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Assembler Directives

Benjamin Landers edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

The currently supported directives are:

Name Description
.align Align next data item on specified byte boundary (0=byte, 1=half, 2=word, 3=double)
.ascii Store the string in the Data segment but do not add null terminator
.asciz Store the string in the Data segment and add null terminator
.byte Store the listed value(s) as 8 bit bytes
.data Subsequent items stored in Data segment at next available address
.double Store the listed value(s) as double precision floating point
.end_macro End macro definition. See .macro
.eqv Substitute second operand for first. First operand is symbol, second operand is expression (like #define)
.extern Declare the listed label and byte length to be a global data field
.float Store the listed value(s) as single precision floating point
.globl Declare the listed label(s) as global to enable referencing from other files
.half Store the listed value(s) as 16 bit halfwords on halfword boundary
.include Insert the contents of the specified file. Put filename in quotes.
.macro Begin macro definition. See .end_macro
.space Reserve the next specified number of bytes in Data segment
.string Alias for .asciz
.text Subsequent items (instructions) stored in Text segment at next available address
.word Store the listed value(s) as 32 bit words on word boundary