HunterGatherer scrapes names from websites, and uses name combinations to generate a list of email addresses, such as [email protected]. HunterGatherer can validate email addresses using the SMTP RCPT TO command or bounce emails.
Read names from test.txt and output email guesses to output.txt with domain The default separator is ".".
node HunterGatherer.js -f test.txt -o output.txt -d
Generate emails for name provided, using separators "_" and "-", with output to console.
node HunterGatherer.js -n "Bob Jones" -s "_,-" -d
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
You can also provide your own template using -t. This is useful when you already know the email naming algorithm. The format of the template is:
{{fn}} = first name
{{fi}} = first initial
{{ln}} = last name
{{li}} = last initial
{{domain}} = email domain Ex:
Validate email address by sending a an email and recording the existence of a bounce email. Subject and body will be "test".
node HunterGatherer.js -n "Bob Jones" -d -t {{fi}}{{ln}}@{{domain}} -v bounce -u [email protected] -p test
[*] Sending email to [email protected]
[*] Valid emails found:
Bob Jones <[email protected]>
LinkedIn scraper
Facebook scraper
MIT License