notice - Draft
notice - This information is outdated
Also see FluidSyntax.
Fluid / Extbase | Extbase is a backport of some features of Flow (the PHP framework on which TYPO3 Neos will be built) to TYPO3 CMS. With Fluid, the new templating
system, all the code for the
view logic moves to the
current version: | |
TYPO3 6.2 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 6.2 |
earlier releases: | |
TYPO3 6.1 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 6.1 |
TYPO3 6.0 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 6.0 |
TYPO3 4.7 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 4.7 |
TYPO3 4.6 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 1.4 |
TYPO3 4.5 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 1.3 |
TYPO3 4.4 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 1.2 |
TYPO3 4.3 [not available anymore] | Extbase/Fluid 1.0 |
< ExtbaseGuide/Fluid/Index.html>`__ - `Extbase Documentation on Typo3 Forge <h ttps:// ypo3v4-mvc/wiki/Documentation>`__ [not available anymore]
tation <fluid-inline-notation>`__ - `T3Doc/Fluidtemplate by exam ple <fluidtemplate-by-example>`__ |
Acessing a viewHelper from another viewHelper for instance:
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager'); $viewHelper = $objectManager->get($viewHelperName); $result = $viewHelper->render($param1, $param2);
/** * Register an Extbase PlugIn into backend's list of plugins */ \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::registerPlugin( 'Addresses', // The name of the extension in UpperCamelCase 'Pi1', // A unique name of the plugin in UpperCamelCase 'Address Management' // A title shown in the backend dropdown field );
/** * Configure the Extbase Dispatcher */ \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'Vendor.' . $_EXTKEY, // The name of the extension in UpperCamelCase 'Pi1', // A unique name of the plugin in UpperCamelCase array( 'Address' => 'index,show', // The first controller and its first action will be the default ), array( 'Address' => 'index,show', // An array of non-cachable controller-action-combinations (they must already be enabled) ) );
The TS configuration can be accessed through
Better is the method (not for uncached actions) to include js or css.
$this->response->addAdditionalHeaderData('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath('extkey') . 'Resources/Public/Stylesheets/index.css" />');
You can access the current request with
$currentRequest = $this->variableContainer->get('view')->getRequest();
If you want to access f.e. a $_GET param use
$this->variableContainer->get('view')->getRequest()->getArgument('name of the GET var');
or to access all arguments:
You can also check if an argument exists with
$this->variableContainer->get('view')->getRequest()->hasArgument('name of the GET var');
Used to declare one or more variables that will only be valid within the f:alias tag.
<f:alias map="{x:, y:}"> {} or {y} </f:alias>
Outputs the base-tag in HTML
<f:base />
<base href=""></base>
you can get output from typoscript based on current data
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.calc" data="45 + 34 * 2" />
in conjunction with:
lib.calc = TEXT lib.calc { current = 1 prioriCalc = 1 }
(as TYPO3 prioriCalc ignores precedence of * and calculates (45 + 34) * 2 )
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.replace_umlauts">Übergröße</f:cObject>
in conjunction with:
lib.replace_umlauts = TEXT lib.replace_umlauts { current = 1 stdWrap.replacement { 1 { search = ä replace = ae } 2 { search = ö replace = oe } 3 { search = ü replace = ue } 4 { search = ß replace = ss } 5 { search = Ä replace = Ae } 6 { search = ö replace = Oe } 7 { search = ü replace = ue } } }
Uebergroesse [not available anymore]
Write a comment that does not get outputted in the final HTML.
<f:comment> This partial expects the following parameters: - "datum": Single data object with a "value" property - "key": Name of datum </f:comment>
Counts the number of elements in an array
<f:count subject="{myarray}" />
Output: 5
Example for usage in condtions:
<f:if condition="{myarray -> f:count()} > 3"> // do something </f:if>
If used inside a for-loop will rotate the values given.
<f:for each="{0:1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:4}" as="foo"> <f:cycle values="{0: '..', 1: '--', 2: 'xx'}" as="cycle"> {cycle} </f:cycle> </f:for>
Output: ..--xx..
Usage: Use to create Zebra-Styles, Rotating Templates, ...
Debugs the content inside the tag, Outputs the title in front
<f:debug title="Debug of MyArray">{myarray}</f:debug> <f:debug title="All available variables">{_all}</f:debug>
To modify the depth of an object's properties, use the maxDepth
attribute. It defaults to 8:
<f:debug maxDepth="3">{data}</f:debug>
By default, the dump is positioned above all elements on the page, and
on the top left. To show it at the place f:debug
is called at,
activate "inline":
<f:debug inline="true">{data}</f:debug>
warning - Message
does not output properties of plain stdClass objects
in TYPO3 < 6.2.5Traverses an Array wholy
<ul> <f:for each="{shoppinglist}" as="food" key="number" iteration="itemIteration"> <li class="item{f:if(condition: itemIteration.isFirst, then: 'first-child')}">{number}: {food}</li> </f:for> </ul>
</ul> <li class="item first-child">4: apples</li> <li class="item">3: choclate</li> <li class="item">25: beer</li> <li class="item">10: frozen pizza</li> </ul>
Outputs a HTML form. The data is submitted via POST request (you can
change that by setting method="get"
Inside the form you can use form fields [deprecated wiki link] (see below).
<f:form action="...">...</f:form> <f:form action="..." controller="..." package="..." enctype="multipart/form-data"> ... </f:form>
A form to change the properties of a domain object. This binds the values to the form fields.
<f:form action="..." name="customer" object="{customer}"> <f:form.hidden property="id" /> <f:form.textfield property="name" /> </f:form>
<f:form.checkbox name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" /> Output: <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" />
You can also perfom simple boolean operations.
<f:form.checkbox name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" checked="{object.value} == 5" /> Output: <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" checked="checked" /> (depending on {object})
Bind to an object property
<f:form.checkbox property="interests" value="TYPO3" /> Output: <input type="checkbox" name="user[interests][]" value="TYPO3" checked="checked" /> (depending on property "interests")
Iterates through errors of the request
DEPRECATED: This ViewHelper is not available anymore in TYPO3 6.2.
<ul class="errors"> <f:form.errors> <li>{error.code}: {error.message}</li> </f:form.errors> </ul> Output: <ul> <li>1234567890: Validation errors for argument "newBlog"</li> </ul>
Renders an <input type="hidden" ...>
<f:form.hidden name="myHiddenValue" value="42" /> Output: <input type="hidden" name="myHiddenValue" value="42" />
Creates a textbox for password input.
<f:form.password name="myPassword" /> Output: <input type="password" name="myPassword" value="default value" />
Creates a radio button
< name="myRadioButton" value="someValue" /> Output: <input type="radio" name="myRadioButton" value="someValue" />
< name="myRadioButton" value="someValue" checked="{object.value} == 5" /> Output: <input type="radio" name="myRadioButton" value="someValue" checked="checked" /> (depending on {object})
< property="newsletter" value="1" /> yes < property="newsletter" value="0" /> no Output: <input type="radio" name="user[newsletter]" value="1" checked="checked" /> yes <input type="radio" name="user[newsletter]" value="0" /> no (depending on property "newsletter")
Renders a <select>
dropdown list. The simplest way is to supply an
associative array, where the key is used as option key and the value as
human-readable name.
< name="paymentOptions" options="{payPal: 'PayPal', visa: 'Visa Card'}" />
To preselect a value simply specify the attribute value="..."
. In
this example: value="visa"
. If it is a multi-select box
), then value can be an array, too.
Binding to domain objects
< name="users" options="{userArray}" optionValueField="id" optionLabelField="firstName" />
In this example userArray is an array of "User" domain objects with no
array key. $user->getId()
and $user->getFirstName()
is used to
retrieve the key and the display name. The value attribute in this
case would expect a "User" domain object.
<f:form.submit name="mySubmit" value="Send Mail" /> Output: <input type="submit" name="mySubmit" value="Send Mail" />
<f:form.textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="myTextArea" value="This is shown inside the textarea" /> Output: <textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="myTextArea">This is shown inside the textarea</textarea>
DEPRECATED: use f:form.textfield [deprecated wiki link] instead!
<f:form.textfield name="myTextBox" value="some value" /> Output: <input type="text" name="myTextBox" value="some value" />
Generates an <input type="file">
element. Make sure to set
on the form!
<f:form.upload name="file" /> Output: <input type="file" name="file" />
<f:format.crop maxCharacters="17" append=" [...]">This is some very long text</f:format.crop>
Formats a number to resemble a currency.
<f:format.currency currencySign="€" decimalSeparator="," thousandsSeparator=".">1234.56</f:format.currency>
Output: 1.234,56 €
< format="d.m.Y - H:i:s">+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds</>
Usage with unix timestamps:
< format="d.m.Y - H:i:s">@{your_timestamp}</>
See also: PHP Manual date
Be aware: as the php function date() is not capable of localisation you have no chance to get local named times (weekday, month)
Since Feb 2013 the functionality of this viewhelper is extended: you can use strftime-format-strings (recognized by the usage of '%' in the format-string) and use localisation for weekdays and month.
