We are developing a Text Editor [deprecated wiki link] -- based on JavaScript -- to improve the way you can edit files and templates in the TYPO3-backend. The most important feature is to integrate syntax highlighting for TypoScript [deprecated wiki link] in the template module.
- Syntax-Highlighting for TS
- line numbers
- fullscreen mode (very helpful while editing a large piece of TypoScript)
- code-snippets (try "/*" or "/co" followed by a tab)
- code-completion (auto close braces like { ( [ )
- integrated in the template modul (setup, constants and "Edit the whole template record")
- hit CTRL-S to save the code (via Ajax, so no page-reload is required!)
- find and fix up a name:
- [STRIKEOUT:t3codepress]
- t3editor +1
- [STRIKEOUT:t3paul]
- [STRIKEOUT:t3pest (proffesional editor for sources and text)?]
- [STRIKEOUT:(TSedit)] it's not only for TypoScript, so TSedit wouldn't fit very well
- T3dit (3 often replace "E" in 1337-speak) ;) +1
- T3ditor (a mix from T3editor et T3dit)
- T3ddy
- ComplEditor
- (please add your suggestions here)
- fix some bugs and smaller issues
- (a list should placed here...)
- find a way to include the editor-javascript globally in the backend,
so it can be used in different places
- get a class-file which can do all relevant stuff
- relocate the relevant code into an own sysext
- perhaps we can provide a demo-installation for testing
- [STRIKEOUT:as base use a *patched* codepress (so we can use always the current codepress release)]
- start an own fork of codepress, based on the currenty latest version (0.9.5)
- the user need the possibility to disable the editor,
- per BE-User
- on demand (like the RTE)
- simple textarea as fallback
- get some feedback and wishes from the possible users
- fix bugs (are there still bugs in there?)
- integration in fileadmin as default editor (remove tab.js)
- integration in template > ressorces
- try to fix the linenumber-image-thingy
- write a comprehensible documentation
- try to fix the line-number issue (it a basic codepress-problem, see below)
- (insert some more fancy stuff here)
[STRIKEOUT:As base for the editor we are using the]Codepress-Editor[STRIKEOUT:(]SF-Project[STRIKEOUT:) It's working great for IE6+ and Firefox. But there are still some things we are missing or like to solve in Codepress:]
- linenumbers are tricked: it's an image lying in the background
- the problems with it are: it can't resize with the text and it's limited to 1500 lines
- tabs (e.g. for indentions) are very large.
- copy-n-paste from codepress to an other application don't work very well (the codepress-author is currently working on this)
- localization is not solved very nice (it's need to talk with the TYPO3 localization)
- missing support for Opera and Safari
- ...
We decided to make an own fork of the codepress library. There are various resons for this:
- we need to do some major changes in the codepress library to get it work with TYPO3 (eg localization)
- the author of codepress decided to remove some features in the latest version, which we don't want to miss (eg the fullscreen-mode)
[STRIKEOUT:We hope our changes can reflux into the future versions of codepress.]
As Codepress don't fit our needs, we decide to write an own javascript-based editor. We looked at, and get inspired by:
- Codepress
- Editarea
- Codeide
- http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/highlight/story.html
- http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/highlight/index.html
As the [Prototype-Framework http://www.prototypejs.org] is already available in TYPO3, we use it to do some javascript-stuff (like Ajax-Calls).
- beta 1
On 13.05.2007 we released a first beta on typo3-unleashed.net/codepress [not available anymore] as a patch against the TYPO3core-SVN-Version and an already patched corepackage. Download it, try it and send us your feedback!
[STRIKEOUT:* mid of juli: release beta2 (as patch agains the current TYPO3-SVN)]
- get a full featured and full integrated editor in the template-modul for Typoscript
[STRIKEOUT:* end of august: release rc1 (as patch agains the current TYPO3-SVN)]
- get the editor available in all useful places like Template-Resources, fileadmin, Ext-Manager, ...
- end of august: release alpha1 of t3editor, the new javascript-based
- Features:
- linenumbers
- can replace the setup-textarea in the template module
- can be turned of (like the RTE)
- prepared for syntax highlighting (very basic)
- prepared for multi linguism (very basic)
- ...
- Features:
- ...
To get in contact with us, you can send us a mail to codepress(at)typo3-unleashed(dot)net
Further informations and release announcements you can find on typo3-unleashed.net/codepress [not available anymore]
- Thomas Hempel [deprecated wiki link] <thomas(at)typo3-unleashed(dot)net>
- Tobias Liebig [deprecated wiki link] <tobias(at)work(dot)de>
you can help us, if you send us any kind of
- feedback, ideas, wishes, ...
- donations, sponsoring, ...