Thank you for your interest in contributing to informatician! This project aims to provide useful resources i.e., Books for information and research purposes to its users. You can learn more about the purpose and features of this project by reading the file. We welcome all types of contributions, such as bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, code enhancements, and more. Please read this guide carefully before making your contribution.
If you encounter a bug or issue while using this project, we encourage you to report it. When reporting bugs, please provide as much information as possible, including:
• Steps to reproduce the issue Expected behavior • Actual behavior • Any relevant error messages or screenshots
To report a bug or issue, please follow these steps:
- Go to the Issues section of the repository.
- Click on the "New Issue" button.
- Fill in the necessary details, following the provided template.
If you have an idea for a new feature or an improvement to an existing one, please open an issue. To suggest a new feature, please follow these steps:
- Go to the Issues section of the repository.
- Click on the "New Issue" button.
- Fill in the necessary details, following the provided template.
Consistent code formatting and style are important for maintaining a clean and readable codebase. Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting code changes:
- Use spaces for indentation (4 spaces per level).
- Follow the established naming conventions for variables, functions, and classes.
- Write clear and concise comments to explain complex code sections.
We welcome contributions through pull requests (PRs). To submit a PR, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make the necessary code changes in your branch.
- Test your changes thoroughly.
- Submit a pull request, explaining the purpose and details of your changes.
- Be open to feedback and actively participate in the review process.
Effective communication is essential for maintaining a collaborative and inclusive environment. When participating in discussions, please:
- Be respectful and considerate towards others.
- Provide constructive feedback and suggestions.
- Clearly express your thoughts and ideas.
- Be open to different perspectives and opinions.
If you have any questions or need any help with Product3D, please feel free to join our discussion forum
. We are happy to assist you with any issues or inquiries.
You can refer to the following articles on basics of Git and GitHub and also contact the Project Mentors, in case you are stuck:
- Watch this video to get started, if you have no clue about open source
- Forking a Repo
- Cloning a Repo
- How to create a Pull Request
- Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Learn GitHub from Scratch
By following these guidelines, we aim to create a welcoming community where everyone feels comfortable and empowered to contribute.
Thank you for your interest and support!