Releases: TheNewNormal/coreos-osx
v0.5.0 release
Whats new:
- Docker port in bash is set to 2375
- "Check for updates" will update docker, etcdclt and fleetctl OS X clients to the same versions as CoreOS VM runs. It will store downloads from github coreos-vagrant in ~/coreos-osx/github folder, it will not overwrite user's Vagrantfile, config.rb and users-data files
version 0.4.2
ssh-add ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key command added to OS shell script
Version 0.4.1
Checks for the "cores-osx" folder on install.
Less shell scrips to use.
Other under hood improvements
version 0.4.0
All shell scripts get run from the inside main App's bundle, so that makes App's upgrade much easier.
version 0.3.0
Added etcdclt and fleetctl OS X binaries
Update now updates docker, etcdclt and fleetctl binaries
Cleaned up code
Bumped to v0.2.0
New things got added:
The whole simple install of the coreos-vagrant/docker from the App menu
Vagrant ssh works from menu
OS shell works from menu
DockerUI link opens in a browser
New coreos icons (thanks to Rob Szumski from CoreOS)
First public release
This is the first version of coreos-vagrant-osx-gui.
Just download the ZIP, unzip from it and run the App to get started.