PrivateMemorySpace |
Using __private memory space in Aparapi kernels. |
SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapi |
How to setup a Linux HSA machine for testing HSA enabled Aparapi |
PossibleAparapiLambdaSyntaxOptions |
Syntax suggestions for HSA enabled Aparapi |
HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranchSidebar |
Sidebar for HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranchAparapi |
HSAEnablementOfLambdaBranch |
Adding HSA Support to Aparapi lambda branch |
UsingAparapiLambdaBranchWithHSASimulator |
One-sentence summary of this page. |
SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapiSidebar |
Sidebar for SettingUpLinuxHSAMachineForAparapi |
HSASidebar |
AddingLambdasToAparapi |
Adding Java 8 Lambda Support to Aparapi |
ProfilingKernelExecution |
Using Aparapi's built in profiling APIs |
HowToAddUML |
How to add plantuml docs to wiki pages |
LIbraryAgentDuality |
Aparapi libraries can now be loaded as JVMTI agents. |
FrequentlyAskedQuestions |
Frequently Asked Questions |
HomePageSuggestions |
ChoosingSpecificDevicesForExecution |
Using the new Device API's to choose Kernel execution on a specific device. |
Gadgets |
Gadgetorium |
ConvertingBytecodeToOpenCL |
How Aparapi converts bytecode to OpenCL |
DevelopersGuideLinux |
Developer guide for Linux. |
DevelopersGuideWindows |
Developers guide for Windows. |
EmulatingMultipleEntrypointsUsingCurrentAPI |
How to emulate multiple entrypoints using existing Aparapi APIs |
MultipleEntryPointSupportProposal |
How to extend Aparapi to allow multiple entrypoints for kernels |
ExplicitBufferHandling |
How to minimize buffer transfers |
AparapiPatterns |
Examples and code fragments to demonstrate Aparapi fetaures. |
ProfilingKernelsFromEclipse |
Profiling Kernels with AMD profiler in Eclipse (Indigo) |
DeviceProposal |
How we might use the extension mechanism devices for general Kernel execution. |
NewOpenCLBinding |
How to use new OpenCL binding mechanism. |
AparapiExtensionProposal |
A proposed aparapi extension mechanism. |
UsingConstantMemory |
How to make use of constant memory in a Kernel |
UsingLocalMemory |
How to make use of local memory in a Kernel |
UsingMultiDimExecutionRanges |
How to use the new Range class (for multi-dim range access) |
AccessingMultiDimNDRangeProposal |
A proposal for accessing multi-dim ND range execution |
LocalMemoryAndBarrierProposal |
A proposal for handling local memory and barriers |
AddressSpacesUsingBuffers |
Proposal For OpenCL address space support using java Buffers instead of arrays. |
BuildingNBody |
How to build the NBody example. |
UnitTestGuide |
Unit test Guide Find out how to run Junit tests and how to add new tests. |
NewFeatures |
New Features added to this open source release of Aparapi. |
UsersGuide |
Aparapi User's Guide. |
DevelopersGuide |
Aparapi developers guide. |
ContributionGuide |
How to contribute (bug fix or features). |
JavaKernelGuidelines |
What code can and can't be converted to OpenCL by Aparapi. |
Attribution |
Attribution |