<!-- facet_wrap(~main_religion_2008) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- ### Part 2 -->

<!-- Gapminder data is only available from 1952 to 2007. What if we wanted to examine data after 2007 as well as population projections? -->

<!-- Download population size estimates by country from 1800 to 2100 -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- population <- gsheet2tbl("") -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- See what population data looks like -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- glimpse(population) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Only retain population estimates after 2007, rename variables to match gapminder variable names -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- population <- population %>% -->
<!-- filter(time>2007) %>% -->
<!-- rename(year=time, country=name, pop=Population) %>% -->
<!-- select(-geo) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Add continent data to `population` from `gapminder` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- # create a data frame listing continent for every country -->
<!-- continent <- gapminder %>% -->
<!-- select(country, continent) %>% -->
<!-- distinct() -->

<!-- # add continent data to population data frame -->
<!-- population <- left_join(population, continent, by = "country") -->

<!-- # see how many countries are missing continent data by continent -->
<!-- population %>% -->
<!-- group_by(year) %>% -->
<!-- summarise(missing_continent = sum( -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Use `bind_rows()` to stack `population` below `gapminder` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_pop <- bind_rows(gapminder, population) %>% -->
<!-- arrange(country,year) -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Visualize trends in population growth by continent -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_pop %>% -->
<!-- filter(! %>% -->
<!-- group_by(continent, year) %>% -->
<!-- summarise(pop=sum(pop)/1000000) %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=year, y=pop, fill=continent))+ -->
<!-- geom_area()+ -->
<!-- labs(title="Population projections by continent", -->
<!-- y="Population (in mil)") -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- If we have time, then we will do a case study with the `gapminder` data. [Link to case study here]( -->

### Attributions

Expand Down
133 changes: 11 additions & 122 deletions content/notes/notes-a11.html → content/notes/notes-a11/index.html
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Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,8 @@ <h2>Resources</h2>
<li><a href="">Tibble Joins with dplyr</a></li>
<p>Demonstration .Rmd file:</p>
<li><a href="">Tibble join demonstration with gapminder</a></li>
<!-- Demonstration .Rmd file: -->
<!-- - [Tibble join demonstration with gapminder]( -->
<p>Other resources, in addition to the notes below:</p>
<li>A comprehensive overview can be found in the <a href="">“Relational Data” chapter</a> in “R for Data Science”.</li>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,30 +188,14 @@ <h2>Joining tibbles on multiple conditions</h2>
## 2 Josh Smith 20 167
## 3 Alex Smith 50 190
## 4 Sophie Jones NA 155</code></pre>
<p>What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same Last Name?</p>
<pre class="r"><code>full_join(df4, df5, by = c(&quot;LastName&quot; = &quot;Last_name&quot;))</code></pre>
<pre><code>## Warning in full_join(df4, df5, by = c(LastName = &quot;Last_name&quot;)): Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x` and `y`.
## ℹ Row 2 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
## ℹ Row 1 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
## ℹ If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set `relationship =
## &quot;many-to-many&quot;` to silence this warning.</code></pre>
<pre><code>## # A tibble: 6 × 5
## FirstName LastName Age First_name Height
## &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
## 1 Sophie Wang 42 &lt;NA&gt; NA
## 2 Josh Smith 20 Josh 167
## 3 Josh Smith 20 Alex 190
## 4 Alex Smith 50 Josh 167
## 5 Alex Smith 50 Alex 190
## 6 &lt;NA&gt; Jones NA Sophie 155</code></pre>
<p>What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same First Name?</p>
<pre class="r"><code>full_join(df4, df5, by = c(&quot;FirstName&quot; = &quot;First_name&quot;))</code></pre>
<pre><code>## # A tibble: 3 × 5
## FirstName LastName Age Last_name Height
## &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
## 1 Sophie Wang 42 Jones 155
## 2 Josh Smith 20 Smith 167
## 3 Alex Smith 50 Smith 190</code></pre>
<!-- What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same Last Name? -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- full_join(df4, df5, by = c("LastName" = "Last_name")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- What if you did not realize that multiple people shared the same First Name? -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- full_join(df4, df5, by = c("FirstName" = "First_name")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<div id="set-operations" class="section level2">
<h2>Set operations</h2>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,100 +268,7 @@ <h2>Joining tibbles with different types of variables</h2>
<h2>Your turn: learning tibble joins</h2>
<p>We think the best way to learn the basics of tibble joins from here is to work through the corresponding part of Worksheet A5.</p>
<p>There will be some class time to go over solutions if you got stuck on any questions.</p>
<p>If we have time left, then we’ll do a case study with the <code>gapminder</code> data.</p>
<!-- ## Demonstration with `gapminder` -->
<!-- Get an overview of `gapminder` data -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- glimpse(gapminder) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ### Part 1 -->
<!-- Obtain additional information on countries from other open data sources -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- country_data <- read.csv(file = "") -->
<!-- glimpse(country_data) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Narrow down information to income groups, OECD status, and religion -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- country_data <- country_data %>% -->
<!-- select(name, income_groups, g77_and_oecd_countries, main_religion_2008) -->
<!-- # Check data structure -->
<!-- glimpse(country_data) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Count how many unique country names are in `gapminder` and `country_data` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- nlevels(gapminder$country) -->
<!-- nlevels(as.factor(country_data$name)) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Merge `gapminder` and `country_data` using `left_join()` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended <- left_join(gapminder, country_data, by=c("country"="name")) -->
<!-- head(gapminder_extended) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- **Note:**: `left_join()` is probably the most useful and the most used join. It is often used when you want to expand your existing dataset with new variables from other sources. -->
<!-- Compare lifeExp for OECD, G77, and other countries -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=g77_and_oecd_countries,y=lifeExp))+ -->
<!-- geom_boxplot()+ -->
<!-- geom_jitter(aes(color=continent), alpha=0.3)+ -->
<!-- labs(x="Country group") -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Compare lifeExp for OECD, G77, and other countries by most common religion -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_extended %>% -->
<!-- filter(main_religion_2008 %in% c("christian","eastern_religions","muslim")) %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=g77_and_oecd_countries,y=lifeExp))+ -->
<!-- geom_boxplot()+ -->
<!-- geom_jitter(aes(color=continent), alpha=0.3)+ -->
<!-- labs(x="Country group")+ -->
<!-- facet_wrap(~main_religion_2008) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ### Part 2 -->
<!-- Gapminder data is only available from 1952 to 2007. What if we wanted to examine data after 2007 as well as population projections? -->
<!-- Download population size estimates by country from 1800 to 2100 -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- population <- gsheet2tbl("") -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- See what population data looks like -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- glimpse(population) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Only retain population estimates after 2007, rename variables to match gapminder variable names -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- population <- population %>% -->
<!-- filter(time>2007) %>% -->
<!-- rename(year=time, country=name, pop=Population) %>% -->
<!-- select(-geo) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Add continent data to `population` from `gapminder` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- # create a data frame listing continent for every country -->
<!-- continent <- gapminder %>% -->
<!-- select(country, continent) %>% -->
<!-- distinct() -->
<!-- # add continent data to population data frame -->
<!-- population <- left_join(population, continent, by = "country") -->
<!-- # see how many countries are missing continent data by continent -->
<!-- population %>% -->
<!-- group_by(year) %>% -->
<!-- summarise(missing_continent = sum( -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Use `bind_rows()` to stack `population` below `gapminder` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_pop <- bind_rows(gapminder, population) %>% -->
<!-- arrange(country,year) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Visualize trends in population growth by continent -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- gapminder_pop %>% -->
<!-- filter(! %>% -->
<!-- group_by(continent, year) %>% -->
<!-- summarise(pop=sum(pop)/1000000) %>% -->
<!-- ggplot(aes(x=year, y=pop, fill=continent))+ -->
<!-- geom_area()+ -->
<!-- labs(title="Population projections by continent", -->
<!-- y="Population (in mil)") -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- If we have time, then we will do a case study with the `gapminder` data. [Link to case study here]( -->
<div id="attributions" class="section level3">
<p>Written by Albina Gibadullina, reviewed by Vincenzo Coia.</p>
Expand Down

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