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Important liquidity pools are featured at the top of the BOW 'Pools' page. They may be liquidity pools for USK pairs with USK backing collateral, they may be major KUJI trading pairs, or they may have other features of interest. Either way, keep an eye on the featured pools.
For each featured pool, detailed information is displayed in a similar manner to the BOW dashboard view. Visible at glance are FIN orderbook size (existing FIN limit orders for each token asset in the pool), total liquidity, combined trading and incentive APR, farming incentives (the tokens given as incentivized rewards), current personal LP balance for that pool, and current personal staked LP for that pool. Below is a sample.
KUJI / ATOM liquidity pool info
When opening each featured liquidity pool to take a closer look, the user will find the same information and options as what is contained in the general liquidity pool section.