See also: PHP Manual strftime
Renders Code through lib.parseFunc_RTE or a custom parsing function. To be used with RTE input.
Decode special HTML characters that Fluid encodes by default (&, <, >, ")
<script type="text/javascript"> var json = <f:format.htmlentitiesDecode>{jsonVarFromControllerAction}</f:format.htmlentitiesDecode>; </script>
Outputs an argument/value without any escaping.
Outputs: Content of {string}
without any escaping.
<f:format.raw value="{string}" />
{string -> f:format.raw()}
Makes <br /> tags out of new lines.
<f:format.nl2br>Some text with newlines in it.</f:format.nl2br>
Formats numbers country-specific
<f:format.number decimals="1" decimalSeparator="," thousandsSeparator=".">2345.678</f:format.number>
Output: 2.345,6
Adds whitespace or a user-defined string to a string (using the PHP str_pad function).
<f:format.padding padLength="10" padString="_">text</f:format.padding>
Output: text______
See also: PHP Manual str_pad
Formats a string with the PHP printf function.
<f:format.printf arguments="{0: 34567890, 1: 'some text'}">We can display %2$s and format numbers like this: %1$.3e</f:format.printf> <f:format.printf arguments="{number: 12345}">%d</f:format.printf>
We can display some text and format numbers like this: 3.456e+7
See also: PHP Manual printf
Sorts a multidimensional array in another dimension.
<ul> <f:groupedFor each="{0: {name: 'apple', color: 'green'}, 1: {name: 'cherry', color: 'red'}, 2: {name: 'banana', color: 'yellow'}, 3: {name: 'strawberry', color: 'red'}}" as="fruitsOfThisColor" groupBy="color" groupKey="color"> <li> {color} fruits: <ul> <f:for each="{fruitsOfThisColor}" as="fruit" key="label"> <li>{label}: {}</li> </f:for> </ul> </li> </f:groupedFor> </ul>
Conditional Output
See for more examples. BooleanParserTest.php lists allowed constructs.
<f:if condition="{myvar}"> Displayed if myvar is neither an empty string nor "0". </f:if> <f:if condition="{myvar}"> <f:then> Displayed if myvar is neither an empty string nor "0". </f:then> <f:else> Displayed if myvar IS an empty string or "0". </f:else> </f:if>
<section class="{f:if(condition:, then: 'visible-record', else: 'hide')}">
Since TYPO3 6.1 a string comparison can easily be done:
<f:if condition="{myvar} == 'foobar'"> Displayed if myvar is equal to the string value "foobar" </f:if>
Inline notation:
{f:if(condition:'{variable}==\'foo\'', then:'Hello')} {f:if(condition:'{variable}=="foo"', then:'Hello')}
It is possible, to do some comparance of integer values.
<f:if condition="{rank} > 100"> Will be shown if rank is > 100 </f:if> <f:if condition="{rank} % 2"> Will be shown if rank % 2 != 0. </f:if> <f:if condition="{rank} == {k:bar()}"> Checks if rank is equal to the result of the ViewHelper "k:bar" </f:if>
Inline notation:
{f:if(condition:'{number}==1', then:'Hello')}
Simply use integer comparison:
<f:if condition="{enable} == 1"> Feature enabled! </f:if> <f:if condition="{enable} == 0"> Feature disabled! </f:if>
{f:if(condition: enable, then: 'Feature enabled!')} {f:if(condition: '{enable}==0', then: 'Feature disabled!')}
It is possible to use the result of another viewhelper as condition for the if-statement. The double quotes of the inner view helper have to be changed to single quotes then.
<f:if condition="<f:count subject='{post.comments}' /> > 0"> <f:then> [...] Display comments here[...] </f:then> <f:else> No Comments found. </f:else> </f:if>
Concatenating multiple comparisons with AND, OR or NOT is not possible
in f:if
. You can use
[not available anymore] from VHS for that - see the
If you only need AND
, you can stack all values into an object that
will be compared:
<f:if condition="{0:myvar, 1:secondvar} == {0:'test', 1:'bar'}"> Displayed if myvar is "test" AND secondvar is "bar". </f:if>
Renders the Image specified by the src-attribute. The image can be resized by adding width and/or height attributes (resizing happens on the fly using an instance of tslib_cObj internally). You can also specify 'c' or 'm' to the width and height attributes.
<f:image src="uploads/pics/myImage.png" width="200" height="150" alt="My Image" />
<f:image src="{f:uri.resource(path:'Images/myImage.png')}" width="200" height="150" alt="My Image" />
See also TYPO3 TypoScript Reference: Functions
Selects a layout
<f:layout name="Main" />
Creates a link to an extbase action.
