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APARAPI Documentation

PrivateMemorySpace Using __private memory space in Aparapi kernels.
SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapi How to setup a Linux HSA machine for testing HSA enabled Aparapi
PossibleAparapiLambdaSyntaxOptions Syntax suggestions for HSA enabled Aparapi
HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranchSidebar Sidebar for HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranchAparapi
HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranch Adding HSA Support to Aparapi lambda branch
UsingAparapiLambdaBranchWithHSASimulator One-sentence summary of this page.
SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapiSidebar Sidebar for SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapi
AddingLambdasToAparapi Adding Java 8 Lambda Support to Aparapi
ProfilingKernelExecution Using Aparapi's built in profiling APIs
HowToAddUML How to add plantuml docs to wiki pages
LIbraryAgentDuality Aparapi libraries can now be loaded as JVMTI agents.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions Frequently Asked Questions
ChoosingSpecificDevicesForExecution Using the new Device API's to choose Kernel execution on a specific device.
Gadgets Gadgetorium
ConvertingBytecodeToOpenCL How Aparapi converts bytecode to OpenCL
DevelopersGuideLinux Developer guide for Linux.
DevelopersGuideWindows Developers guide for Windows.
EmulatingMultipleEntrypointsUsingCurrentAPI How to emulate multiple entrypoints using existing Aparapi APIs
MultipleEntryPointSupportProposal How to extend Aparapi to allow multiple entrypoints for kernels
ExplicitBufferHandling How to minimize buffer transfers
AparapiPatterns Examples and code fragments to demonstrate Aparapi fetaures.
ProfilingKernelsFromEclipse Profiling Kernels with AMD profiler in Eclipse (Indigo)
DeviceProposal How we might use the extension mechanism devices for general Kernel execution.
NewOpenCLBinding How to use new OpenCL binding mechanism.
AparapiExtensionProposal A proposed aparapi extension mechanism.
UsingConstantMemory How to make use of constant memory in a Kernel
UsingLocalMemory How to make use of local memory in a Kernel
UsingMultiDimExecutionRanges How to use the new Range class (for multi-dim range access)
AccessingMultiDimNDRangeProposal A proposal for accessing multi-dim ND range execution
LocalMemoryAndBarrierProposal A proposal for handling local memory and barriers
AddressSpacesUsingBuffers Proposal For OpenCL address space support using java Buffers instead of arrays.
BuildingNBody How to build the NBody example.
UnitTestGuide Unit test Guide Find out how to run Junit tests and how to add new tests.
NewFeatures New Features added to this open source release of Aparapi.
UsersGuide Aparapi User's Guide.
DevelopersGuide Aparapi developers guide.
ContributionGuide How to contribute (bug fix or features).
JavaKernelGuidelines What code can and can't be converted to OpenCL by Aparapi.
Attribution Attribution