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Folders and files

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React.js application which represents the entire browser-side client. File structure is standard for a create-react-app application with some minor changes. Any component which represents an entire page is categorized under the views folder.


  1. Install Node and Yarn
  2. Run yarn to install project dependencies
  3. Run yarn start to startup the client (please note that much of the functionality will not work without also starting up the backend services)
  4. Navigate to chrome://flags/ and enable the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag (This will provide your browser access to serial ports)

Project Structure

This react project has the following file structure rules:

  1. Routing is handled from client root in App.js, rendered in react by index.js
  2. Components which render as a page are generally listed under the /views folder
  3. Component styling is placed into a folder under the name of the main component alongside the component and sub-component files.
    • As an example the folder /Home contains the Home.js component, the Home.css styling, and a couple of sub-components.
  4. /Utils contains additional utility functions like different database requests or authentication handlers


All client routes are handled by react router. The index.html file and all static assets will be served by the server.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn start-build

Stars a basic http server (using http-server) which serves the build folder on http://localhost:3000 .

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.


To maintain a consistant theme the folowing has been implemented in \client\src\assets\style.less for import


primary: #3D5C82;
secondary: #5BABDE;
tertiary: #F4F4F5;
text-primary: #414141;
text-secondary: #FFFFFF;

Relevant notes

Section on fixing issue where yarn build does not minify:

Section on code splitting, worth considering at some point: