Content Type: HowTo
[deprecated wiki link].
Question: For which TYPO3 versions does this Wiki page apply?, Sypets 2020-04-17
Please remove "{{Question}}" when the problem is solved. Seeall questions[deprecated wiki link].
Place this code in an extension inside the file
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['colPos']['config']['items'] = array( '3' => array('Kopfzeile', '3'), '2' => array('Rechts', '2'), '1' => array('Links', '1'), '0' => array('Mitte', '0'), '4' => array('Fusszeile', '4') );
In your Page TSconfig [deprecated wiki link] you have to set this value:
mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 1,0,2,3,4
(added item no. 4)
TSconfig Reference » colPos_list
In order to use the content of that column in a page, you can use this code in your TypoScript setup field:
temp.additionalcolumn = CONTENT temp.additionalcolumn { table = tt_content select { pidInList = this orderBy = sorting where = colPos = 4 languageField = sys_language_uid } }
This will make the content from column number 4 available in temp.additionalcolumn, which you can then include in the output of your page.