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File metadata and controls

130 lines (99 loc) · 7.46 KB

This project builds Docker image and a helm chart for chosen version of Fuseki with UI.

Building docker image

The Docker image building process takes the following arguments: JENA_VERSION defaulted to 5.0.0 ALPINE_VERSION defaulted to 3.19.1

To build the Docker image manually the following command can be used:

docker build --force-rm --build-arg JENA_VERSION=5.0.0 -t fuseki .

It's possible to build the image for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms.

In the case the image will be run on a linux/amd64 platform but building happens on a platform with different architecture, the docker build command could look like follows:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --force-rm --build-arg JENA_VERSION=5.0.0 -t fuseki .

Running docker image

There are images built for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 available on dockerhub. For available versions check renku/renku-jena page.

There are certain environment variables that might be set before running the image:

  • JVM_ARGS - environment variable with all additional JVM ARGs needed for the server to operate correctly. The default value is: -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m.
  • FUSEKI_BASE - a folder where all the configurations and data are kept. By default it's set to /fuseki. It's mandatory to mount some volume which FUSEKI_BASE points to. The fuseki user has to have write privileges on that folder. The folder should be a persistent volume, otherwise, all the data and the configuration will be lost on the server shutdown. It's recommended not to change the value for FUSEKI_BASE but simply mount a volume to fuseki.

An example docker run command starting Fuseki server may look like follows:

docker run -i --rm -p "3030:3030" -e 'FUSEKI_BASE=/fuseki' --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/target,dst=/fuseki -t fuseki

Additionally, other files might be mounted to the server to customise certain its aspects:

  • Security: By default a simple security model is used where an admin user (with admin password) is configured. The user protects the admin endpoints only (all endpoints starting with /$/, except /$/status and /$/ping which are left unprotected). A chosen security model might be used and configured in a custom shiro.ini file. The file has to be mounted on ${FUSEKI_BASE}/shiro.ini. More info on how to prepare the file can be found here.
  • Logging: By default all server log statements of severity INFO and higher will be logged to the console. The standard rules can be changed in a custom file and mounted on ${FUSEKI_BASE}/ More can be found here.
  • Server properties: default Fuseki server properties are stored in the ${FUSEKI_BASE}/config.ttl file. A custom file can be prepared and mounted to replace the defaults.

Configuring Helm chart

There's a set of values that have to be configured in order to make Fuseki working as intended:

  • persistence.size - size of the persistence volume; defaulted to 1Gi;
  • additionalEnvironmentVariables.JVM_ARGS - flags to be passed to the JVM in the server startup command; it's common to pass some memory related settings to JVM, e.g. -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m.
  • requests.memory - amount of memory requested for the container; should be higher than 'Xmx' if set on additionalEnvironmentVariables.JVM_ARGS;
  • compacting.ADMIN_USER - username of an admin user who has access to Fuseki Admin API, e.g. admin if the default shiro.ini is used.
  • compacting.COMPACTING_SCHEDULE - an expression defining schedule of compacting execution, e.g. Mon *-*-* 00:00:00 meaning every Monday at 00:00:00. More details can be found at

By default, the chart creates a Persistent Volume and mounts it at $FUSEKI_BASE. This folder is used by Fuseki for storing both the configuration and the data. It's crucial for $FUSEKI_BASE to be on a persistent volume, otherwise the configuration and the data will be lost on server shutdown. As mentioned above, it's recommended not to modify the mounting point but simply mount a volume to /fuseki.

There might be other files that had to be customised in order to achieve certain behaviour of Fuseki server. These files should be listed under additionalVolumeMounts and additionalVolumes in the values.yaml file. The most common customisations are:

  • shiro.ini - definition of security aspects of the Fuseki server. In-depth info can be found here. As mentioned above, the default file specifies admin user (with admin password) that protects admin endpoints (starting with /$/) except /$/status and /$/ping.
  • - logging settings; more info is available on the Fuseki page

An example configuration of a volume mount (for shiro.ini file specifically) may be done this way:

  - name: shiro-config
    mountPath: /fuseki/shiro.ini
    subPath: shiro.ini
    readOnly: true

An example configuration for a volume may look like follows:

  - name: shiro-config
      name: jena-shiro-ini
      defaultMode: 0555

While jena-shiro-ini can be defined like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: jena-shiro-ini
    {{- include "renku-jena.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
  shiro.ini: |-
    # Development
    ssl.enabled = false

    iniRealm.credentialsMatcher = $plainMatcher

    admin={{ .Values.users.admin.password }}
    dsuser={{ .Values.users.user.password }}


    ## Control functions open to anyone
    /$/status = anon
    /$/ping   = anon

    ## and the rest are restricted
    /$/** = authcBasic,user[admin]
    /my-dataset/** = authcBasic,user[dsuser]

All of the mentioned mounts are optional and chart provides defaults for them (look for a relevant file in the root folder of the repository).

Working with the server

Initially, the server starts with no datasets, except from the cases when there are datasets configured and created in the mounted ${FUSEKI_BASE}/configuration and ${FUSEKI_BASE}/databases folders. In such a case, the existing datasets will be served by the server straight after the start-up.

New datasets can be added in the following ways:

  • through the admin API by POSTing a ttl config file (preferred way):
    curl -X POST -d @custom-ds.ttl -H 'Content-Type: text/turtle' http://fuseki-host/$/datasets
  • through the Fuseki UI Console;
  • through new ttl configuration file added to ${FUSEKI_BASE}/configuration folder (server restart is needed to pick up the new configs);

NOTICE: the security model configured in the shiro.ini file will be used for the newly created datasets.


In order to release a new version of both the Docker image and the chart, the following steps needs to be done:

  • update the version property in the renku-jena/Chart.yaml with a correct value;
  • update the image.tag property in the renku-jena/values.yaml with a correct value;
  • update the JENA_VERSION build argument in the chartpress.yaml with the relevant version of Jena;
  • publish a new release in GitHub.