中文版本请查看 changelog-hans.md
- Fix: Error occurs when generating classes with op_explicit #1363.
- Fix: Issue with ClearModuleCache causing a crash #1364.
- Fix: Error in generating when struct produces recursive definition through pointers in xil2cpp mode #1365.
- Fix: Crash when printing struct in xil2cpp mode #1376.
- Fix: Crash when assigning JSObject to numeric type C# Field/Property #1383.
- Fix: Issue with ineffective Filter.
- Optimization: Changed xil2cpp mode's c plugin code to be generated instead of being included in the package.
- Optimization: Added FAQHelper to optimize code generation and error prompts during build.
- Optimization: Improved error messages for reflection calls, compatible with trimmed interfaces.
- Optimization: Changed the separator for console.log elements from comma to space. #1373
- Optimization: Improved Node.js event loop #1093 #1279.
- Optimization: Suppressed warnings from DefaultMode's StaticWrapper.
- Feature: Added JSObject.Get(string) and refactored ExecuteModule to use this Get interface.
- Feature: Added Filter for xil2cpp valuetype declaration.
difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki