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221 lines (170 loc) · 12.3 KB

TidierData.jl updates

v0.16.2 - 2024-09-03

  • Bugfix: @slice_min and @slice_max respect the n argument
  • Adds @head
  • Adds extra argument for @separate() and remove argument for @unite()

v0.16.1 - 2024-06-09

  • Adds support for tuples and vectors as arguments to select multiple columns. Prefixing tuples/vectors with a - or ! will exclude the selected columns.
  • The : selector from Julia is now available and equivalent to everything()
  • @pivot_longer() now pivots all columns if no column selectors are provided

v0.16.0 - 2024-06-07

  • unique(), mad(), and iqr() are no longer auto-vectorized
  • Bugfix: @ungroup() now preserves row-ordering (and is faster)
  • Bugfix: slice_sample() now throws an error if no n or prop keyword argument is provided
  • Bump minimum Julia version to 1.9

v0.15.2 - 2024-04-19

  • Update Chain.jl dependency version

v0.15.1 - 2024-03-08

  • Bugfix: n() pulls a single value and not a vector of values
  • rand() is no longer auto-vectorized

v0.15.0 - 2024-02-25

  • Add support for begin-end blocks for all macros accepting multiple expressions
  • Bug fix to add support for expressions inside of @group_by(), as in @group_by(b = a + 1)

v0.14.7 - 2024-02-16

  • Bug fix to allow PackageName.function() within macros to be used without escaping

v0.14.6 - 2024-02-03

  • Bug fix to ensure that data type constructors are not escaped

v0.14.5 - 2024-01-23

  • Adds @relocate()

v0.14.4 - 2023-12-30

  • Adds @unnest_wider()
  • Adds @unnest_longer()
  • Adds @nest()
  • Fixes tidy selection in @unite()

v0.14.3 - 2023-12-22

  • Adds support for interpolation and tidy selection in @fill_missing
  • Fixes tidy selection in @separate_rows()

v0.14.2 - 2023-12-21

  • @slice() now supports interpolation and user-defined functions
  • Adds where()
  • Adds is_number()

v0.14.1 - 2023-12-19

  • @separate() now supports regular expressions
  • Adds @separate_rows()

v0.14.0 - 2023-12-12

  • Update parsing engine so that non-function reserved names from the Base and Core modules (like missing, pi, and Real) are auto-escaped now, with the exception of names in the not_escaped[] array, which are never escaped
  • Add collect() to not_vectorized[] array

v0.13.5 - 2023-12-05

  • @summarize() and @summarise() now perform auto-vectorization in the same way as @mutate(), meaning that the top-level macros are now all consistent in their treatment of auto-vectorization.
  • Update documentation to describe new auto-vectorization behavior and give an example of how to modify the TidierData.not_vectorized[] array.

v0.13.4 - 2023-11-28

  • Macros used inside of verbs like @mutate() are now escaped, making it possible to work with Unitful units (e.g. u"psi")

v0.13.3 - 2023-11-23

  • @slice() now correctly handles n() in grouped data frames

v0.13.2 - 2023-11-20

  • Adds @anti_join() and @semi_join()

v0.13.1 - 2023-11-18

  • Adds @slice_head() and @slice_tail()

v0.13.0 - 2023-11-18

  • Adds @slice_min(), @slice_max(), and @rename_with()
  • Adds missing_if() and replace_missing()
  • Add Statistics version to Project.toml

v0.12.2 - 2023-09-20

  • Adds support for everything() selection helper.
  • Adds docstrings for everything(), starts_with(), ends_with(), and matches()

v0.12.1 - 2023-09-11

  • Fixes bug in @separate() so that the value of into supports interpolation.

v0.12.0 - 2023-09-10

  • Fixes !! interpolation so that it works using normal Julia scoping rules. It no longer uses Main.eval() in the implementation. The way interpolation works contains some breaking changes, and the documentation has been updated accordingly.
  • Fixes name conflict with Cleaner.rename() and DataFrames.rename()
  • Adds categorical() to array of non-vectorized functions.

