####Session 1: Setting Up a Testing Framework
####Who will benefit from this session:
This session will take an existing code base with no tests and implement the following :-
a) A testing framework
b) Unit Tests
c) BDD Tests
d) Data Driven BDD Tests
Anybody who works as a manual tester or has never been involved with the early stages of a project will benefit. Even if you will not be writing these tests it will give you a clear example of what is done as well how it is done. Furthermore an ability to pair with developers writing unit tests so that you can improve the coverage and speed of your tests.
It will be hands on as well so instead of just understanding the theory you will get to practice.
####Reading Material
We would suggest you spend 15 minutes to get an idea of the basics of ruby
Have a look at Capybara which is the Browser Runner we are using.
####Pre-requisites and setup instructions
Install Sublime text Editor
Install the Sublime packages -
Ruby Debugger, Rspec and Cucumber: Install through Apple/shift P shortcut or through Sublime Text menu. Search for Package Control: Install Package and then add the package (Rspec etc) from there.
Note: You may not have the package control (and therefore not able to install any packages), if that is the case this page tells you how to install that. -
Setup a Github account and send us your account name
Once we have added you to the repositry you can Fork the repo by clicking Fork in the top right corner. Put the code in a location that you will be able to find.
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Install RVM - You can install for your specific O/S
Install Ruby through the command line
rvm install ruby-2.1.2