Handling migration from deprecated https://outlook.office.com to https://graph.microsoft.com
If the access token was generated with the deprecated apis then the audience set in the access token jwt is https://outlook.office.com. In order to transfer the authorization to graph apis we need to refresh the token. Check for audience via the migration service and then force refresh the token.
"aud": "https://outlook.office.com",
"iat": 1607715484,
"nbf": 1607715484,
"exp": 1607719384,
$invalidToken = \Symplicity\Outlook\Utilities\MigrationService::isTokenInvalid('access_token');
if ($invalidToken) {
// Token was generated using deprecated api
$tokenHandler = new \Symplicity\Outlook\Token('clientId', 'clientSecret');
// The new token generated will be issued by graph.microsoft.com
$token = $tokenHandler->refresh('refresh_token', 'redirect_url')