v0.11.0 - 2023-08-22

  • Add @fill_missing(), @slice_sample(), is_float(), is_integer(), is_string()
  • Rename @drop_na() to @drop_missing() to be consistent with Julia data types.
  • Added StatsBase.jl dependency for use of sample() function within @slice_sample()
  • Simplified dependency versions to ensure future compatability with dependency updates

v0.10.0 - 2023-08-15

  • Refactor macros to make them much faster and memory-efficient.
  • @group_by no longer automatically sorts by group, which makes it much faster. This is a slight change in behavior from dplyr but the speed trade-off is worth it.

v0.9.2 - 2023-08-06

  • Remove TidierData_not_vectorized[] from exports
  • Add TidierCats.jl functions to not_vectorized[] list

v0.9.1 - 2023-08-06

  • Export TidierData_not_vectorized[] to make it easier for other packages to access it

v0.9.0 - 2023-08-04

  • Exposed not_vectorized[] as a package global variable so that the user or other packages can modify it
  • Added @separate, @unite, and @summary

v0.8.0 - 2023-07-28

  • Tidier.jl cloned and changed to TidierData.jl

v0.7.7 - 2023-07-15

  • Added documentation on how to interpolate variables inside of for loops. Note: !! interpolation doesn't work inside of for loops because macros are expanded during parsing and not at runtime.
  • Fixed bug in parse_pivot_arg() to enable interpolation inside of pivoting functions when used inside a for loop.
  • Added cumsum(), cumprod(), and accumulate() to the do-not-vectorize list.

v0.7.6 - 2023-05-04

  • Fixed bug to allow multiple columns in @distinct() separated by commas or using selection helpers.

v0.7.5 - 2023-04-30

  • Fixed bug to ensure that && and || are auto-vectorized
  • Added docstrings and examples to show different ways of filtering by multiple "and" conditions, including &&, &, and separating multiple expressions with commas.

v0.7.4 - 2023-04-11

  • Added as_float(), as_integer(), and as_string()

v0.7.3 - 2023-04-10

  • Added @glimpse()

v0.7.2 - 2023-04-05

  • Moved repo to TidierOrg

v0.7.1 - 2023-04-01

  • Added @drop_na() with optional column selection parameter
  • Re-exported lead() and lag() from ShiftedArrays.jl and added both to the do-not-vectorize list
  • Bug fix: Fixed ntile() condition for when all elements are missing

v0.7.0 - 2023-03-27

  • Added @count() and @tally()
  • Added @bind_rows() and @bind_cols()
  • Added @clean_names() to mimic R's janitor::clean_names() by wrapping the Cleaner.jl package
  • Added support for backticks to select columns containing spaces.
  • Added support for ntile(), which is on the do-not-vectorize list because it takes in a vector and returns a vector.
  • Bug fix: removed selection helpers (startswith, contains, and endswith from the do-not-vectorize list).

v0.6.0 - 2023-03-18

  • Added @distinct(). It behaves slightly differently from dplyr when provided arguments in that it returns all columns, not just the selected ones.
  • Added support for n() and row_number().
  • Added support for negative selection helper functions (e.g., -contains("a")).
  • Added support for negative selection using ! (e.g., !a, !(a:b), !contains("a")).
  • In @pivot_longer(), the names_to and values_to arguments now also support strings (in addition to bare unquoted names).
  • In @pivot_wider(), the names_from and values_from arguments now also support strings (in addition to bare unquoted names).
  • Bug fix: @mutate(a = 1) or any scalar previously errored because the 1 was being wrapped inside a QuoteNode. Now, 1 is correctly broadcasted.
  • Bug fix: @slice(df, 1,2,1) previously only returned rows 1 and 2 only (and not 1 again). @slice(df, 1,2,1) now returns rows 1, 2, and 1 again.
  • Bug fix: added repeat() to the do-not-vectorize list.

