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The TypoScript Content Object FLUIDTEMPLATE works similar to the regular TEMPLATE cObject, but instead of the marker and subpart based templates it expects Fluid style templates.
Note: Currently the extensions Fluid and Extbase have to be installed for this Content Object to work.
Using this Content Object is as simple as:
10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE 10.file = fileadmin/templates/MyTemplate.html
With the variables key you are able to set values that will be available within your Fluid template:
10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE 10 { file = fileadmin/templates/MyTemplate.html variables { foo = TEXT foo.value = Hello World! } }
Further properties of the FLUIDTEMPLATE cObject are:
- layoutRootPath - relative or absolute path to the folder that contains Fluid layouts
- partialRootPath - relative or absolute path to the folder that contains Fluid partials
- format - default format that will be used for links (defaults to html)
Furthermore you can specify the default plugin values that are mainly used to search layouts/partials (if layoutRootPath/partialRootPath have not been specified) and to resolve extension/controller in Fluid links. Available extbase properties are:
- extbase.pluginName
- extbase.controllerExtensionName
- extbase.controllerName
- extbase.controllerActionName
Note: All properties of the FLUIDTEMPLATE cObject support stdWrap
10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE 10 { file = MyTemplate.html file.wrap = fileadmin/templates/ | layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/layouts partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/partials format = xml extbase { pluginName = SomePlugin controllerExtensionName = SomeExtension controllerName = SomeController controllerActionName = someAction } variables { title = TEXT title.value = Some Title mainNavigation < lib.mainNavigation } }
The corresponding Fluid template (fileadmin/templates/MyTemplate.html) could look like this:
<f:layout name="Default" /> <f:section name="header"> <f:render partial="GraphicalHeader" arguments="{header: title}" /> </f:section> <f:section name="body"> <div id="mainNavigation"> <f:format.html>{mainNavigation}</f:format.html> </div> <div id="content"> <f:format.html>{data.bodytext}</f:format.html> </div> </f:section>
The FLUIDTEMPLATE content object internally uses the Fluid Standalone View, which can also be used by your own code if you need to render Fluid (f.e. to render an e-mail text), as in the following example:
$view = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Fluid_View_StandaloneView'); $view->setTemplatePathAndFilename('foo/Bar.html'); $view->assign('key', 'value'); print $view->render();