<f:link.action action="myAction"> Do It! </f:link.action>
Example with arguments:
<f:link.action action="myAction" controller="MyController" arguments="{argument: argument}">Do It!</f:link.action>
Email link with spamProtectEmailAddresses-settings.
< email="[email protected]" />
Creates an external link.
<f:link.external uri="" target="_blank">external link</f:link.external>
Creates a Typolink.
<>Current Page</> < pageUid="23">Contact</> < pageUid="13" additionalParams="{tt_news|news: 13}">Read whole news</> (does not work with Fluid 1.3) < pageUid="13" additionalParams="{tt_news: '{news: 13}'}">Read whole news</> (works with Fluid 1.3) < addQueryString="1" section="top">To Top</> < pageUid="23" pageType="123">Generate PDF</>
(only from TYPO3/Fluid 7.0) Creates a Typolink. Useful with link wizard values: 19 _blank - "testtitle with whitespace" &X=y
<f:link.typolink parameter="{link}">Linktext</f:link.typolink> <f:link.typolink parameter="{link}" target="_blank" class="ico-class" title="some title" additionalParams="&u=b" additionalAttributes="{type:'button'}"> Linktext </f:link.typolink>
If you need just the link itself from a link ViewHelper and not the full link tag, the ViewHelpers <f:uri.action>, <>, <f:uri.external>, <f:uri.image>, <> should be used. The arguments are the same as for the ones of <f:link.
<f:uri.action action="myAction" controller="MyController" arguments="{argument: argument}" /> < email="[email protected]" /> < pageUid="23" />
If you are using the link wizard as described here you have to use your own View Helper. Example see here.
Renders Flash-Messages. Deprecated. Use <f:flashMessages> instead!
<f:renderFlashMessages />
Renders Flash-Messages. Optional Parameter is "renderMode"
<f:flashMessages renderMode="div" />
Renders the content of a section or a partial.
<f:render partial="itemForm" arguments="{item: item}" /> <f:render section="sectionname" />
See also: f:section [deprecated wiki link]
By default, variables in current scope are not passed to the template that shall be rendered.
You can provide a list of variables to pass on:
<f:render partial="itemForm" arguments="{item: item, count: itemCount}" />
or simply pass all parameters to the template:
<f:render partial="itemForm" arguments="{_all}" />
With a section you can define a section within a template.
<f:layout name="layoutname" /> <f:section name="content"> //Define Section here </f:section>
This section will be called from a layout with
<f:render section="sectionname" />
Simple view helper that allows you to render content depending on a given value or expression. It bahaves similar to a basic switch statement in PHP.
<f:switch expression="{person.gender}"> <f:case value="male">Mr.</f:case> <f:case value="female">Mrs.</f:case> <f:case default="1">unknown gender</f:case> </f:switch>
Output: Mr. / Mrs. (depending on the value of {person.gender})
warning - Message
prevents the template/partial from
being cached and degrades performance - see bug
#64449.Translate a given key or use the tag body as default.
<f:translate key="label_recent_posts">Below are the most recent posts:</f:translate>
<f:translate key="author" arguments="{0: authorName}">Written by %s.</f:translate>
If the authorName is "Heinz", this becomes (in default translation): "Written by Heinz".
<f:translate key="label_recent_posts" extensionName="blog_example">Below are the most recent posts:</f:translate>
Sometimes, you need some HTML attributes which are not part of the standard. As an example: If you use the Dojo JavaScript framework, using these non-standard attributes makes life a lot easier.
We think that the templating framework should not constrain the user in his possibilities -- thus, it should be possible to add custom HTML attributes as well, if they are needed. Our solution looks as follows:
Every view helper which inherits from AbstractTagBasedViewHelper has a special argument called additionalAttributes which allows you to add arbitrary HTML attributes to the tag.
If the link tag from above needed a new attribute called fadeDuration, which is not part of HTML, you could do that as follows:
<f:link.action ... additionalAttributes="{fadeDuration : 800}"> Link with fadeDuration set </f:link.action>
This attribute is available in all tags that inherit from TYPO3FluidCoreViewHelperAbstractTagBasedViewHelper.
Fluid does not have a native way to e.g. make sums or products of
numbers and variables. You have to use external view
helpers [not
available anymore] like <vhs:math.sum>
- Fluid manual: [not available anymore]
- Extbase: [not available anymore]
- Talks on T3DD09:
- Podcast: [not available anymore]