- Server Setup
- Server Security Implementation
- Node
- Delegate To Node
- [not funny] Get erected
- Landing Page
- Write litePaper
- Write white paper
- Fully include metamask Capabilities
- add mathwallet capabilities
- figure out hoz to sign contract tx with ledger
- rewrite login procedure to accomodate above changes
- write Core OneWallet compatability
- write login code
- write base of migrations
- beautify migration on landing page
- dashboard base
- balance history
- tx widget
- All coins
- Some tokens
- Add Ethereum balance compatibility
- transaction page base
- rewire tx send with tags,msg,category
- Add Uniswap SDK
- link to Openfi Exchange
- Link site to Swoop Exchange
- code full migration with simple UI
- write down protocol thought over the last 5 monthes
- design cards
- add WebNFC Feature
- List available Card accounts
- Add Card accounts
- Retreive funds from card to linked Main account
- code protocol. Duhhh
- Link liquidity pools provided by OpenFi
- Link Swoop
- add more features to delegator
- Graphs
- Limits
- error message handling
- moar Stats
- Better UI fo real
- Graphs
- Limits
- error message handling
- moar Stats
- Better UI fo real
- monthly/yearly/weekly stats
- How much spent on Txs
- Spent on Contracts/updates
- block number
- epoch
- Total funds in all linked Wallets
- more...
- navigation
- update readme
- write base contract for account management
- add ownership to ^
- write testing token contracts
- Write source of Truth Contract
- improve base manager/budget/tx/Wallet Contracts
- write Card Wallet Contracts
- Write base Wallet Manager Contract
- write base budget Contract
- write base Tx manager contract
- write base Manager factory
- write base manager Contract
- write SRC_of_Truth conntract
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- simple ui explaining what this project is about.
- Lots of SEO <- sorry Vue :'(
- whitepaper
- about
- contact
- Link to App
- [ ]
- twitter account
- mail accounts pt1
- publish paper about nfc logic
- draw nfc microcontroller circuit
- get first prototype nfc writer
- buy nfc controller
- link WebUsb to rfid
- Register Company
- Search for compatible banks
- open bank accounts
- Write Fiat tokens
- link tokens to contract
- link contract to bank api
- Link Bank API To Contracts
- Testing
- testing
- testing
- some more testing
- [ ]