中文版本请查看 changelog-hans.md
[2.0.0-pre.4] - 2023-05-29
- Fix: the Error message threw from JS to CS would have unexpected character.
- Fix: doc generating fix #1322 #1329
- Fix: if an error is thrown in constructor, some valuetype would become null unexpectly.
- optimize: performance in WebGL is optimized.
- Fix: dts with Enumerable would throw compile error #1322
- To distinguish the meaning between Unity Il2cpp backend, we named the new il2cpp binding mode(v2 mode) to xIl2cpp mode.
- Fix: in xIl2cpp mode, create Puerts.ArrayBuffer in csharp would make its memory unstable. #1340
- Fix: in xIl2cpp mode, it would crash when returning a valuetype in a method with returntype
. - Fix: in xIl2cpp mode, it would crash when transfering nullable valuetype. #1320
- Fix: in xIl2cpp mode, it would crash when setting a valuetype to ref/out arguments. #1343
- Register logic refactor: #1317. Now we have a new access control ability.
difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki