1 |
Fizz Buzz |
A simple game involving divisibility tests. |
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3 |
Prime Palindrome |
Biggest prime palindrome < 1000. |
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4 |
Sum of Primes |
Sum of first 1000 primes. |
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8 |
Reverse words |
Reversing an input sequence of words. |
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18 |
Multiples of a Number |
Multiples of a number greater than another number. |
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19 |
Bit Positions |
Bits in position x,y are same or different. |
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20 |
Lowercase |
Lowercase text |
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21 |
Sum of Digits |
Sum of digits comprising a number |
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22 |
Fibonacci Series |
Print out the nth fibonacci number |
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23 |
Multiplication Tables |
Print out the grade school multiplication table upto 12*12 |
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24 |
Sum of Integers from File |
Print the sum of integers read from a file. |
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25 |
Odd Numbers |
Print the odd numbers from 1 to 99. |
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26 |
File Size |
Print the file size in bytes. |
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29 |
Unique Elements |
Extract unique list from a sorted list of numbers. |
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30 |
Set Intersection |
Print the intersection of two sets of numbers. |
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31 |
Rightmost Char |
Print the position of the rightmost occurrence of a char. |
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39 |
Happy Numbers |
Determine if a number is a happy number or not |
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40 |
Self Describing Numbers |
Determine if a number is a self-describing number or not |
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62 |
N Mod M |
Determine the modulus (without the modulus operator). |
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67 |
Hex to Decimal |
Convert a hex number to it's decimal equivalent. |
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✅💾 |
82 |
Armstrong Numbers |
Determine if a number is an armstrong number. |
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83 |
Beautiful Strings |
Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 problem. |
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87 |
Query Board |
Set and get values from a matrix using tiny DSL |
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91 |
Simple Sorting |
Sort several numbers |
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92 |
Penultimate Word |
Find the next-to-last word |
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93 |
Capitalize Words |
Capitalize words in a sentence |
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96 |
Swap Case |
Swap case in a string |
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97 |
Find a Writer |
Find a famous writer in a string |
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99 |
Calculate Distance |
Calculate a distance between two points |
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100 |
Even Numbers |
Determine if a number is even or not |
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102 |
JSON menu IDs |
Calculate IDs in JSON menu |
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103 |
Lowest Unique Number |
Find the lowest unique number in a set |
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104 |
Word to Digit |
Substitute words to digits |
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106 |
Roman Numerals |
Convert a cardinal number to a Roman numeral |
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107 |
Shortest Repetition |
Find the shortest repetition in a string |
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111 |
Longest Word |
Get the longest word in a sentence |
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112 |
Swap Elements |
Swap elements in a list |
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113 |
Multiply Lists |
Multiply elements in 2 lists |
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115 |
Mixed Content |
Separate words with digits |
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116 |
Morse Code |
Decode Morse code |
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122 |
Hidden Digits |
Try to look behind the scenes |
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124 |
Road Trip |
Do not be left without petrol |
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128 |
Compressed Sequence |
Write a program that compresses a sequence of numbers |
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131 |
Split The Number |
Evaluate the number according to the pattern |
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132 |
The Major Element |
Find the major element in a sequence |
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136 |
Racing Chars |
Explore a race track avoiding crashes |
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139 |
Working experience |
Retrieve an actual value |
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140 |
Data Recovery |
Reconstruct a sentence using hints |
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147 |
Lettercase Percentage Ratio |
Find the percentage ratio. |
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149 |
Juggling With Zeros |
Convert a zero-based number into integer. |
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152 |
Age distribution |
Print out where the person is. |
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156 |
Roller Coaster |
Turn the text into RoLlErCoAsTeR case. |
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160 |
Nice angles |
Convert angle values to sexagesimal format. |
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163 |
Big Digits |
Print out magnified digits using pseudographics. |
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166 |
Delta Time |
Find the time difference. |
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167 |
Read More |
Limit the length of the text. |
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173 |
Without Repetitions |
Delete characters that are consistently repeated. |
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174 |
Slang Flavor |
Add some slang to the text. |
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179 |
Matrix Rotation |
Rotate a 2D matrix 90 degrees clockwise. |
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180 |
Knight Moves |
Find positions for the next move of the knight. |
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183 |
Details |
Determine how many cells will be shifted detail. |
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186 |
Max Range Sum |
Determine max sum at the range. |
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189 |
Minimum Distance |
Find a point with the smallest sum of distances to every given point. |
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192 |
Compare Points |
Given two (x, y) points A and B, determine which cardinal direction B is from A. |
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196 |
Swap Numbers |
Swap numbers surrounding a word |
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199 |
String mask |
Change case letters by mask |
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202 |
Stepwise word |
Print the longest word in a stepwise manner |
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203 |
Strings and arrows |
Print the number of arrows in a string |
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205 |
Clean up the words |
Print the words separated by spaces |
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208 |
Find the highest score |
Find the highest rate in the table |
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211 |
Chardonnay or Cabernet |
Guess a wine name. |
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214 |
Time to eat |
Sort timestamps in the right order. |
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217 |
One zero, two zeros... |
Count zeros in a binary system. |
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220 |
Trick or Treat |
Count all candies. |
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222 |
Black card |
Find the winner. |
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225 |
Testing |
Wanna try to be a tester? |
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227 |
Real fake |
Check credit card numbers. |
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230 |
Football |
Find countries that are football fans. |
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232 |
Not so clever |
Simplicity is not always good. |
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235 |
Simple or trump |
Check which card is higher. |
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237 |
Panacea - truth or lie |
Check whether the virus was stopped by antivirus. |
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240 |
Mersenne prime |
Find all Mersenne numbers smaller than n. |
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