- Cyclomatic complexity of methods
- Too long methods
- Number of Arguments
- Number of Methods
Output formats:
- Plain terminal
- Codeclimate
pub global activate dart_code_metrics
metrics lib
Usage: metrics [options...] <directories>
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-r, --reporter=<console> The format of the output of the analysis
[console (default), json, html, codeclimate]
--cyclomatic-complexity=<20> Cyclomatic complexity threshold
(defaults to "20")
--lines-of-code=<50> Lines of code threshold
(defaults to "50")
--number-of-arguments=<4> Number of arguments threshold
(defaults to "4")
--root-folder=<./> Root folder
(defaults to current directory)
--ignore-files=<{/**.g.dart,/**.template.dart}> Filepaths in Glob syntax to be ignored
(defaults to "{/**.g.dart,/**.template.dart}")
--set-exit-on-violation-level=<warning> Set exit code 2 if code violations same or higher level than selected are detected
[noted, warning, alarm]
See example/example.dart
A plugin for the Dart analyzer
library package providing rules support from dart_code_metrics.
Add dependency to
dev_dependencies: dart_code_metrics: ^1.5.1
Add settings to
analyzer: plugins: - dart_code_metrics dart_code_metrics: metrics: cyclomatic-complexity: 20 number-of-arguments: 4 metrics-exclude: - test/** rules: - newline-before-return - no-boolean-literal-compare - no-empty-block - prefer-trailing-comma-for-collection