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Releases: TGMPA/TGM-Plugin-Activation

1.1.0 (2011-10-01)

24 Aug 14:06
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  • Improved property $args to accept arrays of arguments for each plugin needed
  • Improved add_submenu_page to add_theme_page
  • Improved admin notices to display different messages based on status of plugin (not installed, installed but not activated)
  • Improved block-level documentation
  • Improved handling of plugin installation and activation with plugins_api, Plugin_Upgrader and Plugin_Skin_Installer
  • Added support for multiple plugins of each instance (pre-packaged and repo)
  • Added new property $domain to hold textdomain for internationalization
  • Added CSS for slight UI enhancements
  • Added extra conditional checks current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) and current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) for security
  • Removed menu display if all included plugins were successfully installed and activated
  • Removed unnecessary conditional check before class is defined

1.0.0 (2011-09-29)

24 Aug 14:05
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  • Initial release into the wild

2.3.4 (2012-03-30)

24 Aug 14:12
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  • Fixed undefined index notice when checking for required plugins (props @jeffsebring)
  • Fixed bug where, during a bulk install, if the plugin was defined in the source as pre-packaged but also existed in the repo, it would erroneously pull the plugin from the repo instead (props @wpsmith)
  • Added ability to set nag type for the admin notice via 'nag_type' string (props @wpsmith)

2.3.3 (2012-02-03)

24 Aug 14:12
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  • Changed license to reflect GPL v2 or later (to be compatible with the WordPress repo)

2.3.2 (2012-02-03)

24 Aug 14:12
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  • Fixed bug (100%) with not loading class properly

2.3.1 (2012-02-03)

24 Aug 14:11
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  • Fixed bug with not finding class (reverted back to Plugin_Upgrader)

2.3.0 (2012-01-25)

24 Aug 14:11
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  • Improved sorting of plugins by sorting them by required/recommended (while still maintaining alphabetical order within each group)
  • Improved output of strings in nag messages
  • Added 2 new strings: install_link and activate_link to customize the text for the nag action links
  • Added new class: TGM_Plugin_Installer to prepare for must-use plugin support

2.2.2 (2012-01-08)

24 Aug 14:10
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  • Fixed bug that allowed users to click on the Install Plugins page when all the plugin installations and activations were already complete

2.2.1 (2012-01-05)

24 Aug 14:09
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  • Fixed bug that caused WordPress core upgrades to fail (WordPress doesn't check for including WP_Upgrader on core upgrades)

2.2.0 (2012-01-02)

24 Aug 14:09
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  • Fixed erroneous links for plugins linked to the WordPress Repo
  • Improved UI of plugins by listing them in WordPress' default table layout
  • Improved support for installing plugins if security credentials require FTP information
  • Improved support for MultiSite
  • Added 3 new classes (all extensions of existing WordPress classes): TGMPA_List_Table for outputting required/recommended plugins in a familiar table format, TGM_Bulk_Installer for bulk installing plugins and TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin for skinning the bulk install process
  • Added extra defensive measures to prevent duplication of classes
  • Added ability to bulk install and bulk activate plugins
  • Added new config options: 'parent_menu_slug', 'parent_menu_url', 'is_automatic', and 'message'
  • Added new string: 'complete' (displayed when all plugins have been successfully installed and activated)
  • Added support for singular/plural strings throughout the library
  • Added permission checks to action links
  • Added new filter tgmpa_default_screen_icon to set the default icon for the plugin table page
  • Added new optional plugin parameters: 'version', 'force_activation', 'force_deactivation' and 'external_url'
  • Removed 'button' string (deprecated with use of plugins table)