There are multiple parts to the CICS Banking Sample Application (CBSA). There is:
The base/COBOL installation - which needs to be installed first.
The Carbon React Interface - which builds upon the base/COBOL installation.
The Payment/Customer Services User Interfaces - these too build upon the base/COBOL interface.
The Carbon React and the Payment/Customer Services UIs are distinct interfaces separate from each other. These can be installed later if required, both execute in a Liberty JVM inside of the CICS region. However, to get all of the features and the full functionality of CBSA we strongly recommend installing all three parts.
This is the minimum installation required to get CBSA up and running. The architecture diagram for base/COBOL looks as follows:
The base/COBOL installation assumes that the installer has:
A CICS region (running CICS TS 5.4 or greater)
A Db2 subsystem (v12 or greater)
A zOS Connect server
For the CBSA base offering the CICS region does not need to have a JVM server, although for additional/optional CBSA installation offerings e.g. the Carbon React UI and the Payment/Customer Service UIs a JVM will be required. The base/COBOL installation utilises BMS maps:
All CBSA resource definitions for the CBSA base offering are supplied via the CICS region's DFHCSD file - installation jobs are provided to update this file.
The data utilised by CBSA is spread over a mixture of Db2 tables and VSAM files. For example, the Account information is held on a Db2 table called ACCOUNT, internal control information for CBSA is held on the CONTROL table and the PROCTRAN table (Process Transactions) holds all successfully processed banking transactions. All of these tables get set up and populated during base CBSA installation.
There are a couple of VSAM files utilise within CBSA. The first is the CUSTOMER file which holds CUSTOMER information, and the second file an internal file call ABNDFILE, which is used for abend processing. These files are defined and populated (where applicable) during installation too.
Please note that whilst the zOS Connect EE server is setup during the base/COBOL installation, it only gets utilised for RESTful API calls and by the Payment and Customer Services interfaces.
For more information please refer to:
for the base/COBOL installation documentation.
The diagram below shows the addition of the Carbon React UI. This utilises a JVM server running in the CICS region.
The Carbon React User interface assumes:
That the base/COBOL installation has already been successfully installed.
That there is a Liberty JVM server executing in the CICS region
Java 11
For more information please refer to:
The diagram below shows the addition of the Spring Boot Payment and Customer Services user interfaces. These utilise the RESTful APIs which interface with a zOS Connect EE server and from there talk to the CICS region.
The Payment and Customer Services UI assumes:
That the base/COBOL installation has been successfully completed
That there is a Liberty JVM (installed as part of the Carbon React UI installation)
That there is a zOS Connect server (installed as part of the base installation)
Java 11
If you wish to utilise the RESTful API via the Spring Boot Payment or Customer services UI or from a web browser, you will need a zOS Connect EE server. The installation instructions for the zOS Connect EE Server are included in the base/COBOL CBSA documentation please refer to:
For more information about installing the Payment and Customer Services UI (Spring Boot) please refer to:
For the Customer Services and Payment user guides, and the RESTful API guide: