description | cover | coverY |
USK Multi-Staking |
../../../.gitbook/assets/Kujira BOW (1).png |
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The stake USK section of BOW allows you to stake various USK LP positions to earn from a shared pool of rewards. Earn a share of a single set of incentives by staking USK-paired LP tokens.
You can either stake USK via the Multi-stake BOW tab to earn from a single incentive pot shared between various USK paired LP tokens or stake the LP positions on their individual BOW pool tabs to earn incentives provided specifically to those pools.
The stake USK incentives are a wholly separate set of incentives from the extra incentives on individual BOW pairs.
Furthermore, this strategy not only helps give USK more utility and inherent demand, but also helps smaller USK pairs attract liquidity and balance overall pair liquidity.
Stake USK BOW tab
This section of BOW has three separate subtabs: 'Overview', 'Stake/Unstake', and 'Rewards'.