Torrenal's GuildWars 2 Crafting Gadget
This is provided AS-IS. It contains bugs. It contains things it won't calculate correctly. It contains old data for the Mystic Forge.
This was written in part as a practice project, and often with tight deadlines on the delivery to guild-mates. As such the code is sloppy. Very sloppy in some places. -- It needs a refactor.
You assume all responsibility for using this. If it tells you that salvaging ectos is a good idea and you choose to salvage all your ectos based on that advice, that was your choice.
Some highlights of things you'll find inside:
All java code.
Java tables for handling massive tables (11k rows) and keeping a responsive UI. Configurable columns on those tables. Sortable, custom cell renders, etc.
A crude JSON parser. It works "well nuff" for now, but may need fixing (again).
Threading, good and bad (seriously, your own fault if you toggle ResourceManager.isReleaseVersion to true, that was a crude reverse-engineer preventative measure and it'll most likely crash your IDE if you change it.
Threading... seriosuly, I learned much of what NOT to do from this program, which is another way of saying "I did it the wrong way, then learned why that it was the wrong way to do it".
Managing/navigating arbitrarily structured data models
- including recursive data.
Statistics. Badly done, but better than I've seen elsewhere in MMORPG land. Also, those statistics are about 10% done... assuming someone picks this up I may poke my head in and describe future plans for this.
Known bugs/concerns:
- The API is semi-spammy on the server, it's not supposed to talk to the servers when its idle, but something in this keeps it polling them It's got anit-spam code, but this should probably be fixed ahead of anything else.
- The API for getting gold/gem price conversions is currently broken and needs updating.
- The Mystic Forge recipes may need updates, They are static and not obtained from any API
- Threading - it's been fixed (again) - but this time from lessons-learned. Hopefully the
whole 'locking up' or 'failing to load items/update prices/etc' is resolved?
Lesson? Don't synchronize on a Java collection.
Author requests:
- Seriously, do not pull in incomplete data into the statics (most of what I've looked at there omits little things like # of bags opened, or amount of gold obtained Pulling in incomplete stuff, or trying to infer what's missing will skew the results.
- Seriously do not merge drops/salvage data rows. The more detail the better (to a point, but excess detail won't hurt any)
Release notes:
- 2.16 - Fix threading, add normalize() to the drops data handling. Add to drops data