v0.5.0 - 2023-03-10

  • Added @pivot_wider() and @pivot_wider().
  • Added if_else() and case_when().
  • Updated documentation to include Main.variable example as an alternative syntax for interpolation.
  • Simplified internal use of subset() by using keyword argument of skipmissing = true instead of using coalesce(..., false).
  • For developers: doctests can now be run locally using runtests.jl.

v0.4.1 - 2023-03-05

  • In addition to in being auto-vectorized as before, the second argument is automatically wrapped inside of Ref(Set(arg2)) if not already done to ensure that it is evaluated correctly and fast. See: for details. This same behavior is also implemented for and .
  • Added documentation and docstrings for new in behavior with @filter() and @mutate().
  • Improved interpolation to support values and not just column names. Note: there is a change of behavior now for strings, which are treated as values and not as column names. Updated examples in the documentation webpage for interpolation.
  • Bug fix: Re-exported Cols() because this is required for interpolated columns inside of across(). Previously, this was passing tests because using RDatasets was exporting Cols().

v0.4.0 - 2023-02-29

  • Rewrote the parsing engine to remove all regular expression and string parsing
  • Selection helpers now work within both @select() and across().
  • @group_by() now sorts the groups (similar to dplyr) and supports tidy expressions, for example @group_by(df, d = b + c).
  • @slice() now supports grouped data frames. For example, @slice(gdf, 1:2) will slice the first 2 rows from each group if gdf is a grouped data frame.
  • All functions now work correctly with both grouped and ungrouped data frames following dplyr behavior. In other words, all functions retain grouping for grouped data frames (e.g., ungroup = false), other than @summarize(), which "peels off" one layer of grouping in a similar fashion to dplyr.
  • Added @ungroup to explicitly remove grouping
  • Added @pull macro to extract vectors
  • Added joins: @left_join(), @right_join(), @inner_join(), and @full_join(), which support natural joins (i.e., where no by argument is given) or explicit joins by providing keys. All join functions ungroup both data frames before joining.
  • Added starts_with() as an alias for Julia's startswith(), ends_with() as an alias for Julia's endswith(), and matches() as an alias for Julia's Regex().
  • Enabled interpolation of global user variables using !! similar to R's rlang.
  • Enabled a ~ tilde operator to mark functions (or operators) as unvectorized so that Tidier.jl does not "auto-vectorize" them.
  • Disabled @info logging of generated DataFrames.jl code. This code can be shown by setting an option using the new Tidier_set() function.
  • Fixed a bug where functions were evaluated inside the module, which meant that user-provided functions would not work.
  • @filter() now skips rows that evaluate to missing values.
  • Re-export a handful of functions from the DataFrames.jl package.
  • Added doctests to all examples in the docstrings.

v0.3.0 - 2023-02-11

  • Updated auto-vectorization so that operators are vectorized differently from other types of functions. This leads to nicer printing of the generated DataFrames.jl code. For example, 1 .+ 1 instead of (+).(1,1)
  • The generated DataFrames.jl code now prints to the screen
  • Updated the ordering of columns when using across() so that each column is summarized in consecutive columns (e.g., Rating_mean, Rating_median, Budget_mean, Budget_median) instead of being organized by function (e.g. of prior ordering: Rating_mean, Budget_mean, Rating_median, Budget_median)
  • Added exported functions for across() and desc() as a placeholder for documentation, though these functions will throw an error if called because they should only be called inside of Tidier macros
  • Corrected GitHub actions and added tests (contributed by @rdboyes)
  • Bumped version to 0.3.0

v0.2.0 - 2023-02-09

  • Fixed bug with @rename() so that it supports multiple arguments
  • Added support for numerical selection (both positive and negative) to @select()
  • Added support for @slice(), including positive and negative indexing
  • Added support for @arrange(), including the use of desc() to specify descending order
  • Added support for across(), which has been confirmed to work with both @mutate(), @summarize(), and @summarise().
  • Updated auto-vectorization so that @summarize and @summarise do not vectorize any functions
  • Re-export Statistics and Chain.jl
  • Bumped version to 0.2.0

v0.1.0 - 2023-02-07

  • Initial release, version 0.1.0